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...and found these pics from when we were dating...but I never saw them/never shared them with me? Kind of not sure how to feel, as obviously someone was getting them...
reluctant to share. but curious of other anons experiences.
"hidden" folder. Means they weren't meant for you anon.
phat ass tho and she knows it. lots of dudes were getting these pics.
she looks like my ex. post more.
i hope its not
I dont want to believe it, i want to believe that they were for her, just keeping them private but I am an idiot to believe that..
Looks like these pictures were taken by someone else, not her
I know, or phone set on table
could be phone setup or someone sitting down taking photo for sure
all girls cheat anon, yours just kept all her evidence of how open to pics she was
so happy taking them though...
Search the term herk on motherless and u will see how much a slut your girlfriend is
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So, has OP just dumped some eslut calling her his wife, or is it legit?
Yeah definitely pretending it's his wife, the pics have been floating around for about 5 years about 20 guys seem to be married to her lol
its possible she took them for workout progress or just because she liked her body at that time and wanted to keep them as memory.. women are weird just like men and its not always because she was cheating
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Holy shit this is my wife also
You might want to chat to your wife, I was dm'ing her on her instagram and seemed totally unaware she was married
Meh, you're not missing anything. She's mediocre at best
I never would have believed it, but I became friends with a guy at work and after a while he showed be nudes of a dozen women at work. Nudes they'd sent him. These women were mixture of single, in relationships, married, with kids. Everything.

Some of them were what I'd consider really 'nice' women and I had a hard time imagining them doing this, but they all were. He was a real flirt too. He's only slept with a couple of them. The rest he said there was no chance they'd ever do more than just send pics, but that loads of women love doing it as it make them feel sexy, or just to get attention.

It was a big turning point for me, as I realised that a lot of what I'd previously thought of as innocent flirting could easily be taken to the next level. Just with a little more confidence and the right words at the right moment women would quickly become a lot more intimate and sexual with me too.

So your wife may not have been physically cheating on you, it could have just been flirting with someone else. The point is if she stuck with you that's what matters.
I wish I has a slut girlfriend who cheats on me but is bad at hiding it. She doesn't realize that I know she's a slut.

Want to take her to parties and set her up with other guys their without her realizing it.
I am coming to understand this as well sadly...

Yeah, basically my case...like she thinks she is getting away withit and in a way she is...
wish i could find stuff like this on my wifes computer...different ways to search?
i have had success with just searching old messages in emails etc.. not always showing up as an image file too
thanks for the info nudge. Just did a quick search of my girls computer...pretty easy to find sadly..never seen this before
Same. Hate how much of the slut wife content revolves around the husband humiliation. I just really like sluts.

Want my wife to have a girls night out with some friends, get wasted and then railed in the bathroom by some guy then for her to come home as though nothing happened.

Keep thinking of scenarios to make this happen. Best I heard was to setup a meeting with an "old friend chad" at the bar, be to drunk to drive so he has to give us a lift home. I goto bed because I'm to drunk and leave her with him
I need to learn to be like that dude, otherwise, this is a larp
The idea that every lady is just a couple drinks and the sight of a hard body with big dick will cause her to turn into a cheating slut is hot.

Like the have some "must breed with chad" routine lying dormant in their psyche just waiting to activate
we believe.
i think especially wives that have husbands/kids, man they just need to let loose and are always deep down looking for the opportunity...let them have the girls nights!
yes to this, gotta act like nothing is happening and they will just think youre an idiot
I tried to get my wife to go on ladies night with some friends and haven't been successful. Need a rent a skut friend service to take her out and show her the ropes.

She doesn't know my fetish tough on lightly hinted around it before. Sometimes if the house isn't clean she will call herself a sluttish housewife (in a Shakespearen word for a wife that neglectsto keep the place clean) but hearing her say that gets me hard. I think she has a dirty side in her but never brings it out.

Maybe instead of a rent a slut friend service I need a rent a Chad service to secretly fuck her.

Anyone else in a similar situation?
Fuck I can't type today.

*rent a slut friend service
*though I have lightly hinted around it
One time was at the bar with a friend (female) and my wife. My friend and me went to go look at some paintings they had at the other side leaving my wife at the bar to watch out drinks.

Guessing since I was with another girl someone went up to my wife and started flirting with her thinking she was alone. My wife turned him down since she was married of curse but wow did that make her day to get hit on at the bar like that.

She kept telling me about it (she seen girls flirt with me before though I was stupidly oblivious but I think it activates that jealousy/I got him not you haha part of their brain). Had to put on a perfornative jealousy act even though it served as cumming fodder later to think of her sneaking off with him to get fucked behind the bar and show up later with a pussy full of cum.
I'd this just the same guy replying to hid own conversation, seek help for the multiple personalities

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