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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Who were the most based people in history and why? What were their values? I need motivation to help me keep surging forward in clown world.
Malays, randomly killing people indiscriminantly for no apparent reason
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The Catholic Church during the Napoleonic wars was amazing
Napoleon thought that he could just bully the religious clergy as he did with every other fallen nation. They didn't.
He conquered the Vatican and kidnaped the pope but they refused to backdown even at the threat of death. It even backfired hard because suddenly, he made enemies of Spain, Portugal, and the entire Catholic people within his own ranks.

Napoleon tried and tried to break the Pope in allying with him but not once did he budge, insisting instead that he fears God more than him.

When the Pope was finally freed and Napoleon was exiled, the Pope held no grudge and protected Napoleon's family. Every time the Pope called Napoleon in his letters, he called him either his "son" or "stubborn son" and permitted him to receive a clergy to conduct a mass and final rites. Napoleon was quoted as saying that he had never faced an opponent as stalwart as the Pope himself. He even called Pius VII “an old man, full of kindness and light
Shame I cannot find it
In what sense?

For instance, I think that the Maya civilization was based, because I like ancient astronomy, human sacrifice, ritual bloodletting, and ideographic writing systems. I think the Sumerians were based because their cosmology, mythology, religious traditions, and writing system, were adopted and promulgated by a large portion of the world for around two millennia. I think that the Phoenicians were based because they founded the only semitic maritime civilization of antiquity (Carthage), and used Egyptian hieroglyphs to craft a simplified phonetic writing system which ultimately increased literacy on a near-global scale (also trade routes + human sacrifice again). I think Byzantium was based, because they carried on Greco-Roman culture and merged it with Christianity to create the world's first Christian empire, had a beautiful and unique religious art aesthetic, and were skilled at naval warfare. You might feel that all of these people and civilizations are totally cringe.
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Napoleon and his clique, peter the great would count but his clique was retarded
Alexander The Great
Julius Caesar
Augustus Caesar
Jesus Christ
George Washington
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Genghis Khan
>Exiled by his own tribe at 8 years old
>At 14 he killed his brother for not sharing with him
>Through sheer willpower he united the Mongol tribes even after suffering defeats
>Reformed the tribes into a government which would rule much of the known world and he adopted the title Khan
>Invaded China and saw massive success; invaded the Khwarazmian Empire and saw massive success
>At the end of his life, millions lay dead at his feet
>Who were the most based people in history and why?
Czechoslovak Legion.
>What were their values?
Commandeer trains, steal all the Imperial gold, kill Bolshevik swine, drive off into the sunset towards the Far East.
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I'll exclude Jesus from this because I'm extremely biased towards Him.
The most based mortal to ever walk this earth was George Washington.
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