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pornstars, OF girls, amateurs, socials, etc.
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side profile is crazy
I wonder if it feels weird for some of them to spend an hour putting on makeup completely naked. Like when a man puts on a belt without anything else on.
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Proxy and eva lovia are The only positive examples
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Fat women are top tier when they carry the weight right. Round soft belly that doesnt flop too much, relatively small waist, etc
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5'4 Latina 125lbs 32D--->165lbs 36F. Wanted kids, didn't work out, she would have blown up to 200+ easily.
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Does anyone have a comparison for Carmella Bing these days?
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April to October this year. She hit a plateau for a while, but back on track
>proxy Paige
patrician taste
The absolute finest in either form, but I prefer her fat
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i love fat proxy
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all time favorite
I wish she wouldve kept the shaved head
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Chubby Leana Lovings
Same, but the weight gain is even worse
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She definitely got MUCH bigger in recent years
When a woman gains weight, her beauty increases a lot, but when it is the other way around, they are left emaciated and horrible. Weight loss surgery should be illegal, it is the same as amputating a penis in a gender change, it is irreversible damage.
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I dont think Proxy is an positive example. I liked her second pic more.
But having a venus figure helps than a belly skirt.
Fair opinion, I just think she gets better and better
My piggy Dana from slim to pig (OC)
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She looks cute. So nothing to be shy of. Even if she isnt my type, you are a man of taste.
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She drank so much much black cum she got a phat ass
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ass is insane
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She needs an ass that big. Because she stuffs alot of stuff there!
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this became a fat proxy paige thread lol

i wish she never stopped shooting b/g porn. she still shoots hardcore once in a while but its not the same since she became a director. i wanna see bbw proxy on legalporno, toby dick, and other rough sex sites.
You wont catch me complaining lol. She did that gangbang scene. Looked amazing
It kinda looks like she just got old
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All her new weight went to her tits
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