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so fucking good
Waiting for a Maitland Ward phase and her to do an all out 4 man gangbang dp bbc the entire shebang
Jesus, pleaseā€¦
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Crazy that Gabbie is still only 24-years-old but she has been retired for years. Apparently she gave birth to a daughter in 2023.
If I saw Gabbie in the street; I'd be too nervous to say hi.
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Wasn't the first time. Gabbie is a mother and still probably goes around dressed like this.
Here's another pic I just found that I've never seen before. Gabbie would have been perfect if it weren't for all those shit tattoos.
Before she settled down and became a mother in 2023; she was getting Blacked from 2019-22. Damn.
Her profile on matrixmodels is still up for so.e reason and says she's available for modeling lol
getting blacked is the worst thing a woman can do. I agree with you, anon
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Do you think her husband saw her Blacked videos before he married her?
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Who am I kidding, nigga probably proposed to Gabbie BECAUSE of her Blacked videos.
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But Gabbie is technically a quadroon or octaroon herself. Her maternal grandfather was apparently 11:59PM black.
Makes sense. That's why she looks like a dumbass.
get a life
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pregnancy milkers
You really think this nigga wasn't gooning to Gabbie's videos before he married and knocked her up? They might have already known each other from before she started doing porn, but still.
Literally don't care. You faggots are obsessed with negroid dick to a disturbing level
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Gabbie was the one obsessed with BBC, not me.
She had way more regular scenes than black scenes. Married a white man and had a white baby but she's more obsessed with black dick than you who mentions it at every turn when talking about her. LMAO
She got Blacked 5 times with 6 different black guys. That's a lot.
I know what you mean. I had a friend years ago that you would assume was an incel NEET type of nerdy guy, but he worked for years in retail so he had absolutely no fear talking to anyone. He had an amazingly beautiful girlfriend at one point, so beautiful that I couldn't help acting like a sperg whenever she was in the room. She dumped him a few years later though.
Jesus christ you're a faggot
Got fakes since her tits deflated after breastfeeding.

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>deflated after breastfeeding.
LOL they were sucked bone dry.
What is this phenotype called? Wide set eyes and chubby/button nose, crimped between nose tip and eyebrows.
damn that's sadly the destiny of most big tittied girls but that's still tragic to see so soon
I might get hate for this but the only solution to this is either a reduction or implants, lifting them up might also work but it'll still be a reduction of sorts
Maybe more breeding would help? Well at least for the time of another pregnancy.
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I think the implants look pretty good. Not as nice as natural but definitely preferable to a reduction. I'll take deflated saggy natural boobs over a reduction
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>Jesus christ you're a faggot
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
>What is this phenotype called?
Gabbie is literally a quadroon or octaroon. Her maternal grandfather was a dark-skinned African. You can sort of see it in her face, her nose, etc.
You can see here; Volma Overton Jr., Adri Overton, Ailah Overton (Gabbie Carter), Volma Overton III

Jesus God - I would bang at least 3 of them.
Matt McConaughey doesn't have to imagine.
Some people get overly attached to the first person that shows them kindness when there's a lack of support in their life. I remember reading that Gabbie's step-dad paid her for sex and then she went straight into porn from there.

All you have to do is convince whores they're more than just sex objects and you can score out of your league.
Her boob type is well suited to implantation, just like Angel Wicky's boob type, because the sag hides scars very well. Girls with DFCs who get implants because they're tired of getting carded (I'm looking at you Emily Grey and Cherry Petite) will always have boobs that look desperatly fake.
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The funny thing is she was probably still younger than you at the time of that photoshoot too.
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Yeah considering Gabbie did anal in her first ever porn shoot; she must have been a mad slut back in high school.

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