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Include names and rate the posted tier lists.
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Hitomi and Anri just missed the list. Semi-honorable mention to Mia Khalifa. I just search her up once in a blue moon to check if she's desperate enough to go back to doing porn-like content. This year she went from bikini pics to tits so it's going to happen one of these days.

7/10 brother.

+points for Prime!Siri, Kagney and Larkin. I wish Larkin Love would let her content stay on tube-sites instead of getting them removed over and over.
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8/10 got some of my favs
7/10 good pics esp cadey mercury

Anyone know where to get OF pics also whats up with the email timer is 4chan dying?
I have mixed feelings about this one. AJ should be waifu tier, the other chicks are either ugly or boring(yes, Sasha Grey is boring asf). I'll give it a 4/10 just because of AJ.
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I disagree. Sasha has a certain vibe. Damaged used whore. I do have her on my own list, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

>Anyone know where to get OF pics
I dont know, man. I used ot use Fapello but it doesn't update the bitches I follow. Coomerparty is kind of dead too iirc. Timer is usually only for icognito-mode/behind vpn because of spamming on other boards.
Also! a 9/10 for you
6/10, mostly because I don't most of them.
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if this is a new thread there should be new lists and not just copy/paste over from the last thread
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Nice pics, Aj did almost everything and everything. She was the DP queen for quite some years my guy. RIP Kagney though....


again RIP, Wow alot more people liked Siri than I anticipated! I see her past self and present self as two different entities so the breast reduction doesn't bother me

Usual young girl getting the industry showing her tits

More avant-garde hipster girl into some really out there adventurous shit. Any girl who fucks trannies is ok in my book.

Wow dude! Some of the girls you posted are blast from the past, Pasion/Red Heaven, I remember she fucked vanity in a double reverse gangbang,


HERE ME OUT! I like watching shemales fuck girls, it's easier on the eyes and ears truth be told. I don't want to watch shemales get fucked by dudes or other shemales. Paige Turnah is still on top for me albiet she only does onlyfans stuff now, she is still the classiest and poshest. If diamond doll actually fucked people she would be in my top three.
based for Paige Turnah. I wish there were more tall pornstars with giant ass like her and Alison Tyler but theyre both retired
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+AJ Applegate, Abigaile Johnson

Lisa Ann, Cory Chase, Diamond Jackson, Reagan Foxx, Kianna Dior

+Paige Turnah, Angela White, Adriana Chechik, Gianna Michaels, Sophia Locke
ok man I feel u, Dana Vespoli is pretty awesome
>fucks trannies
did an awesome scene with Vanity where she strapped her after getting fucked
Unfortunately the ravages of times of have their effect on her. She still pretty awesome still.

Generally a milf lover huh? You have interesting tastes, but american blacks don't do it for me.

I hear you, that's just my type irl, good genetic stock!
Paige still gets content, but we are never getting another DP again.
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yeah Dana isn't quite in her prime anymore but I really dig women in their 50s so she's as hot as ever to me. Her ass is bigger than ever in recent years too

I think she's smoking hot across all her eras anyway. Gotta be one of the all time Asian anal queens
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Based Barbie Rous appreciator. Very underrated. I unfortunately was born a little later, so I didn't see a lot of these stars. Love Cadey, Jynx, and Kenzie. Great variety. 7/10. Would probably like more if I was born in the 90s.

8/10. Based AJ, Slutmeatcunt, Mia, VROD, Chanell, Alina, and Gina. All around iconic list.

Brandi and Piper were my first few faps EVER. Freckled Lemon and Starfire are extremely underrated. 7/10.

Great taste in petite euro women. Unfortunately I haven't seen most of these, so I can't really rate.
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Im this guy >>2497521

High test as fuck taste. 10/10.

Im not high t enought to enjoy bbws, but i respect the list. Adriana will always be on the Mount Rushmore of Pornstars as in the top 3 best. Nice mention to Natalie as well.
Thanks bro, bbws are an aquired tastes, my experiences Irl have influenced my lust for them.
One let me sit in her lap and suck her tit in college.

As for your list Ella idk man, switched back to being a dude thus becoming the ultimate competition because artstic girls love twinks. Not cool. Lana Rhoades is also a mega bitch who turned her back on the industry and just seems really dumb. Everyone else is alright.
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Rate mine
eh, you seem zoomish truth be told.
Majority of these girls with few exception were born in the late 90s or 00s, and they all seem to have the usual thin body type. I really watch pron for rare sights that I wouldn't see irl. I grew up in a town in upstate NY where everyone ran track and these types of girls are normal.
9.5 out of 10
I'm a big fan of all those girls especially melody, shrooms and haley
this inspire me
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Backstory for Noelle?
she was a thick big tit slut who got tatted up and got too skinny for my taste. shame she never did any anal scenes
>who got tatted up and got too skinny for my taste.
Is that when she started doing extreme fetish stuff or did she always do that?
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I'm not aware of her ever doing any extreme fetish content. She just does onlyfans now as far as I know. She never even did and anal scene.
Stumbled upon one of her videos on some tube site a few years ago while watching milf scenes, was expecting regular mommy roleplay and it started out normal but i think parts of the dirty talk was censored for being so extreme. Quickly seemed like one of those crazy girls to avoid. Saw she also used to do mainstream scenes with known male actors and she looked quite different there which sounds like the era you're talking about. Was curious if anyone knew more.
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I feel you man, I like Siri too, but you gotta move on. Those inverted nipples were nice, but they were going to become saggy and shitty if she didn't get them reduced. Her ass is way bigger now too.

I think Codi Vore's reduction was more of a travesty than Siri's though, she was the perfect chubby girl with extremities, but it's probably for the best.

Big ups for liking Angela White, Gianna and Lena Paul though. I take it you are a titty kinda =guy.
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Rate mine.

Ive switched from studio porn to of/ph girls, so ive included some here.

Also i forgot to add names, but they are well known anyways.
9.5/10 solid choices
0/10 for not adding names
8 out of ten.

-.5 for shitty pic of stoya
-1 no names
-.5 the chick between lexi and sasha. Forget her name (see previous), but was never a fan
-1 4th honorable mention. Don't know and looks like a clown in pic
Others are great
yea my bad, i was uploading the list and saw that i forgot the names, shaiden is 10/10 for me, doesnt look that good in that pic but she makes up for it in attitude.

Alexis Texas is hot, dont watch her anymore though. I could have added someone else.
who's the one next to Remy?
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Rate my chickz , not letting this thread die
It is so wierd how my tastes are different from the anons.
How bad is it, doc?
And now time for matches.
Boyd and Karter. I only recently fapped to Karter when I was looking for the list of the dead pornstars.
Lexi Belle, Karter, Grey all basic choices I like. Jesse Jane is too basic for me. She only was promising on the photos.
Grey. Christy Mack is a solid choice, but I only like her like in 3–4 scenes.
Brandy Love and Avluv.
Chechik and Angela White.
Ava Addams is top tier. I wonder why she was not on the list of the anon with Brandy Love and Avluv.
>>2496859 (my 2nd place)
Faye Regan, Tori Black, Sasha Grey. Anon has a type.
>>2497522 (my 1st place)
Lana Rhoades, Elas Jean. Emily Willis and Megan Rain is a certain match in tastes.
Angela White, Jennifer White
>>2499273 (my 3rd place)
Stoya, Little Lupe, Grey, Lexie.
Lana, Elsa Jean.
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as a fellow porn mommy enjoyer, very good picks 9/10
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Very high end pics. Some of those were nearly on mine (Gianna, Mia and Sharon) 9/10

wtf happened to lena paul?
She just had a kid. I think she looks hot her tits are massive now
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Does anyone have any critiques for pornstars in your list?

I'll start. Here's mine

Almost no creampie scenes. During her prime, creampies were fairly rare so its understandable. I think she only did one creampie scene and it was right before she retired.

>Kendra Lust
Got way hotter after she retired

>Cory Chase
I love Cory Chase but God damn are her scenes SO BORING. I like seeing a woman enjoy herself when having sex. To cum, moan, and allow sex and pleasure to overcome her. To submit to the guy or at the very least dominate him and ride the shit out of him and fuck him back. Cory lacks that. She always seems to be faking it. I dont think I've ever seen her have a legit orgasm. And her content took a massive nose dive after she went mainstream and started doing IR. Again, all of her scenes are boring and she's a boring fuck. Tabooheat is a massive downgrade from barebackstudios
who's the chick?
Rayveness and Melanie Hicks
very nice
Thought that was zoey holloway at first
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>Gabbie Carter and Mia Khalifa are God tier
>Angela White is honorable mentions

WTF is wrong with you, mia khalifa is mid tier girl on the street, there isn't anything special about her.

I take it you like milfs......

Milf enjoyer here. Great list but,

Why Brandi Love over Cory Chase and Kendra Lust?

Why Cory Chase over Kendra Lust?

>Ariella Ferrera

Its weird, I find her way more attractive now in recent years since she gained weight and got a curvy milf bod. Same with Ava Addams.

>Bridgette B and Becky Bandini

Overall amazing amazing choices.
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>Why Brandi Love over Cory Chase and Kendra Lust?
>Why Cory Chase over Kendra Lust?
They look like teachers I had in highschool
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Since we're doing milfs, here's my list

Milf Facial edition. Rate

I miss Diamond Jackson. hard to find another star that ticks the boxes of being a sexually aggressive black milf
Based Deauxma lover
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Enjoy a lot of these girls. apart from the ones on my tier list I especially like Kay, Vika and Nata. Having 3 in waifu tier is greedy though. 8/10
mixed to good picks. Never cared for Remy imo. no names 6.5/10
based JAV enjoyer. I could've put some in but I don't keep track of them 8/10
I really liked August and miss her. others are pretty good 9/10
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Rate mine. I like interracial, both ways. I even got a black gf
+Misty Stone, Veronica Avluv, Julianna Vega
Very based overall
You have a type. +1 Anya Olsen
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Thoughts on mine
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Lots of really good ones on there, I don’t like colored girls though so probably gonna go 6/10
Persia Monir is classic. kind of crazy she's 66 and still doing videos
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r8 pls
I was intially going to call you a rookie, because many of the girls you have on here are solo/only fucks their bf onlyfans models, but you got Adriana and Vina sky; good on you.

4/10 You need more actual sexual deviants and less glam whores.
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This is mine
you easily have my favorite one in here aside from mine
+++Gabby and Riley (especially together ), Cecilia, Kira, Abbie Maley huge W, Natalie huge W
Only thing with Abbie is she makes the most annoying noises in some of her scenes
My other favorite desu in this thread
+++Lana, Megan, Ella, Ana, Cecilia >>2495539
I always forget about Emma Mae, whatever happened to her
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No love for Emma Hix in this thread?
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Current goat list
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R8 plz M8s
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Will list names if requested.
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My list
How is AJ Applegar to tier? LOL
Some very nice pics. Gianna is goated, Japanese bbw are incredible, Sofia is just fun, Larkin love could have been the hottest goth mommy ever.
I completely avoid Siri bc the reduction fucks me up so much. To the point where I don't even watch old Siri bc it kinda makes me sad lol. Maybe I should give her one more chance for that booty.

Syren really has climbed the ranks lately I see. Also like nasty mature from time to time.

Is the test myth true? Damn, might be, idk. Bbws are not my fave preference but slamming a fat bitch with a huge jiggly ass and big meaty thighs brings out the nig in me.

Same, one ex was chubby-bbw, big ass, nice waist though. Another fat slapping had a banging ass . Usually bbw tits are not even that hot to me, but the lower part? Damn. Also sometimes like the belly
That's what I'm talking about 8/10

Very dirty mommy RP? I need that.

Love seeing people still rate Gianna. 7/10

Gotta check out some of those japs even if I enjoy them bigger usually.

Angela wicky is a top dirty slut. her GGG scenes are top notch. Ofc she does now psychic readings and diamonds lol
Some very good tits choices

Hell yeah some love for Sara jay.
I might check out +60 deauxma if she is still active

Based Gianna. Is that blonde pawg at the bottom that french slut?
She's smoking hot!
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Yes it is! I'll go ahead and post my list's names, but she's Celia French. Still does OF. It's free to sub, but she's dipped in appearance pretty hard (pic related) and almost everything is paywalled anyway.

Eva Angelina, Rachel Starr, Sativa Rose, Gianna Michaels, Cody Lane

>God Tier
Alison Tyler, Anastasiaxx89/Anastasia Steele, Jenna Haze, Lisa Sparxxx, Rebecca More, Sharon Lee

Vaniity, Alison Angel, Larkin Love, Celia French, Olga Cabaeva. Natasha Vega, Faye Reagan, Liz Vicious
Oh yeah, she really is active still, taking black cock and all. I still fondly about her outdoor scenes.

I think her looks are not that bad. Sure, she is ten years older, I think blonde suites her better and the tats are minuses. A cannabis leaf on a 9/10 ass? Bitches are retarded.
But I think her face is still cute and that ass is absolutely banging. Damn a round near perfect phat ass like that makes me wild.
That kind of ass that would probably make me cheat.
Oh btw you can find several of her OF vids when you search for "Celia Mazikeen porn"
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nice to see some Cecilia appreciation here
Hell yeah! That one scene where she got railed by two very healthy Solami pirate looking dudes was amazing back in the day. Hard to pick a favorite though.
For sure, I totally forgot about that last name change, but I was able to find a rip of her whole OF feed a year or two ago already. Appreciate it anyway. She's a natural when being filmed, but she sucks at photography. A lot of her pictures from OF look like they came from a Razor flip phone with day one release snapchat filters. Still hot as fuck though.
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>japanese bbw are incredible
They do crazy stuff that the US girls won't do, for example in one scene Rose lifted a dude and breast fed him like a baby.
Here's how I do it, I see her as two different people.
Like I mentioned in my post. She does some really adventurous shit now.

>fucking trannies
>DPed by trannies
>Fucking multiple people in a nightclub scene and getting dped...
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