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Be as vile as possible
Piss whore
Disgusting gash of a cunt
Don't you want to just twist the fuck out of them until they turn purple?
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Destroy it
You read?
You probably have a bad credit score based on your decisions, making you financially irresponsible and unfit to be a long-term partner.
Nice one :)
What's the biggest thing you've put in there?
i want to spit in your degenerated pussy and ass hole and destroy both holes
Add me on kik: showtits101
Yoo add me on kik: showtits101
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you disgusting whore no one wants to see you and your fat ass
looks like it's already been destroyed
K9 semen receptacle
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Degrade me
I'd love nothing more than to put you in your place, pump you full of cum and leave you a drooling mess. You should be dominated and used as a cocksleeve until the only thing burned into your mind is pure pleasure. I'd use you all day and night like the slut you are, choking you and making you scream for me. It's what you deserve, after all. Being treated like a toy, like my property. I hope your pussy feels sore and tired after I'm done with you.
Why should we even degrade a useless bitch in heat spreading her piss flaps just to breed that worn out fuck meat cunt
Nah, you're not worth the effort.

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