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>>2480045 (OP)
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>This garbage

these are egirls at best
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>>2480045 (OP)
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I don't fucking care
A true goth cannot black. These are emo girls at best
Right. None of these girls are goth. Put your BNWO cringe in the threads you want, but if you call for goth post goth. These are accursed emo girls. Watered down pretenders. Like you.
>No true scotsman
No we're talking about Goths not the Scots
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chubby big titty goth girls? Yes, they certainly do
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what a dumb whore
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Who is she?
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The smoothest log of shit I've ever seen
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Its kinda crazy how the switch just flipped with her. she has a quarter of a million followers and was posting normal egirl shit, then just randomly decided to announce she gets really turned on by all the BBC edits shes tagged in and started retweeting and encouraging BNWO content. I thought she was hacked initially.

She 100% has a black bf now and is waiting for the right moment to release a fuck vid.
BNWO is real
You spend a lot of time staring at shit do ya
seems like Shes bait posting for simps because i seen nothing on her insta just on x which is faggot site anyway
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Well, there goes that theory.
none of these hoes look happy with they lives
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Another thesis disproved lol
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One smiling photo does not make a thesis
>none of these hoes look happy with they lives
>one photo of a hoe looking happy with her life
sounds pretty disproven
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>this gets me money
The fetish is fun and all but why do you all embrace delusion so quickly
You misunderstood me. I'm not even into the bnwo fetish. I like interracial in all varieties but think bnwo is pretty retarded.

I was just theorizing why she took this approach out of nowhere. My guess was she's planning to do more hardcore stuff wih a partner, to make more money. Happend to start dating a black guy and is aware that could alienate some current followers/fans, so decided to lean into it and gather a whole new fan base first.... to make money.

That's all. Just a guess to what her strategy is.
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alternative theory: bnwo fags are really fucking easy to milk money from because all you need to do is tell them they can't fuck you
An e-whore who watched scott pilgrim is not goth. Just like your car is a piece of shit and your squalid apartment is not a mansion.
No one asked
Source please?
Actually yes, they did.
snap Dayday7694 lookin for bbc to breed me & leave me no strings attached
look at this whore shes so hungry for bbc
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Shut up ur being trolled
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hahaha so your okay with being tolled? Pathetic,
Firstly, it's "You're"
Secondly.... k.
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What even is that thing. What goes for "goth" these days apparently range from -20s to common 6s
Elegance was always a part of goth, but there is nothing whatsoever resembling elegance in any of these women
That's just a fat cow in black not goth
lol k.
So this is what Meg Griffin got up to in college

Made me spend 500 dollars on her of, so it worked on me
was it worth it ? share sum
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Stfu retard
lol k
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>>2480045 (OP)
source on these?
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Love this scene
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>She 100% has a black bf now and is waiting for the right moment to release a fuck vid.
I mean...
i love the way that these girls express themselves, it drives me crazy...
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I wanna kiss her so bad fuck
i need a video where someone gets this fucked up and then kisses her locked up cuck
better than >>2502650 but your gen fucked up around the wrist and fingers, plus there's some weird artefacting around the edge of the inpainting area under her bra
this is where all blue eyes belong
all goth girls LOVE BLACK, it is not even fair
gothic style yt male annihilation machine


Who are these people
mega ew
No romi rains?
They seek eternal darkness upon the ebon shafts of BBC. She rejects the CHUD filled light for it isn't virile enough to compete with the dark lords who are black men.
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Isn't she punk? Pretty sure she said she isn't goth?
She's inked to the point her sleeves reached hee torso, lol. Blacked goths are peak
>>2480045 (OP)
We need some Often Elle/ Elle Panda. That girl became a thicc milf off chugging BBC milk over the years.
She's an actual goth if she's middle aged now. Maybe all that black cum chugging reversed her aging
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Mikah romanov is goth and built for BBC but needs to be put in her place to serve the darkness
*milah romanov
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She looks gross even with a fake ass. Thats definitely a bogged face, she pretends to be a dominayrix but is clearly a russian agent.
She's like the OG blacked goth pawg
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I hope she goes broke and starts selling her cooter as a babushka street hooker for pennies a day. Fucking blyat
Don't say that anon, she hss lupus apparently
Yikes, she needs to not be having skin contact with people if thats the case..dhe needs to retire
Who is that semen chugger
Where's her spade tattoo?
She looks hungry for chocolate
>white egirl
i found this stuff through vixenp and it's really hot. considering starting a lewdtwt in hopes that people will try to corrupt me.
All these girls have a sweet tooth for chocolate
Sauce my god
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HOT, any more of these two?
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Wish I were there to share the bbc with them
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HOLY SHIT what is this from? I know this person. This girl cheated on her boyfriend with me and we went to the same community college. Unquestionably her, 100% dead serious, please give sauce out of curiosity if nothing else
She gives good head to those BBCs
>>2480045 (OP)

Lyra skye? But whats the source of these pictures?
NEED the sauce for this
God, this pic makes me feral. She looks just like my most recent ex who cheated on me constantly. She even told me how she got hit on by a group of black guys, but swore she rejected them all. There’s no way in hell she did.
What’s her name????
That invalidates your own first statement since it was based on exactly that.

I love how on twitter she acts annoyed when people call her a QoS, but then she makes videos like this. She swears it's only a coincidence that her BF is black lmao
lmao yeah I love that hypocrit cunt. It's not the full vid, right? god I need it.

All hail our Queen Naomi
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Love Valbun
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Valbun was made for it
She definitely invites young dirty black thugs to stay with her and pound her womb for weeks
Big dark pain high crime
Why pick a safe pink boy
She's from baltimore so all she saw growing up was BBC
100% she got ganbanged by them. She was taking multiple huge big black cocks in all her holes while you were probably home jerking off to interracial porn.
Eat her cunt for good old times
Sauce anon
She swallows too.
Where's the lie
Tempting. She’s still a massive whore and started doing onlyfans again. She hasn’t done any BBC stuff though. Also, fuck that, she can rot in hell
I was…..
>>2480045 (OP)
Thanks for putting me on OP, sent her an e-mail to meet up with her since we don't live far from each other.
Boomers want to keep their kids at arms length. No one wants to get called racist. The choice is clear. It's not like they're gonna do DEI for niggers lmao
Great thread
Didn't ask
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Posting the GOAT
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dead thread
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The term you're thinking of is "suicide girl"
They should hurry up and do it then
10/10 would smuggle over the border
>zoom "goths"
no surprise here
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Had sex with Kat a couple of years back, she's absolutely wild in bed.

Think she's retired now though unfortunately :/

Update here, had sex with her last week, very sweet girl.
Can you post the full vid?

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