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More please
I found my moms pics and messages
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It's a real treasure, keep it safe!
She deserves her own thread
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The video source is Lia Lor Getting Facefucked.

Anons, I've been meaning to ask what's the specific sound made in 0:06, 0:09 and 0:34 in there? I know it's not "gawk gawk", neither it is gagging with a reflex, but those sounds are so rightly erotic to my ears. I've tried describing it as a "hollow, wet and slurpy vacuum" but I am also sure there's other specific terms for it and I want it to be narrowed down to that specificity.

Any idea what the sounds exactly are?
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Those are facefucking sounds, anon.
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Wife a few nights ago
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My hot wife
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More of my wife
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Great nipples
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Goddamn she is gorgeous
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Wife sucking me
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Conversations to Webm and re-uploads appreciated
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Anyone got the video?
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Wife a week or so ago
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do you just show up to kill every thread in HC?
who even is this uggo?
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Knob polishing, hmmmm
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