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Fine. I'll start a new abdl/diapergirl thread if no one else will.
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idk why we need new threads; it is the same pictures in every single thread.
I keep hoping more OC shows up at some point, or just stuff that hasn't been passed around a lot before. But most content now is heavily paywalled or already been seen a million times.
Op here. Totally agree, I'd love more oc but a shit thread is better than no thread.
if im gonna bitch I should help. My baby mama and it is the only one I have sadly
Agree as well, it a bit annoying everything is behind a paywall these days and also how the videos they make on these sites are rather samey when it comes to the plot
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Anyone here like when the waistband is poking out?
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I should've saved the oc on /b/ last night
Nothing particularly stunning but supposedly she's coming back for more requests
is flooded with trannys now. It sucks
Of who? Scotty?
Yeah, definitely send her here next time.
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damn hot af
I’m way more bothered about you constantly bitching than about seeing a picture I’ve seen before
Nah some dark haired chick
Ah. Any oc is welcome though.
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Sigghh my Ex that claimed that liking this fetish makes me a danger to children
So that's your ex, and she's into this and that's ok, but you're a pedo for liking the same stuff?
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Well she decided at a point that it wasn't for her and totally shutdown and she was saying all sorts of shit during our breakup. It's been an absolutely shitty year, bros.
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What a cunty bitch
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Love the old Bytemine sets. Even the ones where the girls look like they were ready to jump off a bridge once the photoshoot was over. Ages ago, I remember reading a post on an ABDL forum from someone who was involved with the site and he flat out said the vast majority of the women who modeled were repulsed by the fetish and were obviously only doing it for the money. He even told a story where one of the models got really belligerent during one of the shoots and had to be convinced (likely with financial incentive) not to walk out of the studio. That's a video clip I'd love to see.
The opposite of what I want to see personally. I like to see girls that are into it.
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Hang in there, anon. I went through something similar with an ex. Breakup convo was not pleasant and she threw my kink in my face multiple times. I know it you feel shitty now but (and I know it's a cliche) time really does heal all wounds. Give it some time and it will get better.
Yeah, faggots ruined a good subreddit...
r/girlsindiapers has an explicit "no trans pics" policy. It's mostly girls shilling their respective socials, but overall it's a decent alternative.
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Can we have a new gif thread?
Sure, make one you lazy dumbfuck
>armchair with a jug of corn syrup next to bare ass mattress

you know you can continue to improve your life even after acquiring a diaper gf right?
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No one wants this dogshit mental retardation on this board
You probably are a danger to children. She’s also Abdl, so she’s not Abdl phobic. What did you do, specifically, to make her say that. Tell the story without hinting
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We don't care.
eh, normies draw the diapers -> children line so fast it makes your head spin. she may have been reluctantly doing it for the guy in the first place and he probably spaghetti'ed himself over something inconsequential that she reeeee'd about. or dude's a weird fuck that's a danger to children. just saying it's possible.
That's Arizona sweet tea, dumbass
You have no power to stop us so fuck off
make the next one include general age roleplay: spanking, punishment, breastfeeding etc. diapers not required (but encouraged). It will get more bumps, and anyone here is probably into ageplay anyway...
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cute, littles playing together with toys and stuffies is adorable :3
Fuck off, this is a diaper thread
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I was talking about the next /gif/ thread moron... Why do you think I replied to >>2485200?
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I feel like switching themes from just diapers to ageplay and everything ageplay adjacent would draw even more hate from normies. Retards already assume diaper fetishists are all pedos in denial.
DiaperedMilf just posted on tumblr again for the first time in 4 years. Apparently she disappeared for so long because she got doxxed? But she's 24/7 now and back. I missed her bros.

One of my holy grails of ABDL lost media is a video she posted where she's crawling around in a messy diaper and talking about how much of a baby she is and how full her diaper is. She deleted it because she didn't want her voice out there on the internet but I keep hoping it resurfaces again.
You all need to kill yourself
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>would draw even more hate from normies.
haters gonna hate, not much you can do. And who cares what normies think, like you said, they are retarded.

idk, it was just a thought. Last /gif/ thread was kinda fun because those not into diapers liked the spanking content. I feel they can be turned to the diaper side :P
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Ill go after you
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>dirty shoes on changing table
her cg fucked up there...
Damn, that sounds great. Anyone know of other videos like this?
yeah so a bottle of high fructose corn syrup.
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Yeah, you're right, although the actual problem is not the wailing of the mentally deficient, but rather their reports made in bad faith and consequently jannies deleting shit that's well within the rules. Wouldn't be the first time.

Or maybe I'm wrong and the thread would be a huge success. That'd be nice.
That doesn't happen, the jannies don't even remove shit that doesn't belong here.
I have a girlfriend and my own place; that makes me a 1%er by 4chan standards. Why don't you go crawl back to your mom's basement and shut up. Also, I know this is a wild concept to you, but I was washing the bedding that day. No wonder we get the same 200 recycled pictures because Envious Eddy has to rip on oc posters cause he is lonely and will never have that.
>the jannies don't even remove shit that doesn't belong here.
I disagree, I think /hc/ mods do a good job. In fact, they rightfully nuked a diaper thread because the OP post was a dude and people kept posting non-straight content (pretty lulzy how some faggot kept complaining). Even overall, I would say /hc/ is pretty well moderated (sometimes there is the cringe thread that should probably be on /soc/, no idea why they stay up so long), but /hc/ is pretty slow, so maybe that doesn't say much.
>oreofag spams gore in the /b/ threads now
Is this /b motherfucker? Shut the fuck up, no one wants your off topic sissy gossip
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why is she so pouty :( It looks like a comfy diaper.
Dang, sauce?
Nah fuck you i'ma complain about whatever I want
Very much.
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Corset and diaper is a hell of a combination
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"butt up" position is so cute!
You all need to kill yourselves
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you need to live
Keep crying, and we'll baby you
It's an ABDL thread, sweetie
sauce? she's cute as fuck
It's an obvious edit bro
I remember pictures of her being tied up on a table, legs spread, naked except for her diaper. Are they still around
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Trans Women aren't Women.
That's a man?
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now that he mentions it, yes, it's a man

imma delete it from the folder, here, a real woman to compensate
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Gimme trad diaperwife
Girls giving blowjobs while diapered is so good, wish there was more of it.
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That's wrong, however. /hc/ is only for straight content. It simply belongs on a different board.
There's no rule like that, and the name of the board doesn't imply it either.
>There's no rule like that
There is, right on the rules page.
>3. This board is for straight content.
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It's the first item when you report a post lame-o
Charlotte is fucking adorable.
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Looks like she have given in.
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Do they ever shit or eat shit from their diaper or anything? It's boring if not.
Go eat your own shit and die scatfag
Fucking kek. Completely missed the point.
What else is the point of a diaper...
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You're being dense on purpose, aren't you? The point is that we get off on ageplay and diaper wearing in general. It doesn't matter what the "point" of the diaper is, it's a paraphilia.

Go start your own thread if you want scat.
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I just like cute girls wearing diaper....
Hey not sure if these have been posted here before, but I have a bunch of pics that have been sitting on my pc for years. Enjoy :)
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btw does anyone know what happened to LucyLaw? Did she make a new account or something?
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That's it for now. I'd love to see more Japanese/Asian posted. Peace :D
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These threads just depress me these days. I'll never have a diaper gf.
No trans or crossdressers here, go away

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