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>what do you think of amateurs?
The same thing I always think. It’s usually ugly people with poor lighting, and shit camera work. I love professional porn. It looks good, sounds good.
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the hot seat
Not necessarily - it is only a bit challenging to get good results in amateur porn photography
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Bitchy camping gals
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Awesome! More like this please
you guys need to learn how to fuck
Cool clip - best educative material :)
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Sensual nipples
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Amateur is the best.
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It's just so much fun to make and watch
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People just doing it because it feels good
i was once in an amateur video with my ex measuring me at 10" of girth, we got 60,000 views within 2 days and she took it down because we were drunk. She was a 5'2" asian girl taking 10" of girth. I watched amateur for a big portion of my life and I think it's why so many women have videos of themselves fucking me. This one woman had cameras on her glasses and she kept bringing up how much cream she was creating on me.
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Warm and wet cunt
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1980s / 1990s ?
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Republican/democrat titties
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Submissive amateur
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One girl working (hmm: wanking) - two guys have fun
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Busty but shy
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I always loved amateur the most, since it's actually real
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Kinky fingering :)
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Presenting her new sex toy
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New toy in her tight sphincter
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She's pretty.
Looks like AI.
Definitely not AI. No.
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This Chinese swinger living in the Southern Hemisphere really blows my mind. There is literally 20 years of content of her, but everytime it pops up anywhere it gets removed within a year or so. I even got her FB. No, not sharing that to a bunch of griefers :)
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Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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>Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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Nadine - a German whore bitch near Cologne
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Both holes are suitable for my sensual boner
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German beer brand
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Isnt that women the autistic gal that makes hats or something
I know what yummy and delicious person I want for Christmas, this guy.
Initials JK??
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Wife riding me... want more of her?
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She likes filling her pussy up. Let me know if you want more. If so, what you want? Pussy? Arse? Fucking? Pussy stuffing/stretching?
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Massaging my balls while I fuck her loose pussy
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The very moment
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She smiles while she is being sodomized
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>>2503069 Cheyanne?
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great tits
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Wife eating a cupcake covered in my cum
holy shit is that Braun from the Australian show "all saints"?
Don't think so
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these are some of the best blow job eyes I have ever seen
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File deleted.

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