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Girl drinking cum from glass, cup, container etc
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nvm, code is DMC-38
fun fac: for years they used forzen cum but the taste was so horrible and rotten they started using cum fresh from the bottle.
Are these actual huge volumes of semen or do they use fakery?
Unless the scene shows all the men ejaculating into the cup on camera, they're using some filler
They're real, just search them on spankbang
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They show all the men cum in her mouth for the first half of the bukkake scene and she spits it in a container, then they show them jerk on her face and let it drip, then they show them fill the cup from said container and you watch her (usually struggle to) drink it all over the course of several minutes.

Japan is not big on presenting these women as super into it, there is a lot of crying breaks in bukkake porn. Someone once told me their laws over there are such once the woman agrees to be in the movie she can't take it back.

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