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jannies deleted my last thread, even though the previous one was full.
Anyways, what do you think of the odds caprice ever returns, this scene >>2477340
was absolute kino. imagine her with hollywood's black cobra...
I think she's more likely to retire at this point
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No clue but I hope she does more!
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I told you to get a job, aspie
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love the look on her face in this one
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One of the best interracial scenes ever. She goes totally crazy for him.
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does anyone knows the name of this blonde girl? she is so pretty
Did you make this and is there more? Looks fantastic
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Elena Koshka
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Need some Megan Rain
stab her deep
more pics, please?
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i swear Vixen puts more effort into their other studios than Blacked (and Raw) because why does Brandi look sexier and appealing here on her recent Milfy scene than her recent Blacked ones where it looks like they made her look ghoulish?
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brandi is killing my dick lately, cant wait to watch this
this one was really good too, maitland really grew on me
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She gets absolutely manhandled in this one, Louie is such a beast and Kenzie is so tiny that it makes for the hottest combo, same with him and Ivy Wolfe. Just imagine being towered over and totally at the mercy of such a monster
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Maitland has some good scenes, that's for sure.
I love her expression here.
It all looks the same. It was kinda hot at first, now it just got boring.
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>anon why are you jerking off instead of getting this nigger off of me?
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her pussy looks so good in this pic
Sorry but it's time to retire, brandi
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demi hawks on next raw, cant wait
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whore never even did blacked, get her tf outta here
I love Demi but why'd they have to go and cover up her freckles? That's her best feature.
I don't see why she should. Her fans love seeing her take BBC, and so do her libcuck haters. It's win-win
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nah, we're still good...
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nice wig...
he probably just sprays it on
I am talking about the girl. She is wearing a wig. She's always wearing a wig. It's nasty. She thinks she's black lol.
need someone to chat with about my gf getting ruined by bbc

discord: yura_4677
fuck off faggot
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FINALLY a good scene from Blacked again
>She thinks she's black lol.
Not this shit again blacked is for everyone to enjoy. Even lightskin black guys can enjoy blacked. It is about women who have been born with the assets to easily succeed ruining themselves for short term fun with a primitive brute. Meanwhile, men who are objectively better choices struggle romantically. It is this bittersweet dichotomy that makes blacked so great
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>It is about women who have been born with the assets to easily succeed ruining themselves for short term fun with a primitive brute
Nailed it. It should be obvious to basically anyone who watches how society values white women compared to black men. One group is put on a pedestal and expected to safeguard their innocence while the other is viewed as dangerous and unclean, but virile. Scenes like this classic are fun to watch because they acknowledge these memes tongue-in-cheek. You don't expect preppy private school girls to be caught dead with tattooed thugs.
>dangerous and unclean, but virile.
This extends to other groups too. I personally can cope with a woman rejecting me in favor of a white guy because she wants a taller boyfriend who otherwise exercises similar effort in life. The guy has somewhat earned it. I assume for a nerdy black guy its the same he can cope with it if a black girl picks another race over him. But even to him it will sting if she picks some ghetto dark skin dude. Maybe even especially when black women always rant about lacking good men. That incongruence hurts. And that's where blacked comes in allowing him to wallow in this bittersweetness. He worked so much, beat the odds all in vain. For whites it is as you mentioned the status disparty. I am Asian for us it's the investment and the humiliation of having to jump through so many hoops. 20+ years of education to be considered remotely worthy and this guy gets it for free. This is also why bleached or riced are so cringe. Oh so you likely have a committed relationship with someone at or above you socio-economic level? How are men supposed to cope with that? Compare that with this scene or Jia with her BBC goes splurt splurt mindset
What the fuck lmao.
Another thread ruined by a genuinely autistic troon communist who will never kiss a woman and will probably accidentally die masturbating like a gay furry.
The most dysgenic autistic troons posted this shit. They're probably indian or hispanic.
Wearing a wig is what black women do, retard.
kek I bet the retard just never met a black person so he didn't get what you're referencing
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This bitch is way too obese. 100 years ago she'd be in a circus.
shes so tubby, they got her wearing a chest-fupa diaper in her new scene.. her gut is so gross I had to turn it off, I'm sorry. First raw miss in a while, they are seriously losing me...
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who's the girl?
Paisley Porter in what might well be her last scene ever. She announced her retirement just before it dropped.
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Gabbie, Kendra, Skylar Vox (on Blacked/Raw) - they were all busty and had a slim waist. This new girl only has big tits because she is so obese. The others were fit.
I saw the scene with this nigga and Melody Marks and his cum-shot was just like a single droplet.
Oh. That’s disappointing
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>she's the closest thing there is to a Gabbie Carter replacement
no that would be Angel Youngs
God that fucking whore just won't stop, I dont have enough cum! Let's enjoy it while it lasts, before she gets fat or fucks up her face like Kendra.
For some reason, black men can't cum. They can usually only dribble out a tiny drop of watery semen.
True. She has a cute face, but she's too fat and needs to lose weight. Why is BLACKED trying to force her?
>Why is BLACKED trying to force her?
two aging, bitter, politically-obsessed women make the "creative" decisions at blacked currently, so theyre moving away from everything that made it a cultural phenomenon, now accept the mystery-meat goblins, the tatted skanks and pig in lipstick, bigot.
it's pretty bad that some old fuck like Lexington Steele who came back after being gone for a few years can blow bigger loads than young dudes like Damion Dayski
dayski got that fucked up implant surgery dick
This girl is homely. Her only saving grace was being very young but that's over now. Only 22 and her tits are watery and sagging.
It's not just that she's obese but she has 0 muscle she got that hank hill ass
>implant surgery
That's not usually what happens. What's more common is doing what Julio Gomez did and getting some ligament snipped that lets your cock hang lower and look bigger, but with the consequence of making a truly "erect" erection difficult.
She's disgusting. She looks like an airbrushed granny, wtf is that weird face of hers.
She's 22. Born in 2002. But 24 is still to early to hit the wall.
I noticed some serious airbrushing on another blacked photoset recently... too drunk to remember right now though lol
lol'd cuz true
Her nosejob is weird and she's an uppity cunt in all of her scenes. She deserves to be on facial abuse getting karate kicked in the adams apple.
Good riddance. She's never been fappable. Ugly ass bitch with botched fake tits.
>indian retard
> I am asian
yeah okay faggot...
for real she talks back to anyone talking dirty to her in her dogfart scenes and she's average looking and had a total schnoz before surgery. She can eat shit.
Kenzie > Piper
Ivy Wolfe is also underrated
I had a crush on Maitland when she was on boy meets world... Best porn newcomer since Little Caprice lol.. used to jerk off to Caprice when she just did nude modeling. Seeing her get blacked is amazing.
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>Best porn newcomer since Little Caprice
I wouldnt go that far, but something about her makes her a must-watch for me, shes so trashy and i love it
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>is this woman ever going to slow down?
I hope not anon, I really hope she did a lot more scenes. I love her so much
It's a shame the guy they got for this scene is a light skin, wish they made it with someone dark and big as Louie Smalls

Her nose is oddly cute to me, she looks beautiful and high class.

>I want her to yell at me in Italian and call me a faggot in her mothertongue. She's such a mean unforgiving BBC slut
Giga based
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Completely agree. Her and Violet Myers make me feel like I'm going crazy. WHERE ARE THE PRETTY GIRLS?
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so true
everything they said was true liberal retard
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anyone wanna see any particular sets?
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ugh all that bbc is gonna make me cum
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wow that's a big bbc
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brown autistic virgin hands typed this
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holy kino.
I heard there was a leak of a new VMG site anyone know what it is?
I think its some cuck shit, sounds gay af. They should just make Blacked great again, like it used to be instead of this faggy female-driven YA-novel tier "paradise island" cringe-fest.
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new vixen model. now if she wasnt made for nigger cock, I just dont know anymore...
Dolly my beloved...
Her asshole looks so tight, but can take a pounding like it's nothing. Probably the best anal performer at the moment.
She also has a scene with Jax where she says big black cock in German.
Is it true VMG is making a new IR cuck site called WIFEY and if so what are the sources? I heard this leaked recently
Don't know about any leaks, but they have been openly searching for amateur couples who are willing to do cuckolding and this has been going on for months already. It certainly seems plausible.
Can someone please post the starter pack?
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Anybody else here would prefer if Blacked videos kept the tone they set at the first 5-10 minutes? I like how they play a little scenario, gets me going good, but then they turn the music off and the tone devolves into the most generic porn imaginable.
Is it really that hard writing/reading lines that stick to the theme?
Is it really that prohibitive to have background music during the whole video?

I guess Im noatalgic for old school porn.
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I guess the firefighter career didnt pan out
Damn I haven't thought about her in years, used to be one of my favorite pornstars. She looks pretty good all things considering
mfw witnessed her career go from teen slut to milf icon
This is unexpected.
Holy fuck, the Queen has come back!
Got any Bree Daniels? Not the one where she's on a leash, I already have that one.
How is that a BBC? Pathetic
It's because no one wants music during the scenes anymore and everyone always complains if someone actually tries to do it. It's one of the major complaints, so studios have dropped it altogether.
She's one of the few new girls who'd be pretty enough for the old Blacked.
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Lexi is my favorite girl and ever since this scene dropped, it's the only scene of hers I can fap to. Wish she did more before she got too bogged.
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you'd enjoy vintage porn
Those eyes say a lot
>the tone devolves into the most generic porn imaginable
This is why I hate vanilla porn
Okay, but that BLACKED scene with Tori Black getting manhandled by Jason Luv and Louie Smalls(?) is anything but vanilla.
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The fact she's married, to a white guy, makes watching her Blacked-scenes even hotter.
>She also has a scene with Jax where she says big black cock in German.
It's a scene for his website.
Dolly Dyson - BBC JaxSlayher Revenge Fuck
The blue eyes omfg
Too old. Her breast implants are way past their sell by date.
I saw a preview of this scene, and she legit sounds OLD AF, bitch must've blown out her vocal chords throating cock during her retirement, cause goddamn.
We're entering the cooler months and you know what that means. I am making entire weekends my devotional to Black cock and not leaving the house.

Literally spent half the day gooning and left the blinds open. I no longer give a shit if my neighbors see BBC in all its holy might thrusting away on my TV screen. Imagine if we all start flying our fresk flags high and make this shit mainstream. There could be government programs to support interracial porn in the future.
She has a huge roid clit now and she sounds like a man.
>There could be government programs to support interracial porn in the future.
can... can we just get cute blondes with no tattoos again?...
That gets me so hard
One of my favourite scenes, Bree Daniels. Love how her tits bounce as she's getting railed.
What did they do to make her tits look so perky in that scene?
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God she's so cute
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Who is Sarah Peterson?
Yo these are fire, bro

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