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Post your best candid feet pics! Bonus points for socks / shoeplay
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I imagined this thread to be more interesting, but not knowing what the girls look like and not having any context is a turn off imo
This is the best >>2487991, too bad the feet are ugly, especially compared to the girl who is beautiful. Sad!
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Bumb Please more
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Took this of my GF's feet while driving. She likes to put them on the dash and wiggle them around a lot.
This never really bothered me until she mentioned selling feet pics online as a joke. Since then I've been noticing them more, and obviously get turned on enough to take pics of them. Jokingly suggested a footjob and she seemed interested, but she is a massive prude and I don't want to push my luck and have her cover them up.
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Her face is very pretty, but her foot just looks weird. She must wear some really bad shoes to have her feet look so weird at such young age. I tried reshaping it and now it fits her face.
I used to have a girlfriend that was very apprehensive and dismissive about me interacting with her feet, and sometimes allowed me to, but wasn't too happy about it. I loved that, it made me want it even more. I guess forbidden fruit something something. So I really hope you'll get what you want from her one day, and many times after that, and that you'll both enjoy it as much as possible
I love how red her cheeks are. Btw, good job with the shape, but they should be more smooth too
I like a little roughness, I imagine she's a sports gal. Maybe that's also why her original foot shape is so weird.
>I imagine she's a sports gal
Not the best feet to look at, but imagine the smell exhaling from those soles when you pin her down with her cute reddened face between her ankles, all sweaty and hot after practice. Time 9 months and she'd give birth to a bunch of twins, considering how much I'd cum deep inside her womb in that scenario
That anon who photoshopped a male foot in there is probably still laughing about it to this very day.
Doesn't look male to me. Just fucked from bad shoes and active lifestyle. You can still see that parts of the skin are soft.
You're telling me there's an original with an actually good looking foot????
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she's just tall probably lots of tall women have a similar shape
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It was proven to be photoshopped back in 2020, in feet threads on /b/
Post the original please. Btw, it was clearly an ugly foot, I wonder who jerked off looking at that
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sister in law
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Weirdest big toe to little toe ratio and shape
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Took these a while back:
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She was totally shameless, pretty sure she knew what I was doing too
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Kept rubbing them together and scrunching her toes, I had to rub one out in my car after I left.
What shoes was she wearing? Any smell?
Sandals. No smell (from where I was sitting) but I caught a peak of her shoes and they had DEEP imprints, like totally black with dirt/sweat.
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Any smelly anecdote?
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My friends beautiful feet, had to sneak creepshots cause I never knew she had such jaw dropping feet/soles
any love for hairy feet?
Hope you sniffed that chair as soon as she left
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Grabbed a closeup of my friend's soles before they noticed. Wish her soles were smoother rn, seen em in better shape but only got a good Pic now
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Wife's sexy sleeping soles
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you have to go too far don't you
Your feet are so beautiful. Can i see your photo?
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