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continuing from previous thread

This is a thread for posting the beautiful expressions
On the faces of snowbunnies
As the Big Black Dragon raids their hot spots

The main ingredient is the expression on the face of the snowbunny
Optional is the bcc penetration side by side which can be omitted if you want
posting some of my edits from last thread
will post some new edits when I have the time this week.
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Would you guys say this is well written sex? It's asian woman taking bbc for first time, it focuses on her thoughts as it happens (so it is related to the theme of this thread).
>almost clinical appraisal
too much
>her entrance
overused and weird
Otherwise though, it's pretty good. I think describing the characters first would help a bit to build the tension, but don't go overboard, it can quickly get old
Love her look, love her style. Name, sauce, details, anything?
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>Nina Stevens
here's the full scene
Agreed she's amazing, especially in that vid. She seems to enjoy it.
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thank you thank you
and a contribution
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and since i didn't contribute when i asked the question
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nngghh Riley is too fucking good
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Thanks OP for continuing the concept
I was OP of the last thread and was checking to see if it 404ed and it was time to make another
Glad to see its already done
brety GUD
these are great
checked and np, it's a great focus.
here's a clip from the new blacked scene with Katie Kush
made a looping zoomed version. I kind of like it but it might not be for everyone.
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damn, NICE
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