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My wife
This girl is amazingly cute but I do not believe she's a nigger slut for real, she probably has a white boyfriend and is just cashing in on the cucks.
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Nice flistening ass
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Nah, she's definitely got a black bf or fuckbuddy. She used to refer to him as "God" and post with him quite often. But it's either all been deleted or behind the OF paywall. Most you get on her socials now is an occasional black hand or a hint of black dick.
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this is stolen valor
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The one and only Tara Babcock
I'm subbed to her OF, the 'black' guy you see there is a tan latino dude with fucking painted nails lol
Help me understand the painted nail on males trend. I legit don't get it
sauce on this chick?

she's only wearing this outfit because cucks keep bugging her, she's not even into it lmao
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latinx bros winning again, as expected of the most intermarrying male species in muttland second only to whities
it's kinda like an extension of getting tattoos, self-expression and show that you dgaf about what societies think of you, both of which happen to be attractive to sensory seeking women
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Does anyone know the sauce? I need it bad
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@divinekatarina on Twitter!
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More of @divinekatarina on Twitter!
There are literally THREE threads for Blacked Underwear currently. Learn how to use the catalog. Two threads, not at bump limit, existed when you made this one.
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all the blacked trannies left /gif/ with the recent changes and needed another place to post
how could you even cope w/ this in public?
these girls are savages, this is probably unhealthy for my brain
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walk past and say "BASED."
she's into interracial porn tho, she just don't want to fuck black men
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looks like her first post in them, one to watch I think
the fact she went live on twitch with it is so hot, i love how mainstream it's becoming
I watched the stream, nobody in chat even asked about it
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Who dis
Just look at the filename
Anon 1?
why didn't you say anything anon?
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Google provides nothing for "anon 1" what are you talking about reverse image search also nothing
>reverse image search also nothing
why'd it take me directly to u/Sweet_Deer415 on reddit then?
@divinekatarina on twitter
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Her bf/husband is so lucky
I made a Twitter fan page for lovers of women wearing BLACKED underwear! Feel free to follow if you are interested!
Twitter: https://x.com/blackedunderwer

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