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>What Rome had what wasn't stolen from Etruscans/Greeks?
Their armor since they stole that from the Celts
They were obviously superior engineers. Consider the Greek theatre, which was simply built into a hillside. Meanwhile, the Roman theatre was a freestanding structure and, alongside the aqueduct and the pantheon (dome), represents the absolute pinnacle of architecture. It’s beautiful and it’s practical. That’s Rome in a nutshell. They simply made things better.
The stuffs that they stole from the Celts
The stuff that they stole from the Samnites
The stuff that they stole from the Egyptians and Persians.
Greeks aside all these people were similar to the Romans. Rome was just a city.
>with those who make war on us we agree to fight on their terms, and when it comes to foreign practices we surpass those who have long used them.

>For the Tyrrhenians used to make war on us with bronze shields and fighting in phalanx formation, not in maniples; and we, changing our armament and replacing it with theirs, organized our forces against them, and contending thus against men who had long been accustomed to phalanx battles we were victorious.

>Similarly, the Samnite shield was not part of our national equipment, nor did we have javelins, but fought with round shields and spears; nor were we strong in cavalry, but all or nearly all of Rome’s strength lay in infantry. But when we found ourselves at war with the Samnites we armed ourselves with their oblong shields and javelins, and fought against them on horseback, and by copying foreign arms we became masters of those who thought so highly of themselves.

>Nor were we familiar, Carthaginians, with the art of siege craft; but we learned from the Greeks who were highly experienced in the field, and proved superior in siege craft to that accomplished race, and indeed to all mankind.

>Do not force the Romans to engage in affairs of the sea; for if we have need of naval forces we shall, in short time, equip more and better ships than you,and shall prove more effective in naval battles than people who have long practised seafaring.

How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Don't know any roman engineer except for Vitruvius
romans were not creators
they were appliers
Agrippa and the Pantheon ring any bells?

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