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I have the feeling that we often post the same porn stars here. Gianna Michaels, Sasha Grey, Riley Reid. Please share the girls who deserve more attention.

I'll start with Jodi Taylor. She hasn't made that many good movies. But I always liked her look. Natutal, small breasts and wide hips. Isn't active anymore.
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Alexis Crystal. Euro Girl. Has shot an astonishing number of scenes and is still active. From sex with old men, bbc gangbangs, bukkake. She has actually done almost everything.

Unfortunately she has had her teeth done and now has a fake, super white set of teeth.
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Mona Wales. I don't know why, but I always liked the way she looked. Plain Jane, but in a positive way. I think she's still active.
Emylia Argan. Euro Girl. Isn't active anymore.
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Emylia Argan. Euro Girl. Isn't active anymore.
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Holly Michaels. Is no longer active.
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Apolonia Lapiedra. Euro Girl. Petite woman, with small boobs.
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Leah Gotti. Super good looking unfortunately relatively few films shot.
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Veronica Leal. I think she comes from Kulumbia. Is still active. Shoots a lot of hard scenes. A lot of anal.
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Ashley Lane. I think she is still active. But mainly does BDSM stuff.
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Agatha Vega
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Katie St Ives
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Sheena Shaw
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Elise Siswet. Probably the woman with the strongest anal skills. I think it's just amazing that you can't tell that she regularly has a baseball bat or a horse dildo up her butt.
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Amia Miley. Unfortunately, it has been totally destroyed by cosmetic surgery.
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Janice Griffith
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she was awesome, glad she made a return. She did everything and anything.

another great shemale fucker, pretty awesome in all regards.
eh she seemed like a real cunt in her interviews idk man, she really wasn't into porn for the right reasons.

Not sure how big she is, but paige turnah is pretty damn awesome.
Her Czech gangbang is one of my faves. Pity it wasn't as long as the ones she hosted though.
Didn't she try to become a reformed Christian porn star or something?
I like her superhero fetish stuff. Especially the one where she plays Batgirl, gets gangbanged, unmasked, and then choked to death with cock.
she's an awful sjw cunt though
that scene makes me hard as diamonds
>choked to death with cock
Lmao it's not even an exaggeration, that's literally how her Batgirl scene ends with her "dying" from cock in her throat
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Unfortunately, she didn't make very many films and is no longer active.

Hmmm I don't know if she has become religious. But a few years ago she posted a rant about the mainstream porn industry (sexual assault etc.).
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She is so pretty
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I know. I think she dated Hasan Piker
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Lauren Phoenix.

No longer active for a long time. She was mainly active in the early 2000s. She also once took part in an advertising campaign for the clothing brand American Apparel.
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Sierra Sanders
I think she ramped down her career after she got pregnant, then had her baby.
I loved her bdsm stuff where she was one of the only to match Maitresse Madeline in terms of pure presence. Who is my pick for most underrated porn star.
Aria Alexander
thank god she got out before getting tatted up and fake tits and lips
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Luna Silver

Mosty does OF and other stuff.
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She was amazing!
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Charlotte Carmen. Wasn't active long, but she was adorable!
Matty. Newer to the industry, but absolutely gorgeous
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Jessi Cox, gorgeous blonde, did a lot of work for kink.com, some great scenes.
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alyssa west, she's so goofy looking and down to get nasty.

she's like a mix of girl next door and bimbo
Diana Prince
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Anna bell peaks
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Oh yes. She had a big ass
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Super cute
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Chloe Amour
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Lina Luxa.

Tall French Girl
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August Ames
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she's gonna pee on that rug huh
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Does Charity Crawford count? Did some amazing scenes, nice long slender body. Boyfriend went through phases of wanting her to do porn and not doing it. Resorted to OF like the rest of them but looks rough and weirdly shiny nowadays.
I like jodi taylor

Reminds me of my first gf
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Nessa Devil

i know not everyone is into skinny or fake tits but shes got beautiful holes and she always does anal

Now in the mainstream world as Darcy the Mail Girl on Joe Bob Briggs's show.
Does she still fuck? I normally don't like girls whose surgeries look too obvious but for some reason my dick gets diamond hard for her
Agreed on all these and would add Ginger Lee to the thread. Cute Southern Belle type that worked a few years in the early 2000s
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Honey Gold... phenomenal blasian girl
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Avi Love

not usually into skinny chicks but something about her is super attractive to me. also didnt shy away from gangbangs, DPs, DAP

was only in porn for a few years but did a good amount of scenes
Elle Lee
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>Leah Gotti
>August Ames


They were arguably among the most popular pornstars while they were still active

My vote goes to Brenda James. Very underrated milf that not too many people know about
Lisa Marie
Haileey James
Kelly Kline
Gia Paloma
Georgia Peach
Felix Vicious
Ricki White
Leah Luv
Nina Mercedez
Katie Thomas
Faye Runaway
Natalie Knoxxx
She became an early fitness/nutrition influencer. I forget what her "new" name is, but she was pretty big for a while in that sphere.
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Becky Bandini

Retired way too soon. 2019-2021
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Druuna! Changed the way I see cougars lol
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Willow Ryder

The only black pornstar who has ever been of any interest to me.
She did a great DaughterSwap with the also underrated Jade Valentine.
Always loved that she was always game for parodies. Star Wars, Mortal Kombat, etc.
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Gigi Rivera. too bad Charlie Sheen gave her HIV
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True. They where popular. But i guess they never reached this "legend" level like Sasha Grey, Gianna Michaels.
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Alina Ali
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Claire Dames
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Stacie Jaxxx

Not a week goes by that I don't miss this broad.

Such a cutie with a unique look.
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Ella Knox
Amai Liu
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Summer Luv

this bitch was so nasty. at the dawn of the online porn boom there was an ad of her doing a puke fucking scene and it popped up a lot. so often that I eventually cracked and paid, and it was worth it. maybe her best scene period, I still have it on a hard drive somewhere.
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Jandi Lin
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Mariah Mars
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Brooke Scott
how didn't I know about this chick?
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I jerked off to her Avril Lavigne scene like a fucking maniac
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Wasnt she avtive under a new name and now does social media things?
culture man
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I've shot straight up inordinate ropes to Sheena, and it's incredible that along all these years she hasn't bogged herself and still has stayed slim and petite
Hard to place this pic, because she's aged well, but last I checked she still looks as she did 10+ years ago.
Godawful bogging, truly criminal
Pretty sure she's half jeet
I think she's still about
Ariana Marie. Totally gorgeous
Sarah Banks - amazing black asshole and pussy
Should have named the thread "Mainstream pornstars from over five years ago that kids just discovered"
can't attach webms with sounds but Heather Night for me
She looks like she fucks white dick only.
Her insta now is nikolbxg
Gone full bimbo mode though.
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Faryn Lain / Farynn Fux
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Faryn Lain/ Farynn Fux
Mia Nix
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chloe, ella, and alika are my latina trifecta, a shame chloe got bogged tho
thicc southern belle Natalie Austin
Willow Hayes but she is dead now
Underrated and underground
She's cute, how did she die?
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Cassidey Rae / Paizley Adams. Vivid girl from the early 2000s and had a surprisingly long career
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Jackie Hoff. Not sure if she's underrated because I think she's had some appearances in coombait porn star interviews on Youtube, but I never see her posted here. She has a very throwback look and she's an extremely enthusiastic nympho. I really like the "slutty 1960s librarian" thing she has going on.
Bro I had forgotten all her. One of the best asians girls of the 2000s. She had a great attitude, very funny and self-aware.
>Top Left
Kira Perez. More known, but not highly regarded it seems. I think her pussy is picture perfect, she's confidently half retarded, and even though she can't act interested to save her life, her falsetto moans are hot as fuck.

>Bottom Left
Scarlett Rose. Fairly new, but I bet if she sticks around, she'll be popular. Everything about her body is top tier.

Kiara Lord. Easily the most known here, but fuck you if you don't. Sadly she looks horrible now with extreme sickly weight loss, but she has a fairly large back catalogue of stellar scenes. Everything from basic vanilla stuff to the weird niche shit to the more extreme piss drinking gangbangs from PissVids. She's done it all.

>Top Right
Marica Chanelle. I found out recently her catalogue is a lot bigger than previously thought. While she has a lot of American main stream stuff, she's French and has a fair amount of scenes filmed in her home country. Easily my favorite body of the 5.

>Bottom Right
Salomé Gil. Making her rounds in the US, but she's done a bunch of stuff with SexMex. There's hardly a professional scene with her that isn't at least a 7/10, and a lot of her Amateur stuff is right up there.
Correction, Marica is Italian.
Meant for >>2506317
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Marsha May. I adore her
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Sarah Vandella is VERY very good, imo
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Fuck I love this whore. Drives my cock absolutely crazy. I just want to pound her and watch her get pounded. Great choice
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Too bad she's blacklisted now
She's been a very bad girl...
Victoria Rae Black - Great example of "Tits on a stick". Perfect tits, super slim, cute face.

Shot mainstream porn for like a year, did playboy, retired, seems to be living a normal life.
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Katie Kush
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Naudia Nyce
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I always liked her too
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She's good, something I can't quite finger on
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I think it's that she looks both extremely sexy and kind of ugly at the same time, and loves to get fucked. Ugly-hot nymphos are the absolute top tier of porn stars to me. If a girl fits that description I will be a fan, no matter what other 'category' she fits in; race, age, tatts or no tatts, piercings or no piercings, amateur or pro, doesn't matter. Another that comes to mind is Venom Evil
I'll make a case for these 3.
Kat Such a good petite whore. The braces and her being able to pass for Asian or Latina was hot as fuck. Lots of anal and GB scenes too.

Sandy Sweet stayed pretty vanilla and maybe I only like her because she looks like my wife, but I always thought she was hot as fuck and wish she did more.

Casey Calvert is such a good slut, does BBC and gangbang vids, and even has some acting ability.
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staci silverstone
>"Hi I'm Bobbie, I'm 19 years old....and today I'm gonna get my ass fucked!"
The greatest opening to a porn scene ever
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Love this big tittied bitch. Definitely something about her. Squeezed out many loads to her. Great hanging naturals.
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Know pedophile
U fags act as if women getting fucked by niggers is a plus
Khloe KIngsley
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God yes
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Jennifer White. 15 years in the biz and still getting gangbanged.
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Mariska X. She has done a ton of stuff in Europe, really high quality good looking stuff. Always hot. I'm always surprised to see how little she's posted here.
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Gets me there every single time.
I'm too insecure and embarrassed to share mine. feel weird for liking pornstars who aren't famous

You should feel embarrassed by posting that haha

No one cares. Most people don't know pornstars enough to know the difference.
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Sadie Johansen was a bbc queen
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Melissa May
Shame she immediately gained a load of weight
her and larkin love are the hottest goth milfs of all time
Weird thing to feel weird about desu
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When a newbie arrive in the industry but her age is 30+ and is her body is ,pre thicc she's shoved into the "milf" or very specific type of porn even If It's available for pretty much everything

Charlie Forde is example, she's hot, nice face, aussie nympho, available for anal, dps, gangbang etc. but only get vanilla stepmom porn
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I've always felt that Dani Jensen deserved move love.
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Davina Leos
Jenna Doll
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Samantha Bee
Did she ever do anything other than that Rodney Moore scene? The combination of her glasses and fat ass was so hot.
That brazzers yoga scene with her fat ass teasing in those shorts was amazing
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Jenna Ivory, her Marilyn Monroe look was super hot.
Greatest woman on earth
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>Kat Such a good petite whore.
RIP whore,
Most of her scenes in DVD quality or better are on xxxcollections dot net
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She's escorting, so that evidently didn't pan out
Wow, dumb bitch waxed and shaved everything, really?
I hate shaved pussy but this one is pretty good.
Very nice tits.
Naomi cruise
Total hotty. Glad she did Blacked. She should do a three-way scene with a blonde.
She works behind the scenes at Metart now
Charlie Sheen ruined so many porn careers
I really liked Jodi Taylor with FTVGirls.
the scene where you can see her getting wet from being watched was really hot
(yes i know she was just ovulating shut up)
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what I wouldn't give to have her
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I think I'm getting obsessed with a pornstar and that can't be healthy.
From what I've gathered, shd just did a couple scenes in 2020 and completely dipped cause her porn name, Enigma Silky, doesn't come up anywhere else.
If any of you professional coomers could find out more, I'd appreciate it.
this is all that i found
>06.05.2020 - WoodmanCastingX - Enigma Silky
>06.23.2020 - WakeUpAndFuck - Wunf 309
>06.29.2020 - AmateriPremium - Kinky Girl Has Sex in Front of a Camera
>06.30.2020 - CzechStreets - E126 Bald Rebel
>07.20.2020 - HunterPOV - Shaved Headed Whore Rides Hard Cock
>07.28.2020 - CzechHypno - E09 Bald Kristyna
>08.26.2020 - CzechSexCasting - Shaved Head Girl in Casting Fuck Dream
she must have been desperate during quarantine
she might have also gone by "laura"? don't know if that's helpful
>she must have been desperate during quarantine
I figured as much. Shame, really.

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