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Amateur couples on/off or just couples nude together
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Got more of them or names??
bumping. God, these remind me of how hot my girl was when we were younger. And the hormones at that age.... If we weren't religious, we'd have been fucking like rabbits. I hope all these couples are enjoying the hell out of being young an hot, fucking like the apes we all are.
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>If we weren't religious, we'd have been fucking like rabbits.
These aren't all selfies, so who is the photographer?
Nice, look how much fun she’s having
That stove looks like a massive fire hazard.
Greetings from the DDR.
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Me and my girlfriend
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Sucks, right? That's why evangelical couples tend to get married young, like during or right after college - they don't believe in premarital sex so they gotta put a ring on it if they want to bone.
We're not religious anymore. Waste of fucking time, literally.
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does this count?
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Cute. Huge bathroom
I know this girl! Where did you find this?! lol
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Holy fuck I love this thread
Wish I knew about these two! Cute couple.
I am jealous of this guy, I want a cute, white and gorgeous girl like this one...
Become a person that a cute white girl would want to be with. Hint : she doesn't want someone with a collection of frog memes
aren't the pics supposed to be of the same people?
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Where's the bull?
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On first glance these people look like a megachurch youth pastor and his smokin' hot wife. Am I right?
No, they live in charlotte nc. She about to have a baby.
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yup. It's absolutely setting off my bicurious side. I don't really care about hooking up with just a man but I would absolutely love to play with an MF couple
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23 m USA diaper sissy cuckold seeking cruel blackmailer.

Need someone who will force me to follow through with all my fucked up fantasies. Please make me expose my girlfriends full face nudes everywhere

Kik: Carlybarliii
Nah, were okay; please keep those to yourself.
>aren't the pics supposed to be of the same people?
You must be new here.
>believe in premarital sex
This doesn't make sense. Premarital sex very much exists.
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wholesome thread is wholesome.
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you were hotter when you didn't cuck yourself
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why is that?
Do you have more of them or backstory?
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It is the same people.
you mean same photo, horizontally mirrored
Any more of them?
I don’t believe you

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