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A facial is a sexual activity in which a man ejaculates semen onto the face of one or more sexual partners.

All facials welcome but you get bonus points for checking any of these boxes:
>mature women
>big loads
>high resolution
>from before 2010
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If you're on mobile remember to remove the "m" from the image URL before you save:
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If the original file is a PNG you will have to change the extension to ".png" in addition to removing the "m":
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Happy wife OC
Terrible picture m8. At least get something in focus.
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I have a lot of her loving facials
A lot better. Very nice!
Thanks for the tips!
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Janna gets a globber
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I wish there were videos!
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Look how pretty she is

More of her?
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Even better but older picture
Lol enjoy
More pictures of me cumming on her
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Thank you, please continue! :)
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More recent facial
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More if her?
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A classic.
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Mom got splattered.
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Big facial for my wife
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Is the dude that posts those old VHS stills still post here? I never got to see the vids.
tory lane the GOAT

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