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Merry Christmas Eve diaperbutts
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Merry christmas, babbies.
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Has anyone noticed that a lot of ABDL stories are being removed from the web, specifically Tara's Perfect Summer?
Alot of different stories isn't a single specific story
I know that, O condescending one. I've noticed that at least 10 of the stories that I had saved in my Wattpad library don't exist anymore. I was just looking specifically for Tara's Perfect Summer so that I had a copy.
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Cry yourself to sleep
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Can we do another /gif/ thread?
If you have the gifs
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What's your favorite type of Oreo cookie?
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I feel like there's practically zero material for my kink online
so the movie crash is like a porn for you

It's in the picrel
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Ella is so ugly it loops around into being kind of hot, impressive really.
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I kind of fuck with the ugly chicks
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ella is cute, it seems like she was lazy about hair and makeup her whole life and she's just now figuring it out
Tastless pleb
Oh wow this pic feels super old
i guess it's probably from mid 00's, so about 20 year old
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yeah dude, the older the image the better, just like wine or something
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I raised three children. I'll never understand the diaper fetish.
Then leave
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I will. Give me your address and I'll send you a diaper full of shit for your enjoyment.
You already said you don't understand, you don't have to repeat yourself
I'm with you, anon. I'm not into DDLG. I tried with my wife, it didn't work out. I just like the whole padding between the legs and not making it into anything more than that.
This is hot to me. Like, she's not normally used to this, but has to because of circumstances out of her control.
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Found this gem on tumblr recently
>Diapers and comics
How oddly specific yet enjoyable
gonna need a name
have you considered using the reverse image search that's built into fucking 4chan? fucking zoomers
Love u anon for this find
Charlotte is adorable
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Does anyone actually like those bonnets in their ABDL stuff?
I feel like it's such a boomer thing.
it's a boner killer for me
only on cats but even then it should be classified as animal abuse
Hit or miss. Some gals like bug from the ABDaycare looks cute in it.
I know they are ugly and look ridicolous, but that's all AB paraphernalia so it loops around into being based.
Remember when you guys figured out the ABDreams admin login and I told them lol.
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aryan as fuck
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Nobody expected it to last for long. It's quite sad that you feel the need need to bring this up to "remind" us. Their content has also long been ripped and posted elsewhere.
Bonnets along with hair bows, high socks/tights, and pacies are god tier complimentary abdl gear.
It's a wig, smooth brain. But then again it's exactly what id expect from a drooling nazi
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Her and cinawol are fucking adorable
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I miss the ABU Kiddo's. They were my favorite diaper.
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it was a joke lol
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What is the deal with ABdreams lately. I didn't renew this year because they barely upload and the newer models suck. I get that Apple and several others have probably aged out, but they still could made stuff with Fae/Aya but they stopped that too.

Probably competition. People can get a JFF subscription for their favorite model and get tons of content on a continuous basis. It's hard to introduce new models when almost all of them already have established JFF streams. After all, why would you fly all the way out to Portland on your own expense to shoot content you get a worse cut from? Publicity? Fae's the perfect example of this, she's not gonna fly across the country to shoot maybe 2 videos and a photo set in the time it would take for her to make 15 short videos and dozens of photos.
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Yes to some extent, but point taken, and it'd probably only be worth it for getting off the ground, which I think is basically what Fae in fact did. A diaper girl like Fae can certainly get a better ROI just making a few vids in her apartment for JFF nowadays.

Didn't realize they were in the Pacific NW either. Probably one of best places to find willing local girls to make stuff, so maybe that is what they'll do/have done. All credit to them though; they've dominated the space for a decade. Seems like LNGU might be giving them a run for their money, but otherwise they are imo relatively unmatched.
pullups are cute
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Where's the Poop?
Anyone got pics of Anna De Ville, or Arwen Gold wearing diapers?
She's look better if some of those yellow stripes were blue
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Rearz is discontinuing a bunch of designs :(
Which ones?
NTA but the ones who's product pages say 'discontinued' (still have some stock) are selects, barnyard, and lil bella
the newsletter email and another older email also showed lil monsters, mermaids
>you'll never breed a diapergirl
>cum in your pampers instead

this is the best fetish desu
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this girl is probably wrinkly and fat now
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Negative. The guy that outed her and ruined a good thing for us sure is, though.
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Cosplay and diapers is such an under-explored area, but I guess that's what you get when you stack a niche on top of a niche.

Source: @Siang_45176
It's also probably necessary at times if you're at a con with thousands of people and limited bathrooms and you're in a costume that you can't easily get out of.
oh? there's a story?
Yeah, it's goes pretty well together. Just as long it's not full on roleplay.

A girl in /soc/ introduced me to it
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Love regressed women thinking that wearing pull ups= being a big girl and being really proud of their pull ups for that reason.
Sauce please
4chan ;P
oh man
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Apparently Natalie Portman had to wear diapers while shooting Star Wars Episode 1 due to the time it took to get in and out of costume.
Just start it. Most people don't have that much ABDL gif content to go around so it's not a regular thing.
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If I had a better tool for converting MP4 to webm that'll fit on /gif/, I'd go rip clips from redgifs to share here...
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I figured it out!
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I'm looking for a photo from 5ish years ago. Blonde girl with shoulder length (?) curly hair jumping on a bed in a pullup. Any help?
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Can you introduce this to a woman or do you just have to find one that's already broken
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I've heard success stories and horror stories both ways.
Bump, hoping someone has seen my white whale.

I've introduced three gals to it. Works well if they're somewhat kinky to begin with and you're a handsome-ish well-groomed guy.
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I've gotten four girls to do this including my current wife who wears from time to time.

You likely have a 2/3 chance to get a vanilla woman to wear a diaper for you. Yes, really.
It's probably easier if they are already kinky, but they don't have to be.

Basically, she has to respect you, see some kind of potential in you, be pleasured by you sexually AND feel sexually desired by you. When you feel confident that you are progressing with her on these things, just talk to her about this fetish candidly one day, explain why you like it and answer her questions about it. Don't be weird, just speak honestly. Bonus points if you talk to her about how she can enjoy it to (her becoming more sexually irresistible, what you would do to her, things to try, etc). You'll either get a "Yes", "No" or "Maybe". In my experience, "Maybe" is just a delayed "Yes". Give few more weeks / months as they feel more comfortable, but it'll happen.

Like >>2520804 said, actually take care of yourself, your appearance, and be a respectable person trying to work towards something in your life. If you do these things, you will have a 2/3 chance of getting her in a diaper. I'm not a chad btw.
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this model's name is queisha and i would HIGHLY appreciate if anyone had more photos of her.
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Oh, that's what her name is. Well, hold on to your diapers, buddy, cause I got some pics for you.

I also have a request of my own, but I'll post this chick first.
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Last one. I tried to at least have some variety since I'm spamming just this one girl.
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And here is my own humble request. This is Little Sophie, also known as lil loli.

She's done plenty of age regression stuff which isn't really my thing, I just happen to like her face a lot. As far as I know, she's no longer active and her content is consequently hard to come by.

I would be very grateful if any of you could post her stuff or share information on where her content can be found. I already have what little there has been uploaded on Emp.
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Aw, poor thing needs more absorbent diapers :( It is sad when leaks happen.
pls moare! especially if some legs and or soles maybe?
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Cute butt
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I sadly cannot help with your request, but be it known that I have benefited greatly from your post, a giant thanks.
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