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Thread for all professional BM_F pictures and discussion.
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I love raw so much, bros
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this chick always looks like she just came from tony Montana's table
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whos your unicorn blacked hold-out? I know Kenna's done IR, but i really wish shed do a blackedraw scene...
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Based Blackedbros :3
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we are so back
Kiara Cole hasn't done any IR and she has the look of the prime Blacked scenes.
Dolly Dyson for me. She was so hot on Tushy.
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So good seeing these princesses serve their black masters
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For me, it's Lily Ford.

She appeared on Blacked, and she's probably in my top 5 favorite scenes. Maybe 6...

She smiles a lot in the scene and she shows so much enthusiasm trying to please her black master. It's a shame she never went on again or did RAW, she shot a lot of interracial with other studios and seems to actually prefer BBC. Kenna James is so hot >>2512669 is also underrated.
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Erin Everheart for me. Such great interracial scenes, why the fuck aren't they hiring her for balckedraw??
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Cherry candle well she did a blackedRaw scene but I really want to see her on blacked
Arya Fae
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Is there any good site with lots of IR rimjobs?
Hussiepass/Seehimfuck have some good ones, but not all their scenes are interracial. Blake Blossom with Brickzilla is my favorite.
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Yeah these are good but the fact that like only half of their scenes are IR is a bummer. Dickdrainers has a lot of rimming but they're just a bit too much for me.
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Dickdrainers is too much facial abuse and forcing the girl to do stuff. I hate it. What makes rimming hot is the girl willingly and eagerly debasing herself like that out of sheer horniness. Blackedraw honestly did it best, but they have sadly toned down on some of the nastier stuff. They haven't even had a DP scene in months.
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For real I hope that cultural shift is really in motion so they get back to some more hc stuff like dirtytalk and rimjobs
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>Is there any good site with lots of IR rimjobs?
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>Is there any good site with lots of IR rimjobs?
Dredd onlyfans edition.
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I would love to get blacked with her
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Looks good ngl but wish they would do more IR
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This stuff would be goated without this weird fisheye lenses and with more conventional camerawork it idk
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Their rimjobs are good but I'm not a big fan of everything else they do facial abuse puking farts
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Will she share him with me?
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They're using too many filters. You can tell those pics are edited by a woman
>Queen on her throne pose
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juniper ren on raw next, lets go
I enjoy these threads! There are always cool and interesting ways you guys spam and evade filters. So I'm always happy to see a new one to add to the list!
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I remember seeing a drawing of some pose/scene like this some time back. It was a sketch in just black/white/grays. Does anyone else remember that artist?

I couldn't find their stuff before the thread was gone
3 > 2 > 1
Iconic scene
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i dont think he has anything outside of these threads, so we only get the stuff he posts here
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I'm surprised someone else remembered. He really should make an account somewhere, his drawings are something else. If you see more anywhere do post it. I've been unable to find his stuff on other boards.
>knows people dont want to see these obvious spam threads
>uses different spelling of the title constantly

what's it like to be this pathetic to try and force something on people who are not interested?
Still are u here though.
Its natural though, its a coping mechanism.
This will go away fren. Accept it and enjoy the show.
I did too and enjoy a considerable change in sex life already too, pls contribute
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I love these threads, been scrolling blacked content here for years. its the only reason I come to this board if im being frank. sue me
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who you guys want me draw next?
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Jia Lissa or Elsa jean - but I don't even care much for the specific person, I just like the drawings a lot.
Two of my favourites… what they doin’?…
up to you
Marica Hase
This guy will be the next Pit with out all the woke Twitter bullshit
What happened to the Kelly Collins x Jason Luv Blacked scene they previewed months ago? No sign of it since. Next scene is a gang bang scene with Azul Hermosa. The absolute state of that site when an old and ugly tranny like her has multiple scenes with VMG. Why don't they book cuties like this >>2514703 anymore and go with that aesthetic?
Anyone have more of this artist's stuff?
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Thanks bro
Yes!… :)
Virgo peridot
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been waiting for this for a while...
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someone tell me if the scene is worth grabbing...
So good. Karla Kush and Valentina Nappi giving handjobs in that position in their massage scenes would also be amazing.

Also, can you draw one of a girl grabbing the dude’s ass while being fucked in missionary? Lena Paul and Brandi Love both do this in their scenes with Joss.
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Thumbnail for the next video is all-time

Myra Moans getting impaled balls deep by BBC in the video preview got me way too hype

They're actually casting good talent in 2025

If only the ladies would talk about Big Black Cock more....
The dude asked why you faggots spell it differently to bypass people's filters calling OP out but you said "YUH STILL HERE LOL". Obviously he came in the thread to call OP a faggot you brain dead moron.
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Her fucking brains melting
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She found God 10 inches deep down a Big Black Cock
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dude, raw is so good right now, riley star, juniper ren, venus vixen and dakota lyn scenes have all been fucking great. cant wait...
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praying to her God, BBC
hahaha I just checked the Pit's twitter and he's crashing out on his audience rn
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dude is such a disappointment... sad!
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we got tushy and deeper this week, I guess they know their base...
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I wonder if they ever released the numbers of subs to their sites. I kinda want to know how much of their audience is there for blacked content only
lots of their vixen girls never cross over to blacked.. that's a little sus and shouldnt be allowed...
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yeah, it would be nice to get new fresh faces once every two or three updates;
But desu I never really paid much attention to vixen releases
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Doing Lena next, I’ll color it
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Not sure where else to ask, but I bought a Blacked subscription (non-recurring) a few months ago and I still have full access to the whole site. Videos, galleries, downloads, etc.

They haven't charged me again yet, nor have they tried to contact me about anything. Am I missing something here? I'd prefer not to wake up one day and see a panicking email about missing sub fees.
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Also, this is Alexis Rodriguez in Teen With Perfect Ass Loves BBC if anyone's wondering.
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Man, they used to take such good pictures
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Yeah. A lot of the literal-who girls also seemed a lot more consistently hot, too.
I remember getting off to your old stuff but I didn’t save it. Is there any place you posted it? So glad your back drawbro. Could you do molly little or Leanna lovings sometime, hopefully with a lot of dicks
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> I remember getting off to your old stuff
Awesome :) my old stuff was pretty bad, lol
Definitely will do molly and Leanna, with lots of bbcs…
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kendra taking it up the butt
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and with that, kendra can finally ride into the sunset of obscurity...
In the blink of an eye went from one of the best looking in the scene to the desperate, drunk single mum at a run down bar.
Strange ngl, do you have this green stripe with reactivation option?
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Nope. Just the usual "save now!" deals; I've never had any emails or banners or such and such regarding reactivation, or my account going dry.
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See if you can cancel your subscription on your account tab, maybe it was "non-recurring" we're talking about jews, but still first thing they would do then is getting $ from you. Still their site kinda runs like shit sometimes so maybe they just fucked up on their side.
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Damn I'm dummy the only way to cancel their sub is through their billing agency site. So uhhh was it just a monthly sub?
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I used to watch all kinds of porn before but ever since I discovered blacked that's all I watch. Only exception would be amateur interracial stuff. I wonder if anyone else has this experience.
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>I used to watch all kinds of porn before but ever since I discovered blacked that's all I watch

Me for sure, non other porn site comes close even to this day
Thank you. These are so good. You are really talented.

Any with Natasha Nice or Ava Dalush would be greatly appreciated too

I jerk off to socials and to tiktoks (rip) of girls with fat asses, but this is the only guy-girl porn I watch. It’s the only kind where the woman’s pleasure is believable
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what's insane is it's still hot even after post nut clarity sets in

early blacked videos aesthetics are pure kino
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that is such a good picture, holy fuck
thanks bro, I'll do some nat and ava if I remember
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Yeah things went kinda downhill when Saint George of Fentanyl couldn't take a breath, and libtard wahmen took control over production but still theres more than enough old blacked kino for all of us to goon
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It'a shame when they often drop cookie cutter sets, all with similar poses, also they go too hard with postproduction.
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100 percent, I always try to use a pic when I post and struggle to find a good shot from the new sets
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Maybe they realised that most of the people subscribe for vids not pics so they just got lazy with them idk
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Has any one of you actually got his gf/wife to cuck you with bbc?
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As a 30 y.o. virgin no lol
But if I has wife/GF I don't think that I would want to do it. There are easier ways to fuck up your relationship
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it's better this way! stay subscribed!
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Is there any easy way to find out porn stars' real names these days? Sucks they took down porn wiki leaks all those years ago.
Not a stalker, but after finding out Alexa Grace's real name and watching a scene I just think it's hotter when you know them. More real.
sometimes i watch blacked to self insert as the guy but the racial stuff is weird.
I second >>2516437,
Also your old sketches (I swear I saw a bunch like a month ago?) had a lot of soul to them.

Also glad drawbro is back
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so i heard this scene was held back for over a year, anyone know why?
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Sometimes they just can be. There was one with Mia Melano and Alex Grey that dropped years after it was filmed. Would post, but sadly not BBC.

Some Vixen Media Group aficionados would know more than me. Anyone have archives of the AVN stuff?
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If I had to guess, they just choose certain scenes to save for a rainy day every now and then. Slump in subscriptions? Drop a crowd-pleaser you've been holding back and imply that there's gonna be more Mia/Alexa to come. The usual turnaround from shoot to release is something like 6 weeks for VMG so I gotta figure even if there are massive technical/contractual hurdles involved in getting a scene out on their part, we still wouldn't see more than a few months of delay unless it was deliberate.
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I didn't have to "get them to" they just cheated cuz they were huge sluts
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Why is raw so hot? I'm not really crazy about IR porn but raw is some of the hottest shit ever produced.
Love these mirror selfies they take too.
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raw is hot cause it looks like video your gf/sister/mom/co-worker and her friend would make when they "go out for drinks" at night
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I dont even watch normal blacked, raw is the only thing they put out that's consistently kino because dozer seems to have more say than the cringey-ass grandi slop
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Nah there's definitely something else to it, I just don't know what. It's like I'm watching an amateur video, filmed professionally, if that makes sense.
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the style is so addicting, no cuts for that rush of spontaneity, and the low light that makes you feel like youre not allowed to be watching it...
>low light
That has to be it. It's like I'm watching a leaked video of a girl "misbehaving". Hot as fuck
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I love when they use girls who look like they'd never do this... riley star's new scene is one of my new favorites
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they all secretly crave it, think about it or at least curious about it... then when they get that opportunity, they unrationally take it and have the most wildest night of their domesticated lives
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I especially love it when the girls look like they want more, as if the brutal ravaging they just received simply wasn't enough.
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these are the "trophy" shots, they show these to their girlfriends to one-up eachother
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modern white-girl culture is getting mounted by the biggest, baddest thug they can catch that night, and then brag about it online
are you seriously gonna post this without telling us her name?
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Emiri momota
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I am stitching together animations of anime/vidya waifus getting plapped in the asshole by big black cock.

I will be hosting them in the jiggy thread on /v/ this Friday night coming. See you there hopefully.
Drawbro never leave us again this is amazingg what else do you have coming up? Would you ever do tiktok snowbunnies?
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>Would you ever do tiktok snowbunnies?
YES :)
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Damn, you really are the next Pit
No don’t think I’d actually want to be cycled lol. She does find black guys sexy and will dirty talk about them because it gets me turned on, but yeah
Omgg you should definitely do Rachel brockman and Brooke monk slobbering over BBC :))))))
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Would you be willing to draw Vera Dijkmans?
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lol yeah. she's the definition of "built for it"...
Good to see another polish anon here enjoying blacked. Co Cię skłoniło do kupienia subskrypcji?
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Nie chciało mi się szukać filmów i galerii po internecie to jak się trafiła promocja to uznałem, że czemu by nie
There was a torrent way back when that had blacked picture sets as well as various interracial tiktok/bnwo stuff. is it still out there?
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Na simpcity i ruskim pornlab net można znaleźć wszystko, ale no fakt trzeba się czasami naszukać sporo. Tez myślałem nad tym żeby sobie kupić subskrypcje blacked, nawet nie po to żeby mieć łatwiejszy dostęp, ale po to, żeby wesprzeć ich działalność i promowanie interracialu.
Jakbyś miał ochotę kiedyś popisać to zostawiam swojego discorda: bigwhitecake._94598
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natalia is mommy material. i dont know how to explain it exactly, but she looks very polish. i think americans wouldn't really be able to tell, but her features really make her stand out from ukrainian and russian models. and her scenes are very good.
if i somehow found out she's into it then i'd be cool with dirtytalk, but i probably wouldn't ever go further than that
Nah my gf is autistically loyal and doesn't really engage with porn. What I actually want is her to bully me for watching it
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oh i have a couple.. to start things off, eva lovia, she had a great blacked scene but it was so lack luster would kill for her to get used on raw
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next up: mila monet, she technically did have a blackedraw scene it was more of a fluffer with a weird bitch and she didnt get to shine, shit even a regular blacked scene would be so good. she has a scene with sly diggler online thats good but if shot like raw would be out of this world
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next is: Kenzie Madison, fucking love this girl wish she was still in the industry, anyways shes had plenty of scenes with blacked and dog fart, ect but a raw scene with her would be so perfect
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bonus cause fuck she gets me so hard
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this list of mine could go on for a while so imma stop at 4, last but not least, autumn falls, this would have been INSANE to watch
jinx scene was amazing she looked better than she ever did in that scene
Something about her screamed the perfect snowbunny and I wish she was still around, a raw would’ve been amazing.
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kimmy granger before the bad tit job, she does bbc now but fuck she missed the paycheck of a lifetime
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>>2517419 Vera Dijkmans's body is unreal

Speaking of, could you ever draw anything of those characters the pit made? Jenny Summers was one of his characters I think, but he pushes the bimbo thing a bit far. If not, any blonde girls is always great.

Regarding the art, I don't know how, but your sketches are just great to look at. Something very lifelike, but in a way that can't be captured with photos, especially newer blacked pics. Do you practice life drawing/gesture drawing a lot? I'd love to know. Keep up the good stuff drawbro
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>Regarding the art
thanks man, I'm a big fan of mad magazine's tom richmond (who did caricatures) but I just draw from photographs most of the time and try to get a laugh out of people with goofy doodles. what do you like about pit's girls? I'm doing Vera next...
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Yea I can see some of the caricature art influence in your faces. That plus the expressions always convey the message really well. Also the hands in your latest drawing are great - something rare to see. I'll definitely have to take a look at more caricature artists and study them more.

As for pit, I really liked his older stuff, especially the comics. It was a bit bimbo but the proportions, especially the lips, ass, breasts, waist, and muscles were not way overdone. Though he would draw huge tits, they still looked a bit believable. His process at the time was scuffed, but I could overlook it. Nowadays, the bodies can sometimes look like thin washboards with ass and tits attached. Plus everything is a bit too pink. The musculature is also pushed super far to the point that it begins to resemble a man, especially with the upper arms, abs, and quads. He has no doubt improved, but the bimbo stuff is just pushed too much imo.

I really liked the 2 comics he (mostly) finished for jon persons - the 2 hot blondes ones with Kitty+Jenny Summers. Near the end of the second one I can tell he took some time off and came back after a year or two of practicing (picrel). I wish he'd draw bodies the way he used to, but using his current improved skillset. To be fair though, he does make some really good stuff occasionally, but he rarely posts now.
This is a newer, more.... unfortunate drawing. I like bimbo but not so far from more natural/realistic looking bodies. Too far and it falls apart.

To be fair, some of his recent stuff can be really good. He'll do animations sometimes and they're really cool, among other things. He's just inconsistent.
bro if you can sketch any of the kenzie madison scenes ill be cuming to those for a while
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if you're still taking requests can you do katerina kozlova (aka monroe) pre-boobjob
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can you do something with rimming? with her tongue showed sliding inside, similiarly to this>>2516446
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I wish ellie did a blacked scene
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Give me a scenario with the summers and I’ll give it a shot :)
Sure. Whose tongue you want going down an ass? lol…
Fucking supberb work drawanon, your art is always fantastic. Thank you

I love her body but the thing I like most about her is her face, she is so pretty
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fuck drawanon your good and idk man, something where shes getting plowed good? good view of her tits and face
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drawbro, your style is the closest to thePit's classic style. I miss it enough to wish that AI could fully replicate it.
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tongue - valentina nappi (today's version like picrel) or kendra sunderland
Jenny and Kitty taking it on the face or tits. That or them with some guys in those sort of mirror shots blackedraw does. Thanks
"Taking it" as in a facial
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whitebros, you are going to work this man to death with all these requests lol

...but if i also may, then Cassidy Klein when you get around to it fwiend
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Thank you so much :) hope you like these, kinda rapid firing them lol
My man please tell me you have some online handle that we can follow
What is her name?
Mila Koi / @therealmilakoi
New thread?
politely waiting for tongue
I'm getting there, I'm gonna take my time with that one, lol
thank you
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Hope I got her likeness…
If I had consistent output I’d make a social media platform, but I just do these when I have a few minutes to draw so there’s no pressure when I can’t put stuff up, hope that makes sense…
I get it, but it'd just be nice to have an archive of sorts
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The face that irreversibly changed the sexuality of millions of young men........
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this is pretty good
she only ever did masturbation scenes except for one girl-girl. i always wanted to see her surrounded by dicks so this is satisfying
thanks anon
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I'm a simple man - I see Kelly Collins, I goon.
bro, wtf is this?
new scene dropping the day after valentine's
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Can we have a new thread already?
If you make another before this threads full some spaz will report it and the new thread will get deleted. Either fill this thread or wait for it to hit page 10…
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np bud. this one >>2519320 is done, I'll post it in the next thread. its a bit funny, you guys might like it :)
thank you!
I fucking adore Brandi Love and so happy that she keeps on getting new scenes but I really annoyed how hardly they airbrushed these photos, it looks so bad.
And to top it off it's on a beach which looks bad, can VMG just go back to filming inside white rooms for gods sake
it doesnt even look like her
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It's really bizarre, she looks great for her age. The whole appeal of her is that she is like a mom next door. Trying to make her look younger is so stupid
Funnily enough on this promotion picture on twitter they didn't edit it that much seeing her wrinkles and she looks delightful
idk I thought it was hot especially the green bikini. she's like 52 so I don't mind the airbrush that much and I like the beach lol
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