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holy fuck, so hot
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this blonde needs her pretty ass demolished by a huge bbc
AubreyLuvss. One of the best BBC content creators out there. She has a $25 sex tape where she dirty talks you and then does cum eating instructions after she gets creampied. I’m so tempted to buy it
holy fuck, thats nice. if you end up getting it, come give a review
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Tara babcock
she should do it for real
Based retard can't check the catalogue

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Does know any pornstar that's worn this while fucking a White guy? I'm guessing not
Any of girls wearing this under their regular clothes? The blacked band just poking up from their jeans, etc
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what the fuck? source?
this girl is crazy retarded. she is actually in a relationship with a black guy
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why so many shoops
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why is she so mean?
How can you not love her?

Didn't have a father growing up.
She has talked about it in Q&As before but basically she has always just been super disappointed by white boys. Like they were always bad at sex, or had small dicks, or were super cringey.

It’s not an issue of daddy issues or whatever. White boys just suck and she figured that out. We failed her in other words not the other way around.

Nothing we can really do to change that, but one thing we can always do is jack off. That’s the way I handle it.
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I bet her Boyfriend has watched her take a few black dicks!
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I heard the real story is she got rejected by white guys so she coped by getting a black guy instead. So it's all projection.
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who are they?

also any idea who girl in this webm is?
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forgot webm again
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>>2485256 is kittykazuhira on twitter, its a tranny
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So basically you are saying that white boys weren’t man enough to make sure that one of their own didn’t “stray off course.” Okay, still sounds like maybe white bois were being bitches then. Not sure how well that helps your case. Now she is fine as fuck and getting blacked daily.
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fuck that girl is so perfect whats her name?
it's in the archive by image md5
from playing COD on twitch to fucking black men as a job
that was a bold carreer choice
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