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NO professional porn. NO actresses faking it. Just real women enjoying each other.
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that's Tiffany teen. definitely not amateur or non staged
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Anymore of the first two?
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Wife and her bestie
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you're not afraid they'll start to go around your back and become romantically involved (aside you being more of a cuck if you don't smash the bestie at all)
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Really wonder what these girls are doing now. These pictures have to be almost (if not more) 20 years old by now.

Are they married with kids? Both lesbians? Do they know that this set still gets posted here on a semi-regular basis?
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I just wish there was a full video. Never got why image sets are posted when you cna just record everything with a camera.
That wasn't as easy back then as it is today. Not impossible, but a real pain in the ass. You had to record on tape, transfer to your computer using some fairly expensive equipment at the time, and then you ended up with a video file that was way too fucking big to post online at the time. Back then it just wasn't worth the effort.
Yup. Back then, digital cameras gave us the instant gratification that phones do now.
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>NO professional porn. NO actresses faking it. Just real women enjoying each other.
>>NO professional porn. NO actresses faking it. Just real women enjoying each other.
A blast from the past! Suomenlinna, Finland, sometime in the mid/late 00's IIRC. I was friends with that receiving chick back in the days.
4chan Police
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So nice. That's the first time I see so much pics of them, even fi it's of course too few. They are top tier. Such nice tits both of them.
If anybody has, please moar !
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File deleted.
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Fuck, I need to find another girlfriend for my wife and I.
....my wife and ME
Where can I watch that specific pic which on is Tiffany Teen? its hard to search for
Got a webm or something I can watch? Very hottt.
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Bump to keep this alive
Don't worry. I get my turn too
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is that seska?
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She might be a fatty but fuck she's sexy, cute face
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NO professional porn. NO actresses faking it.

Better get posting your certified real lesbian porno. This thread is dyin' fast.
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Mother daughter??

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