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Anyone else find Lauren Phillips hot as hell but also incredibly fucking irritating? Was great seeing Hoby put her in her place
>>2497821 (OP)
Love that red-headed bitch
Face is mid but the tits and arse are insane
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>>2497821 (OP)
Just built to be a slampig
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She's one of the few where I save if I see her, so thanks for this thread
She's making me cum buckets with her IR stuff so I'm not complaining.
She does escorting. Time with her was great.
How much and where?
I got the impression that she's getting more and more tchick this year, what is good but at the same time the modern porn industry hates thick girls and we'll have less scenes of her...
Bumping for info. Is there a site where pornstars offer escorting?
>>2497821 (OP)

has a really scratchy voice, really common amongst those residing in NJ . She fucks trannies, that's always a plus in my book...

that's a fucking shame. Porn is supposed to be about the performance and display of sexual prowess. Escorting is no good. I hold pornstars to a higher standard
Always one faggot
>>2497821 (OP)
She's GOATed for me, love how thick she is, wish she was even bigger. Love seeing her take BBC up her ass and drinking piss. Shes so nasty and her voice is fucking hot.
>>2497821 (OP)
who the fuck is hoby
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You know what, I'd let her peg me
No she's contractually required though
> My hour is 1800 and I require a pic of your photo id AND a pic of you holding your photo ID next to your face with your email/phone number and a deposit.

Yeah I dunno buddy
Experienced punter here. Photo ID verification is totally standard. $1800/hr is extremely high however.
So many weird motherfuckers on this site obsessed with black dick. The fuck is wrong with you?
I want to watch a Black Bull fuck her and then I want to lick her Pussy Clean!!
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>>2497821 (OP)
Trillium said she had to do a lesbian scene with her and her pussy smelled like “rotting tuna” but that she didn’t want to be unprofessional and ate her pussy anyway.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tHCqavwsgSE [Embed]
>>2497821 (OP)
>Anyone else find Lauren Phillips hot as hell but also incredibly fucking irritating?
Very much so, I can only stand scenes like the one you mentioned where she gets absolutely brutalized and turned inside out, but on the other hand those are GOAT tier. The fact that she's genuinely annoying as fuck makes it better when she gets it.
That website name always gets me. So clearly this porn is for white males and is marketed towards white males? But that anons always tell me its all these other people that watch interracial not white men. Quite confusing. Someone must be lying here.
>>2497821 (OP)
She is one of my favorites. I don't find her irritating at all. Her body is amazing in most of her scenes. I think she had a period where she was a lot skinnier but she has so much tit and ass meat to fap to.
Yeah, the kikes.
There’s the one scene I like where she’s “surprised” with anal kek hot scene
What site? Tryst?
>Once you go black, you are contractually obligated not to go back
What indication is there that she's talking about Lauren Philips?
it has black girls getting gang banged by whites too.
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i wish she did facialabuse
>>2497821 (OP)
Is there something up with the quality of the pic or is she like that? I know she's in her 40s but that pic looks grainy. Her voice is kind of grating, like lois griffin, must be the new jersey accent. It is kind of nasaly, like valley girl meets lois griffin. She seems cool but her voice is kind of ack. This bug eyed redhead is hot.
I have had her in my lap, tits in my face, sucked on her nips. Had the option to have her full nude for 40 mins but i passed.
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>>2497821 (OP)
You're putting way too much thought into it. She's a whore. She gets fucked. You jerk off. That's it.
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Her legalporno scenes are S tier. still stroke to them so often.
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>Her voice is kind of grating, like lois griffin
Lmao funny you mention that, she did a parody shoot where she was Lois Griffin.
>>2497821 (OP)
QRD on Lauren getting put in her place?
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her asshole smells like shit
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I'd destroy her asshole
Nice larp retard
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>>2497821 (OP)
>>2497821 (OP)
Femanon here..
She performed at my local strip club. I met her actually..I adored her as I like red heads and more mature women

While her feature dance show was really good and I tipped plenty with my wife, she was doing meet and greets and actual vip dances with people (I think it was 300$ for 15 minutes, which I thought was a bit much but it's a pornstar).

I finally got to her and she said
"Sorry babe. I don't really like girls'. I was crushed. Lesson of the day - never meet your idols.
>Sorry babe. I don't really like trannies.
>>2497821 (OP)
She smells like greek yogurt and gives very good lap dances. Her voice is just so annoying
>>2497821 (OP)
Man most redhead girls have great bodies, but most also have butter faces. What the fuck is that forhead and jaw
Mostly troon and Jews, if someone dares to create a bwc thread it's even worse, they have a meltdown and gif become unusable for a week because of how many BNWO, BBC and other shitty thread they create
Wait seriously? Because I bumped the BWC asian girl gangbang threads and in a few minutes a whole bunch of bbc threads popped up? Why are troons into that? Jews are already mixed race so that makes sense
Troons want to impose their degenerate fetish on everyone, and if you dare to call them out they just respond with "whiteboi cope" and shit like that, Jews on the other hands are hardcoded since dawn of civilization into wanting white people to racemix and disappear, but this is more a pol thing...
How do you fight in theie terrain if you're from pol ? All other boards hate them?
>theie terrain ?
If you're talking about Jews, universally hated, except from indians, troons also, but it's a self solving problems (knew two of them that roped themselves)
>>2497821 (OP)
Great body.
No, how can you fight their influence in other 4chan boards when they all hate /pol/
Yeah she's not young anymore. No way is she getting away with that price these days

Fuck she’s hot.

She needs more cnc scenes or like a PST scene.
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She's like pic related Lucie Wilde. Looks great in some settings, then looks like she has Downs Syndrome in others.
Hatefuck material
I'm right there with you
Woah best pic in thread
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Ong, some of her scenes are incredibly h-miss, she doesn't give it all she got
agree. Crazy hot to look at, but her scenes are just lackluster it feels like.
she literally fucks trannies
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came here to say this. some of the best, funnest porn there is.
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She should fuck a latino
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She fucks S tier trannies that are .01% of .01% and for money. They're great scenes ngl. That poster is definitely some chrischan tier troon.
>>2497821 (OP)
A bit of a story, but I love Lauren because she looks a lot like my mom's friend who spent a lot of time at out house when I was like 12, and once I accidentally entered a room in which she was changing her clothes. She wasn't startled or anything, just looked me dead in the eyes as she removed her bra and put on another one. I was startled but also incredibly turned on. She wasn't as stacked as Lauren, but she still had a nice rack. I stared at her for a total of maybe 6-8 seconds, and then she winked at me and I got spooked and left the room. She never mentioned it. I never mentioned it. Afaik no one else ever found out about it. This was in like 2001, and I've been jerking off to busty redheads ever since. Finding Lauren Phillips was like finding the Holy Grail of stacked redheads because she looks just enough like her that it's believable, and as a plus has an incredible body.
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She needs more cnc scenes
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