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I used to try 7-80s porns and always wonder what are they doing now. I googled several top guys and it seems that almost all of them disappeared even without a trace

I beg sb here may even has some personal contact

They either died, went on to lead normal lives or are living destitute and homeless!
This is the best website for info on old performers
I imagine their hair might have grown sentient and strangled them in their sleep.
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Kelly "Fucking" Wells, IRL name Jessica Lee Wall.

Her work is what made me realize I wanted to try anally fucking a woman, and doing that, made me realize I love ass fucking women. Always wondered what happened to her, but looking up information on her, despite her real name being known, isn't easy. There is another woman with her exact same name, that could *almost* pass as an aged up version of Kelly Wells.

I legit hope she is doing OK.

If any of you internet sleuths are good at finding people, I would love to know more about where she is now.
they all died of AIDS
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based deepthroat enjoyer ex-president
They are real estate agents now. Seems like that's the go-to for a lot of them.
Makes sense. I've heard there's a lot of female real estate agents who flirt with and promise to fuck male clients to seal the deal. It's worth it for the commission.
This one is much more recent, but it's a curious one all the same:

> real estate agent

It's what Taylor Rain did and apparently she's pretty successful at it, she was even interviewed by a local news channel about the housing market a few years back.

good thread, post more
HIGH rate of early deaths in the industry, but most are simply retired and living anonymously.

Pornstars in the pre-internet era did not expect anyone other than guys that frequented porn rental stores to ever see them. So "fame" was not part of their expectations when they entered the industry. It wasn't like it is now where everyone knows they're going to be all over the internet and everyone is going to see it and know they were in porn for the rest of their lives, so they know what they're getting into beforehand and wouldn't have gotten in in the first place if they hadn't accepted that.
Linda Lovelace was a whore who played the Christfag card to justify whoring out for B Movie Porn flicks.

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