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File: abbeycrosscum3.jpg (85 KB, 682x980)
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Pornstars, OF, and other women who only fuck White men or express specific interest in only fucking white men. Must include a name.
Let's build a list of them.
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OP is Abbey Cross.
Likes to get creampied by whites as well
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She has a nice pussy, too. Anyone notice how all the White-only girls tend to have beautiful pussies?
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Veronica Rodriguez posted this. Almost always does White guys but she's done "interracial" before.
Gushes about White dick when she's not getting paid to fuck. Tons of squirting and creampies when she's shooting with a White man in her pussy as well.

The noticing continues.
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Exhibit A
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Exhibit B
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Red Fox is her name
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Riley Anne. White dick only
Sarah Banks made a BWC baby
more is better

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