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White sluts proving their love for Black cock by tattooing their body
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is there any "official" cuckold tattoo that include white bulls as well?
QOS is only for blacks, right?
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Queen of hearts, its usually for Asian chicks, haven't seen it on any ebony women yet.
How do i convince my GF to get one. She fucks BBC all the time and she has no tattoos on her ass. I want her to get one
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Look her thumb. Shot caught 2 days ago in ttamway, Nice, France
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She wants everyone to know
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Wish this was my wife
Well, looks like all the Woman who really are into this shit and get a tattoo are all fat pigs or grifters using temps. Lmao all the real woman into this Degen shit are piggies Kek.
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your ancestors weep
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More? Who is this?
pretty much this! You want to fuck niggers because thats your kink? Then sure, whatever, but good fucking luck trying to explain this tattoo shit when the novelty has worn off and no white man wants you
Some is mad their wife got BLACKED RAW
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There is this print by David Shrigley I am positive has a double meaning referring to QOS.

A colleague bought it as a present for my wife. What do you QOS experts think?
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My mom used to have that similar one on her ankle, same like this pic. Before I found out about it's other meaning, I used to think it's just normal tattoo. She's already having many tattoos.
Few years back, she got it covered with another design.
Did your mom give up BBC or what happen
>no white man wants you
More white men are into this than white women
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YT men are all cucks
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looks like gay retard shit. you should kill your wife then yourself
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I'm a gooner and I enjoy this fetish, but is people really this dumb?
My girl has a bunch of tats, I'd love for her to add a QoS to it.
since when did this bitch turn into a mean femdom BBC slut? She's about to put a qos on her body right now on Chaturbate
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forgot pic, name VixenP
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holy shit this chick is amazing.
thanks 4 sharing anon

get this AI slop out of here and kill yourself you faggot jew nigger kike
it's ironic that you're in this thread in the first place yet this is where you choose to draw the line lmao
1. AI is shit
2. You turned this political which is what everyone hates
3. You are gay
1. ai's been getting better and better. idc if it's fake if it's hot
2. you're not this entire board's spokesperson
3. gay nigger ad hominem
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sick of same old shit, im a true conoisseur. first, xinbao/douya on blacktowhite.net
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from today-ish
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yiyi on imagefap
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fanchaji on twitter
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monica, this set is on imagefap. qostube is gone but use wayback
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lorena renado the spanish hotwife, blue eyes btw
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I got my girlfriend to put on a temporary one. What do you think?
Her skin looks patchy because she was wearing fake tan
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this will be you soon
Nah that sissy shit is stupid.
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One of best pictures i have seen
She got a fat ass
What an unbelievably lucky cuckold
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Simone Steele
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Daisy Rodriguez
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