Porn queen of the 00s
cont'd from >>2393441
Question of the day: Would you eat this queen pussy after she came back from a gangbang porn shoot?
She single-handedly turned me into a Black Cock Loving whiteboi.
>>2505047She didn't even do that many IR scenes
Always wondered why her and Sasha Grey never did more stuff together when they were at the top of their game. Struggle over top billing maybe?
I don't believe they ever had beef
someone's getting defrocked
>>2505293she's getting de cock
best blowjobber in the world
fleshlight did her dirty
>>2504996Anyone have a woman, link or gift of the worm?
>>2505261Probably less about billing and more about the producers not wanting to pay for two of the most expensive girls in the business at that time.>>2505317Looks like it would be decent if they had just moved the ribs closer together and put twice as many of them. The first third of the texture is the most important part, average sized guys won't even reach more than halfway in by the time when you account for the exterior mold portion.>>2505366There was never a worm, she just has a skin tag/fold on her asshole (very common) and back in the day retards watching it on tube sites in 320p could only see a blurry white-ish pixel.
>>2507161I think some of that is just that her IR scenes were mostly late in her career, when we were getting high quality HD video but hadn't yet devolved to Onlyfans-tier production value.
So sad to see her hitting the wall and become an unbearable cunt.
>>2508499What happened now? Is she still a bible thumper?
>>2508575Check her tweets. She's constantly so passive agressive towards people. Constantly has to bring up that she is "also very smart". Even when people ask stuff geniuenly she takes it the wrong way responds in a hostile manner. She also complained about a guy she dated, who clearly pumped and dumped her. Bragged how she's a psycotherapist and knows how to deal with it but kept whining on twitter. She asks who would you want to see me perform with on instagram then says it was an experiment and she wants 10 million dollars to make a comeback. So many things. She ruined all her image in my opinion. Constant neverending negativity.She hit the wall very hard.
>>2508865she could make 10m on OF in a year if she put out new content
>>2508882I made the mistake of subscribing to her OF. Never had I felt so scammed in my life. She was posting half second gifs from her "dance tour". That was it.>she could make 10m on OF in a year if she put out new contentSadly she won't. She's under the illusion that she's too precious for it.
Never noticed the nose job. Now it all makes sense.
>>2511212she seems like a girl who would bitch you out for hitting her eye when the cameras stop rolling
Love this whore
>>2505002Damn, that face must be a result of Fetal Alcohol Poisoning
>>2505002so that's where sydney sweeney got her signature vacant expression from
Had some of my earliest faps to Jenna.
>>2516399>>2516400Are these recent?
>>2516614>>2516399 2020>>2516400 2023<- this one 2024
>>2516666she is holding up well
>>2516666Looks like your average Trump voter
>>2516676the cracks are showingcould be a lot worse though
>>2516903well she's 43 years of age, on the west coast (sunny) and claim to be 100% natural (no botox, no anything).
I could take her home to momma!
Has anyone seen her onlyfans content? Is it worth it? She says she does livestreams, are those solo masturbation sessions?
>>2508865I thought she married the guy from the dillinger escape plan
Is she married?
>>2518964yes to me
>>2518972Prove it.
>>2518776See >>2508884
>>2518991Careful now. Jenna expects 10mil for sex. If this anon is that rich, he can hire the guy from the navy seal copy pasta to find you
Is Jenna Jewish?
>>2519014Yes, her real name is Jennah Hazelberg
>>2519014She's white/Hispanic. Her real name is Jennifer Corrales.
>>2519118Jennifer Corralestein you mean