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Emily Bloom grinding her little pussy on some cock. Lowkey doing hardcore for the Brendon shoot. She didn't go this far for the other one. Pics, speculation, and proof. Random girl-only shots with Emily Bloom welcome too.
Basically, she broke her own rules during that shoot. She said so herself. And you can tell things escalated because this dudes fingers are in her pussy for several of the shots
Emily: Literally is stroking his shit and rubbing his balls, then implies that she went even further.

She literally sits on his erection right after this shot. With all of her weight.

We all know what happens after a girl starts rubbing her bare pussy on your boner. The "regret" confirms it.
In the photoset from the original, first she does a shot hover her ass over his erection.
Were they not supposed to fuck?
Emily does softcore only so it's her policy not to fuck. But I've seen the entire photoset, not just the free stuff and it's highly unlikely shes not fucking him. Veins popping out, butt and legs flexing, thousand mile stare of lust. Etc.

Look at the diagonal position his dick is in. There's literally no way for it to be angled upward like that unless something is holding it that way (her pussy lips)
So by the laws of physics, he's penetrating her.
I'd be frustrated as hell if I got to penetrate for a photo shoot just to not finish. Maybe they continued later that evening in private
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I'd be frustrated as hell if I didn't get to nut in her lmao look at this fucking pussy there's no way I'm pulling out
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I mean... This was in the same photoset from what I remember
Looks like homeboy got to creampie but idk
I mean this shit happens all the time. It's a nude shoot, the girl gets horny and does something she feels slutty about, then tricks herself into thinking she didn't have agency over the situation and talks about it with "regret"
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Be Emily

Your whole brand is that you take no dick

Every crossed-eye sub saharan is beating his little meat to you hoping to see you on blacked

Does a shoot with a black guy but no sex and barely any contact. Just poses.

Be a white guy.
You're lucky enough to do a shoot with Emily Bloom.

It starts the same as the other guy, but she strokes your dick and you get rock hard.

The next pose is her straddling your lap

She sets her pussy on your dick and shes FUCKING WET

She starts sliding her cunt all over your dick

It escalates and you become the first guy to fuck Emily bloom on camera

They have to scrap the video montage she does with Hegre because she's fucking you the entire time

Black bois seethe because you're white and you got to fuck Emily Bloom's pussy.

You smile warmly to yourself.
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And in this second shot she's sitting back on his lap and there's visible motion blur on her hips. Compare it to her face where there's barely any motion blur. This means her hips were moving in isolation.
The ONLY way this could happen is if Emily was thrusting her hips. Otherwise the entire photo would be blurry. If you look closely, you can even see a VERY slight upward angle of her thrusting motion in the blur.

Emily was humping HARD. Zero doubts.
okay detective
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POV: You're about to "accidentally" slip it in
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I'm white and I'm incredibly disappointed she wasn't willing to take BBC in that shoot. You know Hegre wanted that for her too, otherwise he wouldn't have gone back and edited the pics to look like this.
Lmaooo Peter Hegre does that shit a lot and it's fucking hilarious that he has to photoshop black dudes to actually look big and like the girls are interested.

Here's the actual un-photoshopped image. Small flaccid dick. Not even close to her touching it.

Now get this cuck shit out of the board
The contrast in her behavior with the white guy is jarring

Plus in the same shoot she has a photo of just her and it looks like he creampied her off set
found it >>2479773
someone already posted it
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That's just how Emily's pussy looks most of the time, she gets grool/discharge a lot even in her solo sets.
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Sorry to disappoint, but that is photoshopped
I guess we'll never know if she got creampied for that shoot
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I don't think you'd have a choice not to nut in a pussy like this. Like imagine pulling out. I can't.
okay? congrats. A white woman fucking a white guy. What a win for you....
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kek this kike is very mad
Ahh... just wait a few years.
MANY hotter younger women are always entering the picture.
Eventually she will be bouncing on cock for that needed attention and money.
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I don't care what you say. She is made for BBC and the sooner she decides to finally take one on camera the better it will be for us and even her once her popularity inevitably declines as younger more hotter girls come around leaving Emily to be forgotten. This would make Emily extremely relevant and perhaps the most popular star for at least a short while. I guarantee you most of us whiteboys want to see this. We just need to keep encouraging our beautiful girls to do it and Emily is one of the best looking girls ever.
Just cause you're a cuck doesn't mean everyone else is
Emily has her own erotic modeling/softcore site now.
She's not going to need to stay relevant with her body if she has other streams of income.
If being pressured into doing bmwf is your idea of a win, then keep coping lol
Most of these girls demand an even fatter paycheck before they'll even consider
no dumbass, youre wrong plus youre fucking pathetic, fucking sad ass bitch. grow the fuck up and act like a god damn man, not like the pathetic weak minded faggot you act like.
I'm saying OP is demoralized for taking that as a win. It's the default. Most white women are with white men
And I'm saying it's still a win. White women being with White men as a common occurrence, and then it happening again, is an even bigger win. Especially with porn sites and media constantly trying to force the interracial shit down our throats
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Something about this girl getting busy with a white dude after staying softcore her entire career triggers the fuck out of non-whites
Fuckdoll proportions.
>She said so herself
I can't find anything to corroborate that. Got a source?
when did this board get infested with niggerlovers?
He doesn't exactly look interested either.
Does anyone know where this pic is from or where the set is from?
He's probably just self conscious because his dick isn't up to par with the bbc myth.
I mean, Hegre actually had to photoshop his dick to look bigger. Imagine the blow to his self esteem after learning he was going to do that.

Then again, in the White guy shoot Emily DID decide to jerk and grind on his dick the entire time. So white guy actually maintained an erection for a while.
I think this is more recent
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A lot of the stuff she posted about it has been scrubbed. I guess her or her agents didn't want people to know how far she implied that it went. I really wish I screen shotted it because it was amazing.
Imagine injecting your cum into a pussy like hers
Afros are jealous because they've never experienced a white girl who has taken minimal cock.
I can tell them from experience that they should be jealous and that it's good to be White.
hello moishe
It's getting easier to tell lmao
Incel cope
coping about what?
I mean, I understand it from a brand perspective but I don't think it will/would really change a lot. Heck, it might even entice people to go over all of her content to look for other clue of what might have been.
Thanks for answering me any idea how recent and is it from her site?
If they're both white it's not "bleached" lol
Years ago. But not only this board but the entire site taken over by niglover trannies. /gif /s /hc... full of a, BBC b, gay c, tranny d, self humiliating threads.
Or you could give your victim complex a rest and watch porn you enjoy
I just want to see Emily make a cock explode in front of her face.
>white girl
Are you retarded?
Never understood why he does the shoops on those shoots. They are so blatantly obvious
worth a bump

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