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I'm afraid that she is beyond saving at this point. They should stop feeding her. Her deep decline feels like the end of an era.
I had to take some screenshots after I saw what happened to this former smokeshow
RIP babe
Ahhh, the good old - fairly recent past
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she was so cute in the 00's
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I love it.

She looks like the slampig you use that actually enjoys sex and will do more than just starfish.
I find her extremely hot like this.
I have a girl like this that wants me to get her pregnant and start a family and I think that is the scariest thing known to man
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true true OP
yet i still jack off to her giant fucking tits getting splattered with nigger and white cum. she knows she's past her prime now and these EvilAngel scenes she goes full depraved which gets my cock hard and throbbing. my only complaint is her butt looks terrible. too bad she's a lazy and won't workout to make that part of her body better. at least she still looks like she enjoys getting fucked.
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Starting a family is the scary part. Doesn't matter who its with.

If she actually looks like Natasha, what's the problem?
don't see a problem
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Like how do you not want to breed this?
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Married and had a kid with a slampig. That shit is cash if you don’t mind the extra weight. I ream her pussy and ass every weekend and she says thank you while she cums over and over. On week days I get quickies, bjs, and hand jobs and she’s happy to serve me without her getting off.
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dafuq are you talking about?she's still hot, she just has a different body structure and does different things. That was just a sloppy scene

>fucks trannies
>big fat ass
>bigger tits
>gets dped
>same sexy voice

What more do you want?
Never saw the hype.
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I mean this woman was a stone cold fox
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5 years ago
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This feels like 20 years ago

I'm not familiar with her but based on these photos I would fucking bury it in her and not take it out until it was limp from nutting.

Is she a fatso or obese?
I wouldn’t mind a fat chick as long she wasn’t obese. I mean Natasha Nice is on the limit of fatness for me. But I would want a full sex whore, submissive in bed. On life we could be on equal terms.
I say that because I married a skinny chick, who is very hot still but we always fantasize with what we don’t have I guess.
Either way the chick to be fat needs to be cool and a sex freak or else they will end alone.
She's one BBL surgery away from being the next Angela White. A smart investor would sign her to a contract where they pay for her surgery but get 20% of her post-surgery earnings.

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