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A lady I don't know who has a huge baboon butt and a horse-like face is being anally pounded by her husband or boyfriend I guess I don't know it's disgusting to have his anus fucked.
Does anyone know her?
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aletta ocean
I don't see any resemblance between them, maybe she's a trans or something.
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Yeah, that's an old pic
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Oh my, it seems like so much has happened.
I'm neutral to implants, they might be funny looking and it shows low intelligence but like I can't care that much. Tattoos though, fucking disgusting every single time
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It looks different from the front too.
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This is in 2024 !!!
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Yes, unfortunately, she is, and she still posts her scenes and is still married to the old director who runs the site and brings her men and shoots her. I don't know how much they paid the men to have sex with her. Her ugly silicone face and those balloons in the back and front are hard to watch.
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He even brought her a muscular Brazilian guy to shoot amateur content with her and she kept jumping on him until she almost broke the couch
anal is the only good thing in this image
I love a good bimbo, especially Aletta. I would smack those basketballs around like I was Lebron James.
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Do you mean silicone balls?
Poor girl. This is an example of taking a plastic surgeon out back and beating them. Aletta used to be pretty hot. Now she's a freaking alien.
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She has a lot of Russian gold clients who want to fuck her asshole.
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Looks like he found the mine to dig.
yes, me. I'm looking for a bimbo like aletta to fuck a few time but I would never marry or date her
women can't stop themselves, they are all fucking whores that paint on a face everyday and shove everything up their holes, kiss dogs who just licked it's asshole and drain your bank account.
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good luck
Let's get this shit bumped up
Fuck ugly bitch! I dump a phat load into her disgusting mmonster ass!!
Tfw no bimbo whore gf
How much is she charging right now?
She was always disgusting to me. She just took it to the extreme that I always thought she would. I vaguely remember seeing her before all of the surgeries but this was a long time ago and I do not care to search that shit now because she does nothing for me. Thanks for showing me what this freakshow looks like today though OP dear god she is nightmare fuel to look at.
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