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Share anything related to being pussy free, pussy denied, etc. Chastity and couples practicing a pussy free relationship/no PIV relationship welcome!
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I need a women to permanently keep me caged now
Yes you do. Lock up your limp baby dick and throw away the key
for you it's pussy free lifestyle, for me it's thursday
need more content that explains how you can ruin your clit with prone masterbation/bending it aggressively.
Based. Betas shouldn't be allowed to breed.
women can be a real pita
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Great fetish, love it. Things i don't like about it are cage fetish, what the fuck, are you fucking gay?
Going overboard with the insult like tell you to kill yourself because you are so fucking much of a failure. that is just horrible and not fun at all.
i like being called a faggot, a loser,a betamale, masturbator, cum eating closeted homo and things like that (in the fetish world not irl). you know when it is intentionally teasing and the point is sexual arousal.
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My 5-year dry spell is someone's fantasy?
Allegedly never had sex and was only doing softcore. Then swallowed hundreds of loads from stranders tens at a time. Without ever getting fucked. She genuinely enjoyed swallowing by th way. Giggly smiling all three scenes
Yeah, my biggest fantasy is to be permanently pussyfree. My wife keeps me in chastity, but still really likes being creampied. I love fucking her, but there's a big part of me that hopes someday she says I'm not allowed to anymore.

You want what you don't have, I guess
I mean, you do you, but I gotta tell you, mostly it's just burgers and reruns of "Star Trek: Enterprise." it's like being a Dad without all the screaming kids. Including fixing the gutters now and then.
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Don’t make eye contact, loser. You know your place.
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This is the most female nudity that a beta like me deserves to witness
makes it hotter since im a 32 yo virgin lol
here you go sweethearts. anyone wants more?
Yes please. I don't deserve to view raw female nudity.
Just in case someone hear doesn't know about it.
speaking of that, does the editor tool sucks for you too? sometimes the files wont load, other times they load but i cant save them with settings. it fucking sucks.
other than that yeah, puryFi extension is absurdly good. via kemono you can get the beta version they distribute through patreon, which seems to be broken or something cause it let's me use patreon exclusive options without being one lmao
bump, will do some edits if you send pics, then you can delete originals and keep pussyfree lifestyle going
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Sorry for the terrible photo quality in advance, will you please do some pussy free edits of my oneitis? I'll send a few more pics of her
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Third Pic
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She openly called me a beta and a cuck when we talked so it's perfect
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And that should be enough pics for now
Bro I get the fetish and stuff but why are you simping for a fat ugly ranga lmao. Your oneitis is cringe
any good discords for based pussyfree stoned loser gooners?
Pussyfree virgin and it's great.

Also seconding >>2480734
Anon I beg of you, please make pussy free edits of those pictures of my redheaded oneitis. I love her, I don't deserve to penetrate her
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Fetishizing your own self-abnegation is literally looking for an excuse for being too lazy to fuck.
Also congrats on internalizing learned helplessness as a sexual fetish. I will be sure to be on the lookout for when you guys shoot up a public place again because you decided to consume this shit.
No you don't understand, I want to have sex with her as often as possible. I just want to be an inch away from her pussy without ever being allowed in.

I want to suck her toes, eat her pussy, and fuck her with a strapon, and have her tease me constantly about how my cock is never going to be inside her again. I want her to tell all of her friends how she keeps my cock in a cage and makes me beg to cum just to ruin it.

We're already like half of the way there, and honestly I don't think I'd really want to be pussy free permanently, but fuck it's a hot thought
I thought this was an anal-only thing. Disappointed.
Sex is so much effort, and even more monumentally difficult to get to the point of even having sex in the first place. It's hot to resign myself to sexlessness with a woman I'm interested in while encouraging her to fuck other men
>It's hot to resign myself to sexlessness with a woman I'm interested in while encouraging her to fuck other men
Literally seek help dude, this isn't healthy.
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one of my favorite fetishes.
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Even better with bi-confusion
Definitive proof being gay is better than being a straight cuck or virgin.
Who is this? i'd like to see the set without captions
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Someone please make pussy free edits of my Goddess
doing Pu**y free edits
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Please do edits of my redhead. I was the poster above you
3 chances to spell "Loser" right Jerry, 3 TIMES
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Who is this?
I will do some edits. send your women.
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no pussy, only feet
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