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Nose hooks are the fucking best
What's her name?
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Japan Pig Slave
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What a fat ugly cunt
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Love that gag, collar, nope clamp combo
She's handcuffed as well, which is great, It looks so good and makes it just that little bit harder to resist.
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>>2473318 oops
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was looking for content with this kind of new gag
looks really hot in theory, but cant find content to check if it is really as good as it looks. Does anybody have videos or something? I only found one phub video ...

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I got one from Ali Express.
It works really well. I could not utter a single word.
But at the same time it did kinda hurt on my tongue.
But never the less could wear it for an hour no problem. Maybe the original is of higher quality?
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Does it make you drool, how mutch?
>Does it make you drool
No, not really, because for me it's so tight, that no drool will get out.
Sure, if you remove the gag, there's a lot of drool build up. But there won't be a flow of drool, like with a hollow ball gag.
But overall pretty comfy, for me, more comfy than a regular ball gag, once you get comfortable with the crazy full freaking in your mouth.
Hollywood domme shoots are the best!
Silensilicon on insta
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lmao tell that bitch to shave, my dude
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Submissive girl - no allowed to say a word
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Private slave training
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Outdoor slave training in the woods
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Stop back talking
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More of this cunt
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save it for xmas
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