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File: Bleached Outfit 1.png (637 KB, 641x828)
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Women with attire that says "Bleached" or expresses preferences for white men. Body writing is fine too.
File: Bleached Outfit 2.jpg (53 KB, 714x884)
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Says a lot that every image posted so far has been an edit lol
yeah this aint no jew agenda bro lol
>posted from israel
This is the worst thread on /hc/ right now.

Its just a bunch of really shit shops and then losers getting butthurt for being told they're shit.

You guys are actually an embarrassment to your race. We don't need you... you let us down immensely. You're as bad as the cucks
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Sounds like cope
Allow me
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Looks like you were wrong
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damn that's crazy you're so insightful
Looks like you can't fucking read. None of those are wearing attire that says the word Bleached. Retard.
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That is some awful photoshop
Brownoids on suicide watch. Still trying to convince everyone that women, especially White ones, want some unemployed, thugged out dude who's never had a proper job and can't go out because the ankle monitor would instantly notify his probation officer of the violation. Face it. The black, brown, and slanty eyed girls are like White girls in that they all want that fully invested, fully employed, thick BWC.
Bleach is a pretty terrible substance if it comes into contact with organic matter.
Same w black dicks

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