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>tfw you will see Kendra slurpin dick on blackpayback or dickdrainers in your lifetime
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Who now?
this. also jax is a faggot but his site/brand makes absolute kino. a kendra/dayski colab (blackedraw please) would end me...
2016 Kendra was a top 5 most beautiful woman to ever do porn. She could have been the face of the industry if she played it right.

Now though, between all the extra tattoos, the extra pounds she put on, and just her overall stylistic choices, I'm just not feeling it anymore. I guess the appeal of Blacked for me was always that the girls looked so angelic and contrasted with the thugs they were fucking, and now that she's embraced the ratchet e-girl look her appeal is just gone. Oh well. She had a better run than most.
well put. her old stuff is like appreciating the art of kubrick films, you can always go back to them
Yeah she was very pretty when she first started and it makes me sad seeing how she ended up. She was talking about how much she hates her tattoos because she was high out of her mind in the period that she got them. She is someone who was actually exploited by the porn industry.
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She was so cute before she got all tatted up and became a total whore. I saw an interview where she said she was escorting at a hotel and some guy paid her extra for anal and she pooped and it made her cry.
she was always just a polish mudshark
what a travesty
let us remember the good times
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Generally not a blacked fan but this is probably her best scene. Her tits are beautiful and she really gets properly fucked in that scene it's mesmerizing
God she was peak. What a damn shame.
Lol cmon. Like y'all would turn down the opportunity to fuck her if she offered it to you tomorrow
yes sir
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Absolutely not. I have high standards. I only fuck 18-21 yo Japanese virgin trad girls with natural DD boobs.
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She is hot but I can't agree top 5. There are too many I would put ahead of her. She is however very sexy and those tits are incredible. Easy to see why she is popular.
>she pooped and it made her cry
only a matter of time before this milfy wench decided to prey on Damion
i called it, lol >>2479918
she's like 30 and he's only just turned drinking age, hot.
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>she pooped and it made her cry
She says it at 7:35 and goes on to say her next client was waiting in the lobby and so she put a blanket over the poop and then fucked her next client on top of the poop
oh no no no is she retarded?
She got arrested a few weeks ago for drug possession. Apparently she used to be addicted to xans for a couple years, and that's why she got way more tattoos at the time.
She was high or drunk in that interview
Yeah I’ve seen an interview where she says she really regrets the tats and that she was in a very bad mental state when she got them
>she was in a very bad mental state when she got them
Popping pills will do that.
>Blacked Supermodel
so hot knowing that will always be her claim to fame...
she got arrested for weed or so she says. I forgot how much of a stoner whore she is, constantly posts about weed on her twitter and tiktok.
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>she pooped and it made her cry
Her poop made her cry
She tried to hide stinky poop
Where did life go wrong
what fucking phenotype is this?
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phenotype: mudshark, aka coalburner, aka father tormentor/disappointer
Those tattoos and that kilo of face paint are vile.
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Agree but dem titties. dem titties though
love her phat nips
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Yeah, it's crazy. She only just turned 29 but Kendra already looked like a completely busted whore years ago. She lived hard and fast, with her peak obviously being 2015-18. I guess she didn't really know what she was getting herself into when she signed up with Vixen Media Group.
She looks hot even in her mugshot
Don't these women know how to clean their assholes out good enough that this doesn't happen? Shouldn't she know this? Or maybe she got caught off guard with this guys request and was too greedy to say no even though she knew she would have to see another client. Either way, holy kek that is a funny story.
Lmao dumb bitch got taken advantage from the porn kikes…. Story older than time.
Lmao. Bet the guy liked.
The story gets better top kek
>she pooped and it made her cry
I have to pay extra for that
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Well the kekiest thing she ever did was she was doing a cam show and she had a pizza delivered and she offered the pizza delivery man a blowjob and he turned her down. She was visibly upset, like maybe she began to wonder if what she was doing was a good thing or not. Search: Kendra Sunderland pizza delivery. The video is easy to find. Pizza guy flat out turns her down, he just wants the money for the pizza
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The pizza guy was probably suspicious? Maybe he thought it was some kind of set-up and he'd be the butt of the joke.
What a dumb bitch
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she's one of the big reasons i got into bbc stuff
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same. her taking nigger cock is so fucking hot
She looks so good getting blacked properly
See man, that’s the thing, she thought it was normal to do this, and in fact it isn’t. The pizza guy did the right thing, gimme my money so I can fuck off and not be a part of some scam of prank.
Said that, the mind of this whore is so fucked up that she thought this was acceptable and in the decline she probably felt ugly and undesirable…. That’s what happens by hanging with other sluts and pimps…. Dumb whore.
>she LOOKED*
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I agree. It’s a shame she chose to go down the path she did. She will probably be dead within the next 7 or 8 years.
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>2016 Kendra was a top 5 most beautiful woman to ever do porn
>Now though, between all the extra tattoos, the extra pounds she put on, and just her overall stylistic choices, I'm just not feeling it anymore
I don’t mind the extra pounds but everything else I agree
she literally looked like my dream gf back in these pics. She was so fucking sexy and cute and she ruined it for cheap thrills and is now a witch
Come on. Dont get specific with me. I am man, go debate with another teen
it's not 2014 grandpa, it's not even 2017 anymore. We had it so good in 2016-2018 I don't think anyone realizes or talks about it enough.
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It’s too bad she didn’t know how special she was. She chose to be an ordinary tattooed whore
She is stupid lazy whore. Of course she didn’t know and the kikes of porn took advantage of her as per usual. She will be used like a cumrag and them discarded like other whores, some due suicide. I think she was abused by that rapist ex boyfriend of hers….
Shut up retard
hi Kendra
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>all the extra tattoos
>she hates her tattoos
>she really regrets the tats
>Those tattoos and that kilo of face paint are vile
To be fair I LOVE the brontosaurus tat. When i was a kid I’d play with these toy dinosaurs. I would take the brontosaurus and come up to my older sister and her Tyrannosaurus Rex and I’d say “Hi there! I’m a brontosaurus! My friends call me Bronty! I’m a plant eating dinosaur! What is your name? What kind of dinosaur are you?” And my sister would respond with her Tyrannosaurus Rex and say “My name is Tyrone! I’m a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Im a meat eater! And you’re made of meat!” And then my sister would take my brontosaurus and crush it into the jaws of her Tyrannosaurus Rex while I would loudly protest “Hey! Can’t we all just get along?!” And my sister would laugh this maniacal laugh and my mom would come into the room and yell “What the hell are you two doing in here?!”
>a sunflower
>a dinosaur
>a jamaican heart
>succubus girls in bondage
>random cats, smiley faces, flowers, astrology shit

A couple tasteful tattoos on a girl are tolerable, and even if she has alot of them it can still be nice if they at least all fit together with some kind of coherent art style/theme, but the worst is the scribble tats. Kendra looks like she just walked into a tattoo parlor and said "I want tattoos"
Let me guess. You’re Kendra’s brother
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The crazy thing is Kendra had an 8 year old little brother when she started doing porn, then 8 years later he was begging her to "date" random black guys.
Lil nigga goons to his sis fucking bbc.
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>Lil nigga goons to his sis fucking bbc
No doubt that is his go to fapping material. If she was my sister I would want to fuck my sister too
zoomers love rap and rappers so it's not that hard to understand. He wanted to play cod with destroylonely and get free weed
now THIS was prime
lmao imagine having an asshole slurping pornwhore sister and actually wanting to stay in contact with her or continue acting like she exists at all
It's funny to think of how radically different a trajectory her life took solely because that one library video went viral.
A real precursor to the modern paradigm, where any zoomette that manages to score a viral tiktok video immediately becomes a onlyfans whore to cash in.

The stereotypical 'seedy porno agent' isn't loitering around the local mall any more, it's just omnipresent in every bitch's phone, telling all of them they can be rich and pampered if they become a whore.
Not smart enough to pull off a Sasha Grey.
maybe she can try to trap an nba ape with a baby
yes,it's hard to jerk off despite her early year beauty now. The Post nut clarity hangs now even pre nut with her situation , her mental condition is less stable than the other deceased mudshark kagney lynn karter. The early year of Internet where you don't reveal any information about yourself is long gone, this is one of the consequences. Being a brother to a literal whore that documents everything is lobotomical
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she did some dvp
Yeah, just look at Mia Melano where she was somehow convinced that doing porn would be a gateway into legitimate modelling. It would be scary having a daughter these days. My niece is only 12 and she has her own iPhone. At least 20 years ago basically all you could do with your phone was call and text.
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I don’t understand why these girls don’t understand that this is so much more attractive than that tattooed , dyed unnatural colored hair, and overly done up makeup look that they all end up doing. I suppose it’s self-hate. Lilly Lou, aka Liz_103 is another one that went down this path.
That still won't fill the hole in her wasted life
Imagine how much of retard you need to be to believe that porn will make you into modeling….
Female teens who want attention and money will hear what they want to hear and disregard anything they don’t want to hear
Lily Lou is a genuine psycho
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>I suppose it’s self-hate
its is. Women in general have poor self esteem, hence the emphasis on cosmetics.
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The way she was back then I would have glady drank her piss and inhaled her farts. But then she turned into this! >>2481951
Gross as hell!
Watching mud sharks polishing turds is disgusting.
she's Polish though?
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Where did you guys get the idea that she’s Polish?
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Yeah there are lots of legitimately beautiful women who ended up stuck in porn and covered in tattoos and/or had bad plastic surgery. Kendra even said she was addicted to Xanax for a couple years at one point, and that's when she got all those extra tattoos.
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Fuck all you haters. I make more money than all of you put together and you work at dumb jobs and then go home and bate to my vids. Losers!
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lol! Loser! You will never touch or suck my veiny tit tays! lol!
kendra, ignore the haters and make us some more blacked kino. how about a raw gangbang?
or a gangbang creampie scene
Nice tittays but dat ain’t no Kendra Sunderland
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don't crank it to her anymore, but Kendra in her prime gets me hard too quickly. It takes girls like Skye blue and Mia melano to mimic a fraction of the power Kendra prime has over me. sucks how far she as blonde has fallen.
Yeah that Blacked shoot was the first ever mainstream porn scene Skye did apparently. She doesn't look as good these days, just like Kendra. I guess they're both approaching 30.
I wish Kendra got to fuck and suck Damion when he was still 18. I was just watching the Kate England Brothalovers scene with Damion where she was 28 and he was 18. She got his cock throbbing so good from sucking on it. At one point she had him about to bust from her BJ and Damion has to stop her (he pretends it's so he can change position, kek). It's so hot to see the smile of satisfaction on Kate's face, and then see her trying to admire his on the edge or orgasm, rock hard 18 yeard old BBC. After seeing the fun an experienced sex queen like Kate can have with an 18 year old BBC I better appreciate why all the female teachers are willing to risk their careers, marriages and families for flings with young BBC students. There's something magical about it.
It would be really hot if she did bbc gangbang for analvids. They need to get more American sluts on there for hardcore gangbang fucking they do it better than everybody. Give Kendra a bunch of butt creampies for her to drink.
she's gotten better at taking a hard facefuck over the years

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