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"Why Do We Oppose the Jew?" by Dr. Joseph Geobbels


Did he have a point?
Beautiful. He was a great writer. So succinct and poignant.
yes but but he was blind to the degenerate latent cruelty and callousness of his own people which led ro their downfall
>cultured thug
damn what a blast from the past.
According to neonazis they built holiday camps for jews.
No. It's called propaganda, and he was supposedly so skilled at generating it that Hitler literally gave him the post of Propaganda Minister. You're so far gone that you're listening to and sharing scripts which were carefully assembled for the sole purpose of inculcating you into an ideology, and believe that you're thinking for yourself. No idea that requires propaganda to survive, is one that deserves to thrive.

Foucault once said that 'To imagine another system is to extend our participation in the present system', but your mind is too broken to do even that.
They had pools, live performances, their own camp currencies, hospitals, delousing chambers, etc. Labor camps usually make an effort to keep their laborers alive unless they have their resources dwindled to nothing because they're losing a war. In any case, the so-called holocaust was only in response to the November Revolution that the jews orchestrated and the Wiemar Republic that they profited from. Call it divine karma.
All nations have propaganda ministries. The Germans were just honest about it.
>All nations have propaganda ministries
Yes, and I have no desire to listen to the brainwashing drivel produced by any of them. Whether it be the US, UK, China, Japan, Russia, Israel, or Third Reich Germany.
>No idea that requires propaganda to survive, is one that deserves to thrive.
The newspeak terms for "propaganda" are "marketing" and "advertising" btw. You need it to survive.
Project harder. I don't watch television shows, youtube, listen to the radio or read the news. I use network-wide ad-blocking at home, and more granular filtering on any device in my possession. You might need people shilling ideas or products at you to survive, but I certainly do not.
Where did you find the home you live in now? How did you discover the stores where you get your groceries? How did you get the things you own? If nobody told you about them you'd likely be dead. I'm tired of lolberts always coping about how much they "don't need society". You do.
It seems a bit contradictory though. Sure the germans have the labor camps, but they want to get rid of the jew. they see the jew as a scourge on their society. They regularly write and tell their people that the jew is someone who kicks their mother and destroys their homeland.

Was there any consequence for a german who ran the labor camp to harm or kill the workers there? After all, everyone german in charge is repulsed by them
>culture thug
didn't this dude steal from his fascist political organization? Is that aryan behavior?
I wonder how many non-white people are in this thread. Come now, be honest with yourselves! Why lie on a East Timorese gardening forum?
Of course the Germans hated Jews. They had every right to. It's stupid to say that they didn't try to extract as much labor as possible from them before killing them though.
ok so the ultimate goal was to work them to death. Which kind of goes against your implication that they werent sent there to die.
The goal was originally to deport them to Madagascar, then to Israel. Shit happened, but the Jews still deserved it.
>They had every right to.
See >>16555479
Trespassing in German lands is enough of an excuse on its own.
Nta but you can find all of those things by leaving the fucking house retard. Do you think shit is like a video game and we NEED someone to tell us something exists before we can interact with it?
so they were gonna send the jews back to israel so are you pro zionist?
Advertising and marketing exist IRL too. What's your point?
No, I'm not a Zionist.
Were the nazis zionists?
Yes but I don't need ads to find the local grocery store. I just need to go the fuck outside or better yet, Google "Grocery store near me". It sounds like YOU need someone to tell you these things.
Idk. Don't really care.
>ads to find the local grocery store. I just need to go the fuck
How do you know which building to enter?
>Google "Grocery store near me"
I'd say that their main goal was to just remove jews from their lands. I don't think they had much regard for where to send them.
Don't you think deporting them instead of sending them to camps would have been more effective?
>How do you know which building to enter?
By looking at the big fucking sign that says "Grocery Store" on the front of it. Are you about to imply that businesses having signage up is the same type of advertising as someone getting on camera and shoving a product down my throat? I imagine that's the disingenuous argument you plan to make here.

>Google "Grocery store near me"
Are you saying that using a resource available to me to gather information about what stores I can shop at is advertising? Genuine retard.
>Where did you find the home you live in now?
I drove and walked around until I found a few places I liked, and after weighing the options, I chose the best one for my needs, walked into the leasing office with my documents, signed some papers, and was good to go a few days later when I gave them some money and more documents. Worked out great.

>How did you discover the stores where you get your groceries?
Walking and driving around.

>How did you get the things you own?
Walking into shops, examining items, researching or trying them out if necessary, then buying them with money.

>If nobody told you about them you'd likely be dead.
If somebody tells me about a product, I will be far less likely to purchase it instead of something I found through my own wandering and in-person examinations.

>lolberts always coping about how much they "don't need society"
Not aligned with any political movement, and I have actually spent large uninterrupted stretches of my life innawoods (up to 6 months at a time) completely alone, with zero connectivity or electricity. It's not the most comfortable experience, but I find it necessary, and I've learned a lot from it. The most valuable things I learned are how much I dislike being around most people, the precious nature of silence, and how utterly useless the vast majority of human interactions are. I have a wife and child now, so I can't spend as much time alone as I used to, but I still get away and isolate myself for a few days whenever I can, and it's great. If only my wife and kid could understand how important silence is, I would bring them with me for good.
People normally have to be rounded up and accounted for before they can be deported. That's what the labor camps were for. If the goal was to simply execute all of them, then they would have just gone door-to-door.
>Are you about to imply that businesses having signage up is the same type of advertising
It's a form of marketing, or propaganda, yes. Basically every means of communication is, just as everything social is inherently political.
So its okay because they used them for forced labor before killing them?
>It's a form of marketing, or propaganda, yes. Basically every means of communication is, just as everything social is inherently political.
Your brain is so rotted that you think everyone is this autistic and out to secretly influence you. But it shouldn't be surprising because you eat up actual propaganda.
No, they all deserved to die in the first place. It's just important to realize that it wasn't their initial goal.
A sign saying 'Grocery Store' is not propaganda, and everything social is not political. You sound like a leftist college freshman. Politics is for sociopaths, lonely busybodies, and retarded niggers.
>everyone is this autistic and out to secretly influence you.
It's no secret that people are affected by their surroundings.
They deserved to die but that wasnt the initial goal?
Anon I think you're just talking in circles.
The real photo.
The words "Grocery Store" are not necessarily political on their own, but the context and environment of the surrounding area must be taken into consideration.
I'm not. You're just seeing contradiction where none exists.
>he so-called holocaust was only in response to the November Revolution that the jews orchestrated and the Wiemar Republic
The Holocaust was carried out in Eastern Europe though.
Ok anon, so what would you do? Would you export the jews or just round them up and kill them?
If you mean on this site, unironically, yea.
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I believe that trespassers should be punished.
Eastern Europe was German territory.
Did germany punish non jewish immigrants?
Of course. Many slavs and gypsies were killed.
Anon I dont mean to change topics but what country do you live in?
I see. So are you a trespasser to America?
Well America is unique because it never really had a native population. The so-called Indians had extremely sparse populations and didn't really have any conception of territorial claim in the first place. They were beaten into submission anyways. That said, I belong in America because I am of the same ethnic, linguistic, and religious stock of the founders of the American government.
So its okay to beat native americans into submission but it's not okay to beat the germans into submission?

I mean, if the Native Americans started a military coup, came together, and then rounded every non native american up and put them in a camp, would you just be getting your just desserts for tresspassing?
I am fully cognizant of the fact that the Germans were beaten into submission. They lost, that is obvious. I still believe, however, that the world would be a better place today had they succeeded.
>if the Native Americans started a military coup, came together, and then rounded every non native american up and put them in a camp, would you just be getting your just desserts for tresspassing?
That would not be in me or my people's interest, but from their point of view it seems like a reasonable conclusion to come to. They are weak and incapable of doing such things though, so it's hardly worth considering.
So the natives are weak and incapable, kind of like how the germans are today.

Anyways, in what ways do you believe the world would be a better place today if germany had won the war?
>They lost, that is obvious. I still believe, however, that the world would be a better place today had they succeeded
Why do you think that? A lot of their reason for being, policies, and actions were for the sole reason of causing harm. Why do you think a state that vindicated its control over Europe and its own existence by being as violent as possible would ever make good on a promise of being friendly once the conflict was over?
The Germans today are certainty capable. Much more than the Indians at least. If the National Socialists had been successful their populations would have exploded, and with the new territory they had claimed they would have been able to freely populate all of it. They created a beautiful engine for infinite population and territorial growth. In modern societies it seems that people's "freedoms" (homosexuality, feminism, multiculturalism, mercantilism, etc) are valued more than fertility, which seems wrong to me.

I believe that every individual should strive to force the world to reflect themselves. Your genes, your religion, your language, your land, etc. That is how greatness is achieved.
>Freely populate all the territory they claimed

So basically Germany would have become colonizers and the rest of Europe would have become the new trespassers?

>Strive to force the world to reflect themselves
Like inbreeding?
>A lot of their reason for being, policies, and actions were for the sole reason of causing harm.
That's not true. Even the most evil person believes they have good intentions. The National Socialists were always friendly to their own.
>So basically Germany would have become colonizers and the rest of Europe would have become the new trespassers?
I guess so, yeah.
>Like inbreeding?
"Inbreeding" is not a real issue as long as you don't marry anyone closer than a 4th cousin. We should be more concerned with outbreeding, because that decreases fertility and intelligence too.
Ok so... let me get this straight. The jews were tresspassers to germany and that was bad, so it was good for the germans to kill them

But it would have been good for the germans to be tresspassers to the rest of europe and they should have just... let them do it? Like these other countries would have just let the germans kill them all so they could force the world to, as you stated previously "reflect their genetics"?

Anon it really doesn't seem like the germans were really thinking things through in the long run on this....
>That's not true. Even the most evil person believes they have good intentions. The National Socialists were always friendly to their own.
Okay but that doesn't mean that their intentions are actually good. Germany's actions and rhetoric tell me that, no, they didn't have good intentions and they needed to lie about it and obfuscate things like the holocaust from the general public. It's the reason why Nazis have to lie today because their intentions are obviously anything BUT good. None of this really answers how the world would be a better place had Germany won. It's just sophistry.
>But it would have been good for the germans to be tresspassers to the rest of europe and they should have just... let them do it?
Of course not. Strong people stand up for themselves. If everyone behaved as the Germans did it would have created a global system where only the people with the best genetics win. But instead what occurred was a global conspiracy against the Germans where inferiors worked together to destroy the superior (and they still nearly lost). Ideally we should have every nation fight to the death alone, one at a time, and whoever wins gets to repopulate the entire world with their genes alone. The rest should go extinct. Survival of the fittest.

Imagine the beautiful future that could exist in such a scenario. Everyone would be the same and truly genius given enough iterations. Humanity would perfect itself and be able to colonize the entire universe.
>None of this really answers how the world would be a better place had Germany won. It's just sophistry.
You only think that because we have different ideas of what entails a "better world". I do not believe happiness or fulfillment are useful or measurable metrics. Fertility, longevity, intelligence, and physical strength are, however. That is what I want to see maximized.
Anon it never would have happened. Even if the germans somehow beat the russians america would have just nuked them like they did japan.

You talk about genetics as if we are show dogs and not people. But you are correct about survival of the fittest. In this case, germany was not fit for global domination.

Can I ask why you appear to idealize everyone being the same?
>You talk about genetics as if we are show dogs and not people.
We are biological organisms that struggle and fight for existence. In nature this works nicely because organisms usually don't team up to destroy obviously superior competition.
>Can I ask why you appear to idealize everyone being the same?
Isn't equality everyone's main goal these days? How can you make people equal without making genetics equal? It is impossible. The worst injustices occur when you try to force obviously unequal things to become equal. It is wrong.
I dont think equality is the main goal. I think humanities main goal varies from person to person. I think more people support equity over equality. After all, even in a perfect german world you are still going to have things like men and women who inherently cannot be equal.

Can I ask what you see as the worst injustices?
>In nature this works nicely because organisms usually don't team up to destroy obviously superior competition.

If the lifeform is destroyed how is it superior? Nature only cares about who survives.
>In nature this works nicely because organisms usually don't team up to destroy obviously superior competition.

The flying fuck on you on about?

Social animals pile on enemies all the time.

The entire reason we genocided global megafauna is precisely because we didnt go "im gonna 1v1 a bear, in the interest of honorable darwinism".
>I think more people support equity over equality.
By that do you mean equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity?
>After all, even in a perfect german world you are still going to have things like men and women who inherently cannot be equal.
Perhaps given enough time we could develop ways to sustain life without women. We could have test tube baby gestation farms.
>Can I ask what you see as the worst injustices?
I was ripping a quote from Aristotle there, but I'd say that I generally agree with concepts of fairness, justice, life, meritocracy, beauty, nature, strength, etc. and oppose things that are contrary to that.

You have to make reasonable comparisons here. Of course some parasites kill some animals, but that does not mean one is necessarily better than the other because they're so disparate. It's an apples to oranges comparison. To be more specific, I'd say that collaboration between members of a subspecies to destroy a superior subspecies is wrong and lowers the value of the entire species' genetic pool as a result. That basically never occurs in nature and it is deeply unnatural. If you can prove me wrong I'd genuinely be interested it see it.
> The immortality of the Jewish people is a reproach to the gentiles who know that their culture has a use-by date. This can be an inspiration to Christians, who may see the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Jews as proof that there is a God who fulfills His promises. To the self-doomed, infertile, futureless post-Christians, Jewish continuity is a reproach. Antisemitism is the grudge against the living borne by the soon-to-be dead.
> I'd say that collaboration between members of a subspecies to destroy a superior subspecies is wrong and lowers the value of the entire species' genetic pool as a result. That basically never occurs in nature and it is deeply unnatural. If you can prove me wrong I'd genuinely be interested it see it.

Anon this just sounds like you're crying that this isn't fair that the germans lost. Nature isn't about fairness or your individual perception of superiority. Your view, like mine, is subjective. There can be a big, beautiful, intelligent magnificent bird and it can be wiped off the face of the earth by a retarded ugly birdlet and even if you nor I liked the ugly bird it still ultimately claimed victory.

I guess maybe you can see it like how the grey squirrels have absolutely fucked the red squirrels in the UK, or how asian ladybeetles are fucking over native ladybugs.

Your idea of "value being lowered" again, is just from your narrow perspective. That isn't how the world at large works.
Germans have no future.
They no longer even have a past.
In next 100 years, Jews will still exist.
Jewish victory over Gentiles proves their inferiority.
As I said earlier, things like fertility, life expectancy, strength, intelligence, etc. can be objectively measured. When many subspecies conspire to destroy a superior subspecies it is a travesty because in all other scenarios the superior subspecies would obviously win. You can say "might makes right" all you want, but there's also other valid concepts like "quality over quantity" too that factor into such things. It's not a matter of subjectivity...

Maybe r/k selection plays directly into this. You could perhaps say that r selected populations are naturally superior because they breed and mature faster, but they create objectively worse humans. We should be maximizing the fertility of k selected populations because they have more natural propensity for genetic improvement.
I don't their either are necessarily inferior. The issue is that humans have long since conquested nature and now seek to conquer one another. It often brings me great concern that as a species with so many recourses we fail to put aside our differences to try to aide our fellow man during our short existence on this floating rock that is our only home.

I believe we either all make it out, or we kill ourselves seeking an honor that will never come.
The issue is, you keep using terms like "objectively better or worse"
Even if to you something SEEMS obviously better, it still is ultimately you coming to that conclusion through a subjective lense.

I think at this point, we shouldn't be trying to kill eachother over trivial differences in culture or otherwise. It causes far more trouble than its worth
We were engaging in conversation really well but now we've hit an impasse over something stupid. You saw my first sentence. How is that subjective? How is having a high IQ, longer life-expectancy, more physical strength, more fertility, etc subjective? Do you think that these things are just irrelevant or that they are mutable? Explain yourself.
Genuinely just kill yourself you psychotic retard
>I think at this point, we shouldn't be trying to kill eachother over trivial differences in culture or otherwise. It causes far more trouble than its worth
I actually agree to a degree. I don't think that the Germans needed to be as imperialistic as they were, and they would have likely been hated a lot less had they not decided they needed tons of "lebensraum". Perhaps humans can live separately and peacefully together within their own nations and they can just develop ways to deal with crowding without harming other nations. IDK. In any case I am not strictly ideologically attached to territorial imperialism, just genetic fitness, and growth.
Because it is just your prespective that sees it as superior.

A human only has intelligence. It is physically weaker and less fertile than most beasts, it has a shorter life expectancy than many animals as well. However, with our intelligence alone we have created a quality of life that has been unmatched by any wild animal.

Even so, it means nothing. An animal that is all of those things and dumber than us can show up someday and destroy us. It will seem like a tragedy to us, but in the face of nature, it will just be another rotation around the mortal sun, no different than the dinosaurs who once roamed this great planet and now only exist in our museums and vast imaginations.
Growth is something that has to happen internally. As Carl Jung once said: "The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.”

I can't help but feel like you are young to be so idealistic. Then again, I don't know if I'm still talking to the person who was speaking so adamantly about trespassers
Well now we're back to the apples and oranges problem again. That's why I specified earlier that I'm talking about species (i.e. humanity) and sub-species (i.e. races/nations). Of course we could all be wiped out by some alien race, horrible disease, or whatever, but that's largely out of our control. Actually, the only thing we CAN do to fight this is ruthlessly improve the genetic fitness of humanity as it exists now so we can hopefully stand a chance at fighting/solving future threats as they arrive. Ignoring the problem solves nothing.
>Growth is something that has to happen internally. As Carl Jung once said: "The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.”
I don't deny the importance of this at all. The issue is that it's basically impossible to scientifically quantify emotional health or feelings in general. I don't believe that (truly) subjective things like this should even be considered politically, but rather individually.
>I don't know if I'm still talking to the person who was speaking so adamantly about trespassers
You are.
>considered politically, but rather individually.
Let me rephrase since I said earlier that "everything social is inherently political". In this context I am talking about laws. Laws by design have to make generalizations. Courts deal with individual issues, and that's fine, but laws cannot consider the individual or subjective things pertaining to the individual such as emotions. Laws should promote good things that are quantifiable.
Part of inner growth is understanding the world doesn't exist in as many scientific absolutes as you want to believe. There will always be exceptions to every rule. A negro who is exceptionally intelligent, a powerful asian etc. Genetic science is still very much in its infancy. We are still struggling to accurately describe race/subspecies, even now it evolves as races interbreed. Our technology has connected the entire world, and trying to become one race through conquest or trying to control human breeding the way we control our livestock is absolutely futile at best, dystopian at worst.

At some point you just need to make peace with how the world is.
>There will always be exceptions to every rule. A negro who is exceptionally intelligent, a powerful asian etc.
Let me reiterate the importance of making generalizations (ignoring the exceptions) when writing legislature... The issue with exceptional people is that they usually do not have exceptional children, and they more often than not bring their unexceptional families into the picture as well. When dealing with large populations, again, you must make generalizations.
Also consider the issue of "brain drain". Why should my nation take in the best Asians and deprive them of their best genetic stock? I don't want my genetic stock to be polluted anyways because it causes unnecessary social strife.
>jews did this!
>jews did that!
It is rather shit tbqh. I denounce the Talmud, but he doesn't really give evidence for his claims, it is a very weak article that only preaches to the choir.
Reminder that you’re an unlovable psychopath who taints this earth
Wait doesn't that just contradict yourself?
You said in one sentence that exceptional people usually dont have exceptional children but for some reason I need to make generalizations and ignore exceptions.

Anon this is getting to be long winded. I really dont understand your end goal. You want some sort of genetic hygiene but how the hell are you going to get the world to agree with what the human ideal is when you and I cant even see eye to eye?
>To be more specific, I'd say that collaboration between members of a subspecies to destroy a superior subspecies is wrong and lowers the value of the entire species' genetic pool as a result. That basically never occurs in nature and it is deeply unnatural.
We genocided the cold-adapted neanthertals by ganging up on them, lol.
>Wait doesn't that just contradict yourself?
No? Exceptional people generally do not have exceptional children and they generally do not have exceptional families. I am generalizing, see? We're talking about averages here.
>You want some sort of genetic hygiene but how the hell are you going to get the world to agree with what the human ideal is when you and I cant even see eye to eye?
I'm still not exactly sure what you even disagree with. You just keep making soft moralistic claims and appeals to empathy or state that some things are just "impossible to know" or something. It really seems like a cop-out, honestly.
Maybe we're paying the price. They had a larger cranial capacity and brain-to-body-ratio, so it's likely that they were more intelligent. Since they lived in cold climates they were also likely more k selected. We probably fucked up, bad.
I'm actually a very empathetic and cordial person. I just understand that I must divorce my empathy from my political (read legislative) decisions to maximally help humanity. If I wanted to have lovey-dovey conversations I'd have them IRL.
>We probably fucked up, bad.

So your "this would never happen in nature" is nonsense.
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Damn. Good point.
Well that just fucking sucks. Is humanity doomed to just endlessly regress because we're too emotional to let go of our crab mentality? Holy fuck, what a blackpill. I hate might makes right now.
>Chad Goebbels
He was a limp dwarf who was also a serial sex pest.
It's not even might makes right, it's quantity > quality. That's the only thing that makes r selected human populations better than k selected populations. We're fucked, we're so fucked. No more renaissances, no more golden ages, no more empires. The more jam packed this planet gets the more retarded and gay it will get too. Maybe the depopulation crowd among the elites were right all along? I don't even know if that would solve anything.
I dont think humanity is doomed to regress. Anon like take an objective view at humanity over the last 200 years.
I mean fuck anon, we are using computers to talk to one another from across the world, seeing information at a rate our ancestors couldn't even begin to comprehend. People with opposing viewpoints can speak to one another at the drop of a dime for as much or little time as they want.

If this is regression I don't know what progress is.
I guess the best course of action for national socialists is to blend in. Those who fight by the sword evidently tend to die by the sword. Maybe there's something to the whole pacifism thing? The Amish have the some of the highest fertility rates in the world. But we need homogeneous communities and arranged marriages to emulate them. Why is it so hard to get white people (k selected pops) to breed? They basically need to live in perfect conditions to do so, and we're largely not allowed to anymore. We are being replaced.

Maybe technology will save us, but I won't keep my hopes up. Altering human genetics sounds extremely dangerous and implausible. And it all comes down to genetics. Everything. Even if it was possible, only God knows what kind of hellish Pandora's box that would unleash... Even the artificial womb/gestation farms thing I mentioned earlier was mostly facetious. Men would probably kill themselves en masse without women. We need them, dearly.
plenty of white people have massive families anon. Its just that its difficult for responsible people to breed in todays unstable economy, especially in the united states where we have fucked over human rights like paid maternity leave, affordable housing, and workers rights. If you want to have kids, no one is stopping you. You dont need to do anything except get laid. Although I would recommend being a present father.

It literally just boils down to political and cooperate greed.
>It literally just boils down to political and cooperate greed.
b-but bad behaviors largely stem from genetics... just like dog breeds... its da joos, man...
why are people so intent on being blind to tribe/nationality/race? It affects so many things and there are clear patterns associated with each of them.
Antisemitism is a brainlet worldview and a basic bitch conspiracy theory.

It is amazing how many people cannot get over their Jew obsessions. Jews hide in every nook and cranny of their mind. Jew fever sends them into coldsweats and tirades. Jew ghosts haunt them when they lay in bed. They die cursing the Unseen Jew who is never revealed.
Actually you’re a ridiculous psychopath who should die
is there a term for constructing a version of your enemy so depraved and powerful that it justifies your own future depravity? it's not really dehumanisation, but it is very common, especially in the present.
Pls kys
A good rule of thumb is to consider everyone here Jewish to a various degree. Some of them hate it in themselves and go full Nazi, some embrace it. Actual goyim prefer to do more productive things instead of sitting here
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I could start listing off statistics and historical anecdotes, but something tells me that wouldn't convince you.
Oh well. I've stated my case already. Thanks for humoring my thoughts and good day.

I won't.
Anon, of course I acknowledge nationalities and races and their patterns associated with them, but all those things formed organically on a world that just doesn't exist now. What you are asking for, which is trying to prioritize who breeds with who, is actually unnatural in todays day and age. We have the airplane, the internet, people constantly traveling all over the world. Being a globetrotter has gone from being a dangerous, risky lifestyle to something virtually anyone can do with a middle class job. The natural order of humanity is that people will interbreed, only the most closed off nations will retain their "pure" blood. You are American, not Japanese.

It's up to you whether to lament, celebrate, or just accept this as the current reality and move on. If you wanna try being hitler 2.0, be my guest, but it didn't work then so idk if it would work today.
How were Jews trespassers when they were allowed to settle in Germany?
Literally nothing you’ve said is true and you’ve contributed nothing to this bord
I'm black and think Hitler was based because he got a whole bunch of white people killed.
>statistics and historical anecdotes, but
Your "stats" and anecdotes are usually lies or straight propaganda so don't bother.
Not an argument.
>They had pools
water reservoirs which SS were known to occasionally dunk in.
>life performances
polish musicians and singers were sometimes kept alive longer in camps for their talents as entertainment for the guards, but this was hardly a luxury afforded to other prisoners
>their own camp currencies
i doubt this extended to every location in the concentration camp system and even if it did, i dont see people using the fact prisoners get paid meager wages in the US prison system as a defense of it. the gulag systems would use the same currencies, but i wouldnt use that to defend them either.
these camps were complexes like any other, and had to house the guards and SS as well as the prisoners. its not impossible some prisoners of some value could see medical treatment, but many did not, and most of these quality-of-life/life-saving facilities were reserved for the guards.
>delousing chambers
lice doesnt care if youre a prisoner or a guard, it will spread regardless
inb4 'what about the cyanide stains', delousing takes hours while the gassing of prisoners takes like fifteen minutes, the cyanide didnt have the time to settle into the concrete to stain it before it was aired out and the chamber was prepared for another batch.
>so-called holocaust was only in response to...
'it didnt happen but they deserved it'
>Basically every means of communication is
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