Asian pics that are decent quality/show face/most of the body
>>2511327>>2511330>>2511331Nice !!!
>>2511345Thanks. Got a few hundred pics saved up lol
>>2511329Elle Lee was so peak when she was doing mainstream studio work
>>2511380gpt3 level ai slop
>>2511327Do you have sauce?
Wish Jasmine Grey stayed mainstream much longer:/
>>2511893poor girl was getting hollowed out
>>2512294Did you realize their pussies are censored? lol>>2512295Wish Eva had a longer career
>>2512294the dream / cream team
>>2512295Eva not the best looking but love her sluttiness
Never see her posted in these threads.One of my favorites, Rosemary Radeva. Had a short career but she's super cute and a great fuck.
>>2512329she really bimbo'd up. goes by mizzlamour on instagram
>>2512334Please no, I'd rather just remember her as a petite young tight SEA monkey spinner
>>2512334Still looks good, but damn :/
>>2512329Speaking of Rosemary, new porn girl Amber Angel really reminds me of her. Hope she stays in for a while.
>>2512372cutie. what is she, hapa?
Can't believe Jade Kush hasn't been mentioned yet!
>>2512372her tits look cross-eyed
>>2513086she looks like that cute mexican from doctor strange
Sucks we haven't had any new talent in a while. We had a renaissance a couple of years ago with Vina & Lulu at the top and solid b-listers like Kimmy Kim, Clara Trinity, Yumi Sin, Nicole Doshi, Ember Snow etc. Vina got pregnant, Lulu retires every other week and the rest barely shoot professionally in favor of OFHopefully 2025 is the year of new Asian pornstars!
>>2513132>Vina got pregnant,Vina baby trapped Jules Jordan, and the kid looks white. Jules Jordan posts pictures of the family all the time on his socials. I think he married her.
>>2513166well I guess he could have done worse
>>251316652 year old man knocking up a 25 year old. Probably fucks around on her, too. Living the dream.
>>2513166Good for her, honestly. At least she trapped someone with relatively decent pull in the industry and not some replaceable goober
>>2512544Niykiii Namaste
>>2511428Vina Sky
>>2511327A few mixed Asians :)
Which one do you like the most?
>>25134306, 2, and 1 in that order
>>2513430Lily Thai was my go to back in the day. Super vocal, bubbly, and a squirter
>>2513434Hell yeah! She's the reason why I love Asians so much.
>>2513434she got horrible tattoos and fake tits now. and is also insane
>>2513430I want to breed them all
>>2513430Lily Thai is the GOAT.
>>2513880fuuuck I jacked it to kobe tai so much as a teenager
>>2513430Who is #4?
>>2514064Yumi Sin
>>2512453Jade Kush is prolly one of my favourite asian porn stars besides pre-bog Rae.
>>2513666Damn, I didn’t really keep up with her the past ten years or so. How insane?
>>2513132Hear hear
>>2514857She was so good... I miss Yhivi.
>>2514926I wanna suck on those lips
Honey OB
>>2516263>>2516264>>2516265hmm maybe jules jordan was right to settle with her
>>2516281after taking massive cocks and now given birth, poor girl is probably hollowed out now