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File: FrenchCoup.jpg (307 KB, 1200x797)
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"War of independence" was just a French proxy war against England.

"Founding Fathers" were just puppets of the French intelligence financed by taxes collected by French king.

So called "declaration of independence" was an illegal coup and has no binding power under international law.
American’s now write and enforce (sometimes, unless Israel) international law. Sorry blimey.

Great, I want French work vacations and benefits then
It is very apparent that you have zero understanding of American history.
Are you just upset that you didn't hire enough Germans to fight for you?
Nigga this is /hc/ a.k.a hardcore porn, not /his/
where tits
File: 1736355674168444m (1).jpg (88 KB, 570x1024)
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Please let me know if those are French or English tits.

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