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Pornstars who are actually mothers
I start with Tiffany Mynx
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One of the most legendary threads I remember was when an anon stated he was the song of Kayla Synz and was answering questions and such
Veronica Avluv
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Syren De Mer

i think her kids are probably full grown at this point too since she's getting pretty old (55)
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Kiara Mia. too bad she's totally bogged now though
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Isis love
I think that she has one kid
My mother is in this thread
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Valentina Nappi on the list in few months
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I don't. Imagine growing up with a mom that not only looks like this, but knowing in the back of your mind that there is 100s of videos of her taking cock on the internet for you to find at a moments notice. It absolutely drive you crazy
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Yhivi. Dipped out of porn for a bit to give birth, came back to do solo Onlyfans content, eventually got back into b/g, just released a new scene with Brazzers.
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Preggo pic for proof
You'd fap to your own mom if she was in porn, right?
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My mom is ugly so if you literally mean my actual mom than no. But if my mom was a MILF like the one's in this thread than of course I fucking would, it take some serious discipline to resist
my fave piggy
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Carmella bing
she's not. she trolls like this on a pretty regular basis
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Tori Black
I don't follow her since I don't have any social network, so I didn't knew it.... Thank you very much
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not only did she outwhore her own daughter right out of porn, she just got knocked up at the ripe age of 53
imagine being able to see video of your moms ass prolapsing
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And your new dad is Jesse James
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Has a son
wait wtf? Since when?
Yes, my mom is still hot and very fuckable at her 57 years old.
both anal and vaginal prolapse are common natural occurance especially among those who experienced multiple childbirth
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Here we can see she has shat out at least one Brazilian, which I assume she doesn't have custody of.
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Soft bellied leggy Venezuelan
Melania Trump
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I wonder If Valentina nappi got pregnant by her Cuckold husband or her bull?
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Diana Prince was already a mom when she entered the industry
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I can't find any reliable information about it but I read somewhere that Anna Bell Peaks has two children, if someone could maybe confirm
Lena Paul not doing any preggo content was a travesty
Good to see she ended up with a happy (?) ending I guess. Tory was amazing. One of the greatest ever.

Very true.
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Dana Vespoli had 3 kids with Manuel Ferrara

still going strong in the biz at 52
How many of these women fuck their sons?
Not sure how common it is, but know about one lesser known(but still has around 40 movies) European mature pornstar in her late 40. She has an autistic son that's now around 13. I know her fb and OF, she also does escort.
I also know she is nude at home at lot, in front of him apparently also. She makes lot of her OF content at home. I saw several vids where you could hear that he is in the same room off camera.
I imagine she at least jerks him off since he is, well, autistic and all, and she is also a bit unorthodox about sex and all. Could be just some way of being a caring mom for her. Nude cuddles I also know of.
I onced showed her nudes of my mom and she was very very chill about it, asked me for real if I had sex with her.
She also told me she fucks her cousin sometimes.

Sorry I can't give out her name bc I have kinda personal contact with her and don't wanna scare her away.
How much you jerk to it. You feel guilty afterwards?

I think it’s beautiful she can be open with her son. In my household, we’re Jain nudist and seeing our bodies is special.

I don’t see it being bad for her son, maybe if it was the other way around, with a dad and autistic daughter, then yeah, maybe. In this case, it’s likely beneficial for him, considering his autism.

How’d you stumble upon her?
>European mature pornstar in her late 40

As somone who has fucked quite a few milf escorts in Europe including a few pornstars, can you please tell me if she has light hair or dark hair?

If I think I know who it is, I won't say the name out of privacy and respect as well, just really curious now

Kinda...neither. somewhere in between.
Eastern euorpean

Don't know exactly how I found her private Twitter, insta and then facebook. Just some digging. Never suspected this whole thing, was kinda coincidence. I onced talked with her on the phone quite some years ago when she was doing escort for some time in the country I lived in. I asked her if she will porn again, she then said no, she has a kid now(I guess being an escort is a more private option?). Well then started some digging.
And when I saw her in porn again a few years later, then I really got interested.
Wrote her on twitter for example, showed her some straight shota drawings, she liked them and I got the impression she is curious about perversions.
Then OF and so on.

Nowadays if say her looks are rather "mid", but she has something about her and the whole story turns me on.
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Maserati XXX even did some preggo porn. Sadly nowadays she only does content for her own site.
What happened to her? Where is she? She's been in porn since the early 90s rhen disappeared early 2010s?
Isn't she some kind of middle eastern?
Women hit menopause around 49 or 50. She must be either joking or a genetic freak
Aletta Ocean?
Bleached by BWC, that baby is lightskin

Why is the milf fetish linked with incest fetish?
Neither, she froze her eggs and got on high doses of pregnancy hormones to stimulate her post menopause body. Most sperm donors are white so the kid'll be blonde like her. Hope its not a boy. Ryan's great at raising girls
Most men have only drunk their mother's milk. The only other person to give you milk would be a woman you impregnated. Thats not very taboo so it has less allure compared to incest
Sybil Stallone is married with kids. Pays for everything with her porno mommy money
She fucks BBC behind the camera too
Did you fuck her
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Kianna Dior
She fucks BBC now and is more famous than ever. Her tits are bigger too.
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August Taylor
Did she retire, not too many wasian bimbos that get that famous with a bubble ass
Kind of wild how jamaican girls love BWC
She had a sperm donor impregnate her frozen egg. Its most likely white too. Sad
Wait really? Isn't Manuel Ferrara married nowadays to another pornstar?
She's even better looking with bigger tits, a huge ass and her abs show. Built for sex. She even got better at sucking dick
Somehow dodged BBC even though she is half samoan or hawaiian. Very weird combo, pacific islander's have black features like her having a dark brown pussy
she had a lot of issues with family court somewhere around the mid to late 2010s iirc, which checks out when you remember that she tried to pimp out her son into the porn industry when he turned 18. he did one scene with Tiffany's then best friend Alana Evans and dropped out of porn never to be seen or heard from again.
Wait? I don't get it. The kid fucked his mom's mild friend as an adult? How was their court trouble? What were the charged? Was there younger kids involved?
Yes, Alana Evans who is Mynx's best friend irl even swallowed Scott's cum. The court stuff is new to me. She complained about it on her twitter too. Aparrently Tiffany was BTS for that scene , it implies incest. Tiffany even cucked him with BBC in a dogfart scene. She's a real freak. Now that she is a gilf she I wonder if she'll do more scenes.
She's a porno grandmommy now
What keeps her going, her era was 2 decades ago literally
Crazy she was bred black too
Is that olivia olovely? She's hideous now as a bbw
of course
too bad that isn't porn
>Tiffany even cucked him with BBC in a dogfart scene.
>actual mother
>is one of the best working mommy porn actress
kino, need more like this
She has kids? Lol
Well she'll get a bog payday once she fucks it on screen. She once harrassed a fan who suggested on the official X account for blacked that she get a scene. Literally called out branditscan to get his account attacked and locked for even posting that suggestion. She is a hypocrite for acting all moral while being a literal escort yet finding time to larp as conservative. Doesn't she know that the most right wing pornstars like AJ Applegate, Richelle Ryan, Ryan Conner, Kailani Kai, Jada Stevens, Alura Jenson, Karma Rx, Bridgette B, Jewels Jade, and Alena croft all love BBC? She needs to get with the program.
What a retarded bitch. Porn's so woke that type of shit will get her cancelled and sucking dicks in the slums of Brazil
>all love bbc
they totally don't only do that cause niggers pay 3-5 times more
Lmao, anon they collab heavily with niggers on onlyfans which is cheaper than major studios for IR. Anyways, these bitches are clearly not living a conservative life. We've got Ryan Conner who just got knocked up by a nigger who abandoned her, and now she's taling about MAGA. Make this make sense
Damn, they actually betrayed the democrats like that? Don't they know that MAGA hates whores? What a couple of dumb broads. Makes sense they're whores
Probably because dudes who like milfs want to fuck someone that acts like their mommy
you do know that regular whores that don't do porn charge niggers more too, right?

There's nothing different between studio porn and onlyfans in that regard. Cucks pay, so they do what pays
Thats a given, but after a while its so normalized by the jews in charge of porn studios that these broads end up in a niche. As for onlyfans, its nigger central rightnow. Literal porn dodgers are all about BBC, regardless of their beliefs. If anything they're trying to rope in more cucks by larping as trumpers.
Most of those whores have switched up to making majority interracial, so good point. But after a while the message is the medium. Nigger porn everywhere if you want to get paid being a whore according to the powers that be
Yep she is in her 50s.
>the message becomes the medium
the funny thing about dating statistics is that in the last decade whites became even more racially exclusive, not the other way around

Because of that, there's good shot that the kikes upped what they pay pornstars to do that and that's why the dodgers went into it.

Alexis Texas in her prime denied interracial scene for like 100k USD, so the pay must be crazy to make her do it now - or because she's a woman she did that for attention and the huge pay was a bonus
>the funny thing about dating statistics is that in the last decade whites became even more racially exclusive, not the other way around
Maybe for white women, but right now alot of white men are drowning in gook pussy
>Because of that, there's good shot that the kikes upped what they pay pornstars to do that and that's why the dodgers went into it.
Well these kooks need to be reminded they're out of the tribe. Statistically speaking white women are the most racially loyal. So these so called conservative misceginaters need to be dealt with before someone gets taken for a ride down the subversion highway
>Alexis Texas in her prime denied interracial scene for like 100k USD, so the pay must be crazy to make her do it now - or because she's a woman she did that for attention and the huge pay was a bonus
I'm pretty sure she doesn't get into the politics much. Plus she isn't racially pure. She had a spic mulatto grandmother from latin america. Kind of like how clearly africanized spics in the dominican republic deny they're black. A sort of colorism. Its weird like that, all her friends are spics like kristina rose, olivia o'lovely, etc...
The more ridiculous one is how so many milf/ gilf sluts like Ryan Conner, Jewels Jade, Richelle Ryan, Karma Rx, Katrina Jade, Alura Jenson etc... are infiltrating the Maga movement. Its like a clown showing up to law school. What is their angle? They literally get sodomized and sodomize eachother on camera and engage people with family values. Its obscene
>Maybe for white women, but right now alot of white men are drowning in gook pussy

racial exclusivity went up for both actually
The funny statistics are when you get to Asian women and Latinas, because both groups are more into White men than used to in 2014, whilst for Asian and Latin men it stayed relatively same

Turns out referring to White Men as the White Devil non stop made them hotter
Mind posting the study, I've seen one from 2023 on this from /sci/ of all places
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would be too long of a post, so I'll just put the link to twitter here
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Surprised Janet Mason hasn't been posted yet. Her son is in the military too. Kek
Yikes, she has gigantic tits as a gilf now. Absolute bimbo
Kayden Kross.
What a downgrade, she is no where near as freaky as Dana Vespoli
Why doesn't she shoot for major studios anymore?
Italian girls love BBC
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wish more did pregnant scenes like karla kush
I'm surprised he isn't biracial, lol
How common is for porn stars to become parents, 50%? Why are so many hitting the wall? Is it the drugs, the mental illness?
drugs and mental illness are a given to even become a pornstar
on top of that not a single sane man would want to parent a kid with a woman who everybody knows is a whore
All the make up that cakes up their faces during porn scenes doesn't help. Plus alot of pornstars these days don't swallow sperm which has anti aging benefits.
She doesn't swallow as much BBC cum in her newer scenes like she used to swallow in the early 2000s gonzo scenes she starred in
Damn, I didn't know she was back in action
Nope, latina and native american
Its in the bts footage for her cuckolding dogfart scene
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Sophia Rossi was a single mother of two when she entered porn. At one point she lost custody of her kids to her ex but managed to win them back. She and her kids now run a yoga studio.
Proud of her anon, she worked hard to win
Is Tiffany Mynx jewish?
No she's getting blacked as a fatty now
>vaginal prolapse
Is that when their wombs fall out?
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Flower Tucci? No way, how anon? Whats her socials?
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her ig is private
What's the account called lad? How did you confirm it?
Yes, it usually happens after giving birth. But a sufficiently rough fucking like a triples vaginal penetration scene should do the trick
Somehow Riley Reid gave birth to a blonde hair blue eye'd child and got married to her baby's father.
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Eva Angelina has 2 kids. She had one sometime between 2007-2008 and another a few years later. Her first kid's a girl she had with her ex husband, fellow porn actor, Danny Mountain. She had her second child with another exhusband. After retiring officially around 2010 (though still doing infrequent GG scenes for a while), she became a realtor in Florida and eventually went on to obtain a firefighter certification as the Captain of her class in 2019. No one ever highered her even though she was among the top students. Now as her daughter's old enough to drive, Eva's made another return to porn doing shitty OF slop and has an exclusive deal with Vixen. One of her first scenes back was for Blacked. She talked about most of this in interviews and her new Youtube channel recently. Don't waste your time watching that shit. She's just as retarded as she's always been.

She was the first pornstar I knew by name thanks to being an 11 year old with internet access in the mid 2000's and Kazza. Been in my top 5 ever since. Weird as hell seeing her back, but I'm not complaining.
Sadly no

Obviously not
Somehow I find it hard to believe that Alexis Texas made more than 100k from that IR scene lately.
But I don't know what these bitches make from PPv on OF.
>Imagine growing up with a mom that not only looks like this, but knowing in the back of your mind that there is 100s of videos of her taking cock on the internet for you to find at a moments notice.
Stop, I can only get so erect
He's clearly lying, no one gate keeps retired pornstars.
They're probably trying to force her in contracts for multiple scenes all at once to be shot and releases over the years
She clearly has alot of talent doing firefighting and realtor work but maybe getting dicked down is her destiny.
>Why are so many hitting the wall?
Its called aging, genetics and environmental factors
Is the baby black?
Yeah hapa girls are the best whores on earth
What a piece of shit gatekeeping simp that anon was
I'm not saying the court stuff was a result of that scene (it happened a long time ago), I'm saying it reflects on the kind of parent she is so it's not surprising that she's had family court issues relating to her other children.
The first one's dad is white. Not 100%, but I believe her second husband and father of kid #2 is also white. So they're very diluted mutts of mostly white with small parts asian and hispanic.
Got any links anon?
Who would marry someone that was possibly porn's biggest nympho in the late 2000s and early 2010s
Alexis Golden talked about this once on bts for her bbc gangbang last year. Its like chugging bbc cum makes women smarter?
I mean she bought herself some abs, a bigger ass and titties so I'd say she isn't bogged yet
She is a certified gilf, one of the first hotwife QOS addicted to BBC to make it tonthemainstream
way less money in that now vs shooting and releasing it yourself, then they get all the money vs just a one time payment, its pretty common for pornstars now to just occasionally do mainstream scenes so they stay relevant and can build up their onlyfans
How many kids does Dee Williams have?
Thats a better method, some like karmen karma haven't done that in like 2 years though
2 based off her interview at exxxotica last year
These hoes ain't loyal
Never have been
never will be
Also https://www.distractify.com/p/diamond-foxxx-90-day-fiance-husband
any chance you have a link to the interview?
how hot is her kid?
I wonder if she did all those incest mother/daughter scenes just to make googling her real daughter impossible
4D chess kek
>we’re Jain nudist
goddamn all the red boards are filled with brownoid jeets it's just jeets talking to each other. reminds me why I don't visit these boards anymoe
>drugs and mental illness are a given to even become a pornstar
> not a single sane man would want to parent a kid with a woman
wonder how whores like riley reid, leah gotti and tori black managed to get married and have multiple kids
their husbands are cucks, not men
>Who would marry someone that was possibly porn's biggest nympho
sit down please. i have news for you. most pornographic whores are married and atleast 75% of the whores on iafd have had kids. remember naomi russell. some of us do. biggest porn whore in modern history. she disappeared from porn, changed her name got married and has multiple kids. i got thousands of other porn whore names i can list here who got married and had kids..men and their libido is what ruined the world..
last i checked they are still men.they look ripped and look like they fuck other women on the side too while their wives are at porn shoots..
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> Ctrl + f
>0 results for the hottest former lunch lady of all time
You are mind broken
Your spirit is crushed
What about christy love? I heard her husband pressured her into the industry
bruh, this is so cucked.
Tory Lane was one of the actresses with the most disgusting and brutal scenes, a full whore in the business.
It's funny how in the end even the most disgusting and whore woman wants to have a family. Poor guy, and the son will find the worst kind of porn made by his mother.
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The most famous mom, her daughter I think is 16 years old as of today 16-17.
She says this in an interview where she talks about how her daughter plays Fortnite and tries to be as careful as possible about not finding information about her mother on the internet, poor little girl.
I wonder if her kids believe when she said she's never done anal
Jenna Covelli has been sucking and loving all sized cocks for 40 years now
I remember that. She wasn't even doing porn regularly before the daughter came in.
She definitely likes getting her ass licked but she won't do anal on camera
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Would you jerk off to your own mom sucking a strangers cock?
Well anon. The father is white so that makes sense
It's amazing how out of those names Riley was the only one to get a white baby daddy
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Seeing my mom suck and gangbang BBC's would be the worst part. BWC and even butt plugs wouldn't be as bad. Also the regret of not jerking off in front of her when I had the chance as a 13-17 year old
>tori black
She's a single mom
Leah gotti got bred by BBC?
What do you think the reaction would have been?
Now? Nah
In puberty? Is that even a question? Cock would be rock hard on its own
You know what the worst thing about this is? Most of these women won't give the man much of that porn wildness in private. I mean maybe a hot strip, but I doubt they do much filming, kissing, cum gagrling, slapping, a2m, throat fucking etc. In private.
But you are good enough to deal with her moods and bitching. Rough.
All while seeing her age and lose her hotness month for month. Won't even bother to put on makeup to look like a slut.
>It's funny how in the end even the most disgusting and whore woman wants to have a family.

Because pornstars are not whore dumb ass.
Porn is sex between professionals
>pornstars are not whores
I wonder if they know how much piss mommy drinks before kissing them goodnight lmao, what a disgusting existence.
A lot of the "hit the wall" pictures people post are actually just "got fat". I've seen people in their 20's get fat and go downhill in the same way.
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vina sky had a kid with jules jordan after falling pregnant on a porn shoot.
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was it a solo scene with him or a gangbang?
i don't know. she put a lot of pictures of her kid on her instagram. dude will have a hard time at school later. https://www.instagram.com/thevinasky/?hl=en
yeah skeezy porn producer dad and whore mother, as well as being hapa which means severe mental and identity issues later in life. should have aborted as some things just don't mix
if she conceived in a gangbang she was fucking lucky it turned out to be jules jordan who knocked her up
These are performers
It's always funny to see poor guys taking care of other people's good lives on 4chan.
That didn't happen.
Jordan literally met her when she entered the agency, they met and that's where they were together.
Vina Sky is incredible, I'm still gooning with her scenes with Mike Adriano, Vina Sky's gapes are the most beautiful thing that exists.
It's incredible how in just 1 year she went from that to being a married woman with a family.
True, Other guys fucked her in her prime
Is it true that she got preggers by that blacked raw director guy?
Pretty sure Leah Gotti got divorced, again.
Maria Yumeno
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Nigga wtf are you talking about? I'd tell if we don't make consensual love daily I'll rape her... daily.
Which begs the question: How come their offspring don't join the biz?
Some do. See Ryan Conner's daughter Dylann Phoenix
Please give a sauce on naomi russell. I heard she is happily married with bbc and has 4 kids
Was the baby half black?
any links to her new material?
my mom was pretty when she was young (I always noticed men stares at her) but I can't think about her in that way, something short circuits in my mind so I wouldn't I can't even think of a sexy scenario with her included, even tho I heard my parents fucking a couple times
She retired aftee like a year
Karlee Grey is also mom
Who is A Addams baby daddy,and did he dipped
She went straight to porn after her hubby died
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Sadie Summers has a son, he's a toddler at the moment
best american MILF currently, she needs to go to Europe
fantasy of mine is growing up with a sex positive porn/escort single mom and her work friend babysitters

also i feel like some posters ITT had hot moms who were affectionate, and casual when it came to wearing underwear at home (and nudity up to a certain age)
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there was a story going around that her son came across her videos, freaked out, and taped printed-out photos of Veronica getting fucked around the house
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She needs to return to porn asap
She'd literally be a billionaire for how down to earth and slutty she was holy shit
Lana Rhoades is a blacked milf

Ava lost custody due to being a turbo slut and failing to provide a stable environment for the kid
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Her, Nappi, Jada Stevens, Lana Rhodes, Kelly Divine, Sutherland etc...a lot of them are

A self-respecting white man isn't going to take on these used goods, so it's only natural they'd pair up with blacks
Riley Reids' husband did. Wifed her up and had a kid
With blonde hair and blue eyes too
she was always a cum hungry, cock addicted slampig, she just finally had the excuse to embrace it.
Back when they were just swingers/Cuckold amateurs, they would post about breeding, Janet was desperately into it, but it never happened, they likely never found the right Bull.

but believe you me, Janet wanted to make her Hubby see her get impregnated, in a weirdly loving way, as she always had nothing but love for her Hubby and vice versa, and they wanted to have the ultimate final pay off to their debauchery.

hence all the scenes of her making sure men cum on her wedding ring lol.
She may be a huge cockslut but she was by no means overweight, so not a slampig. Just a pure unalterated fuckmeat milf
Brianna was the GOAT
Is the baby half black
Maybe her kids will do porn, apparently alena croft's mother was a pornstar
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Olivia lovely is a fat obese ugly torta now. I actually met her at an Indian restaurant in Monrovia California a while back she looks even worse in person she has grandkids
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If you see your name tattoed there then that's your mom.
They need a constant supply of birile cumshots to look young
LOL, not surprised. She should give in and become a gigantic gilf slut
Also herpes

Sad. She had one of the best bodies in porn EVER in her prime. If she only had taken care of her body she could have made elite milf content, sad sad.

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