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Past whatever turns you on, no limits
Very understandable
Fuck yeah, I love how her legs are in the air! Got any more?
How it should be
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Tattoos on specific areas of the body; lower back tattoos (my favorite), shoulder tattoos(2nd favorite), upper back tattoos, thigh tattoos, arm sleeve tattoos, hip tattoos... Something about them just turns my brain off and gets me stupidly horny.
footjobs in public settings
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younger women dominating milfs
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cum on feet
Why do so many people choose that nasty shade if trailer park or prison green tattoo ink?
I think its more like it faded, not that she chose that colour
I prefer hot woman and not month old trailer trash
Touch grass
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Being locked in chastity and kept permanently pussyfree

Or better yet, 100% permanent impossible to remove chastity
Bruh, imagine telling someone to touch grass for their kink an a thread about no limits turn ons
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I like them sore and welted up a little
Pregnancy progressions
Holy butterface
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Thin ebonies with full meaty asses. Particularly nice if they know how to polish the glans by selectively contracting their muscles. These fatties cannot do that anymore.
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When the wife tells me she wants to fuck.
this but when the girl is with another girl
Cock comparisons, especially when i imagine myself as the smaller one
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obese gluttonous women who's brains are hopelessly addicted to a lifestyle of hedonism
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Gape and pussy destroying
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I know her.
Charlie luck
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Exhibitionism or just being sneaky while fucking, so fucking hot, i Guess being super shy has something to do with that
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Being forced to service loose milf pussies and their lovers while kept in chastity.

Unwillingly fucked by one guy and his friends finding out and passing me around while my ass is reshaped to please their cocks and eventually crave their cocks.
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Lesbian stuff where one girl (or both) isn't into it at the start and clearly just doing it for male attention, but later she clearly gets into it. Not really suited for images.
More of this series or sauce please
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CNC, pregnancies, anal presentation (especially if head down ass up) and, in a little fashion, some bestiality but it's a kink i rarely indulge into
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strap-on and this overall outfit, blows my mind


and bike shorts of course!
My last kink Is those jeans with the zipper on the back lmao, but you cant even search for something that specific, I wonder if one day those type of clothes are gonna be normie tier
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>slice of life bbc cuckolding

based ntr nichijō-kei enjoyer!
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I love fucking random sluts bareback
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Living together with "my" wife and her bull, serving them both. He breeds her while I'm being kept in chastity and pussy-free.
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I want to be part of a friend group whose members fuck each other a lot, myself included.
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Highly recommend
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For me it's hairless pussies. The smoother the better. Lasering > waxing > shaving. Nothing beats a women hairless below the eyes, but ESPECIALLY below the waist.
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clothed sex
I need tiny black bitches
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Hard to capture in just an image, but:
>Seducing taken women who are initially reluctant to cheat.
Done this.

>Conversely, having my woman pretend to be cheating and bringing a man back to a hotel room, but I actually have the adjoining hotel room and can listen from the side, and maybe even watch with a hidden camera.
Not done this yet.
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Kinda a new turn on an a guilty pleasure
Holy shit that pic is hot
I second this. And showing others her pregnant body
also the idea of getting my wife to view porn or nude images not sent from me
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Cervical sounding <3
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who is that? got anymoar?
Love posting my wife. Hope one day someone will recognize her.
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I love this too, it's my marriage goal.
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Went drinking downtown last night and after bars closed there was a super hot blackout drunk girl half passed out in a stairwell like she had no clue what was happening or where she was. I held her and jerked off and I’ve never cum so hard in my life, I’m going to keep doing this occasionally.
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Don't recognize her but post more
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Women hanging from their titties
Do you clean her Pussy afterwards?
The one with the smaller cock should kneel and suck the biger one!
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Korra Del Rio and Spencer Bradley
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Wet pussies
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Big labia
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Strange pussies
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Breath Play
gaped pussies
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pregnant bbc cuckold captions
Talon fucking hot girls.

I also have a fetish of watching one uncut guy fuck a girl(s) with a cut guy since the cut guy can't feel as much sensation.

Picrel, prob the hottest scene for me.
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U think this is hot?
yes! like the tattoo and she looks a bit young
In the early 2010s I messed around with this girl who all of a sudden had a humiliation/life ruination fetish. Can't say she was doing amazing in life but what little she had she burned. She went from a body count of 3 to over 100 in a year, got fired from her decent job for fucking a coworker in the bathroom. Went out of her way to embarrass her family by showing up to the house dressed in stuff that wouldn't fly in a club stinking of booze and cum.

The most insane thing is she got pregnant, carried the baby and gave birth in her house without ever going to a doctor or hospital. Last I talked to her she still had a truly undocumented child.
yt heat
watching wife get plowed by another guy
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My older sister
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pretending a woman would enjoy hurting me
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more of this
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I got you
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i love disappointing and humiliation, but the hottest part for me is in it being real. i set up hookups on an app and keep it pretty flirty and talk my sex up. in the bedroom though, i am a two pump chump and i’m barely 9cm or 4ish inches. nothing hotter to me than busting before it’s in, just barely in, or with her lips just around it. I live for that hot, flushy, red-in-the-face feeling when u are inside someone knowing they’re a bit let down.

i also weirdly find getting blocked after (p common) pretty hot. fucked right?
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So you are just gay then?
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"White" is a strong word there
"Pig/human hybrid developed by a mad scientist blessed by lead acid fume exposure" is a less strong word
Been there.
You'd think it'd be less drama than the alternatives but you'd be wrong. It's HELLA drama. It's a balancing act and a half, not just because you've got different fuckfriends but also because if you wind up hanging with one fuckfriend more often than the others, the rest assume you're partnering up and it gets weird.

(fuckfriend circle of 3M/5F. It got awkward fast once two of the F and I realized we liked each others' company more than the others').
Son, that's scar tissue. Girl had reconstructive surgery.

Maybe check around the post-labiaplasty photo archives.
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Being shared with my husbands friends. Another fantasy is being dominated by my husbands autistic uncle
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I like hearing how someone would use my wife's holes. She's too shy to actually try it but the image of her being spitroasted with me is so hot
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Anal cunts
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Haley reed
Satan would like some input so "he" can lead you further astray. Isn't that right, satan?
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Unicorn threesomes with unpaid amateurs where the unicorn is much younger than the couple.
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Very elaborate (expensive) latex outfits that stay on during the entire HC scene. Latex Luxy is the top one. Amateurs are better though
Middle class city Asians (not jungle Asians) doing BBC for fun or to please cuck husbands.
what is the sauce for this couple? She is fine. Yandex does not help me
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>hey isn't that what's her name from HR?
what a thrill
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shit, new turn on unlocked. thanks.
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For me it's women that look "ugly" or "plain" by most people's standards. I can't get it up if I see high production videos or model-tier women performing, but women that look homely, have some pounds on them or aren't easy on the eyes get me hard in seconds.
Matures/cougars/MILFs are a compromise but amateurish videos and photo sets are my jam, so I want to thank those anons posting their wives or personal collections out there.
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Normal bodies
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Like my ex
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Ugly girls sucking small dicks

Example: https://www.erome.com/a/4y7HyOw7
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women that look like my wife
Trailer Trash
> I can't stop sticking my dick in cheap women. It's dirty, degrading, and I know it's no good for me, but I can't stop myself.
> Maybe because it's because there's no expectations. They don't expect to be treated well. They don't expect expensive gifts or dates. They're grateful that someone is paying attention.
> Maybe it's because they're not prudes. They've fucked before, and they'll fuck again. They're not too precious to fuck if it's to their advantage, and they'll let you do shit that a girlfriend would never do.
> Some of my most memorable fucks are with 4/10 trailer skanks who've I've picked up for the cost of a few beers or a pack of cigarettes. I actually go out of my way to visit the seedier parts of town to cruise for these disposable pussies.
Who gave her the swollen belly? Hubby or Bull?
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Reverse riding with stinging buttocks
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Daddy loves brave girls who know what he likes
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Daddy loves his talented cock sucker
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Her mouth can drive him crazy - sucking and swallowing queen
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Exhausted after getting spanked, getting fucked and having swallowed a load of sticky cum
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Hopefully it was the bull
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Is she an escort or something?

Also, women smoking always gets me rock hard. I don't smoke and I hate the smell but there's something about a hot woman doing something nasty...
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*sniff* me too, anon.
Goddamn, from barely legal teen to milf bbw in 30 weeks
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I've sucked off two mex1cans few days before they were deportated. Femboy 18yo. Is it hot?

kik: Eiry_IowaState
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