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Resolution upscaled with ai
Great way to drown
Whoever’s room this was, they were really into dragons
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>That look when her captor tells her there are 100 guys waiting for her
Did this for lulz in the myspace days with our friend who was a one-of-the-boys type of girl and we thought nothing of it. Her parents called the cops on us after seeing the posts and we all got questioned lol
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This one is just fucking stupid
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normies ruined bondage with idiotic looking bindings
Imagine being a big enough loser to sit around gatekeeping bondage on 4chan..
what the fuck shit ass ai is this. GTFO.
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2009 was a better time
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shortened version of what i just wrote… stopped having sex a while ago to save myself and have been crazy crazy crazy horny oh my gosh my whole body hurts i’m so horny
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How comes everyone understands this thread better as this one? >>2492236
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>>2490196 #
More of her?
I’ve never (well almost never..) asked for nudes but I’ve aaaaalways wanted to ask for gag selfies. I just like them better. Seems more innocent to want and ask for in comparison to nudes right? I even fight the urge to somehow ask or trick friends into getting them. I don’t know what my issue is but any thoughts or advice or whatever would be nice
You can try this. Send yours first, but joke around before doing so, otherwise it would seem weird.
The duct tape escape challenge can produce a lot of good hits for this thread
Yeah, I can do that for you, just come by tomorrow and say you're the lady from the thread on 4chan who wanted to get raped by some guy online, my shift starts at noon, I can probably fit it in on lunch break.
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These ones are always so funny when people make self defence or escape videos and pose it all like its a guide when they clearly have a glaring bondage fetish lol
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She cute. What's her OF?
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Based water safety fag
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If you can't dolphin kick to the surface you shouldn't be out on the water at all.
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