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Collecting on that $5 debt
You got ripped off holmes
May you burn in hell. and may to god that you taste greater hardship in the future.
Should've cummed inside
She did not seem to mind.
Anyone got a good telegram link?
Plenty of them
I wish I could find one of these to swing by and clean my house a couple of times a week. And give some low-stakes maintenance head for a few bucks here and there so I can focus on work.
No butthole creampie?
I think that when the mass deportations begin in the US, you should be able to pick one or two from the holding camps and host them indefinitely. This girl here, not super hot. But definitely girl next door material with a South of the Border twist. I'm sure there are no shortage of women like this who would happily do my wash, cooking, shopping, and live out their days as a cum dumpster for the opportunity to live in the land of flush toilets and not dying of cholera.

I don't need a companion or a mate. I need someone to take care of the house, walk the dog, and take a load occasionally while I focus on my work.
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472 KB JPG
cum on her face
post more cum
Fuck, I wish I could Door Dash a mid brown girl to unload on. Just show up in 30 minutes, take a load to the face, here's your $8 tip, be on your way.
Instead of "paying you" with his daughter, I would have made him have sex with his own daughter and record it. And then I would have had sex with his daughter with my new blackmail material and use that blackmail material for other favors down the line

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