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did boomers really rape women so casually back in the day?
Yes. The entire plot of "overboard" is that if you rape someone's wife, they will love you more. It's funny to them if you kidnap and rape someone else's wife and then make them your house slave.
Also, (((boomers))) are still raping us with their usary.
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what am I looking at here, doesn't she have any legs
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It's some weird 1980's levi's pantskirt hybrid.
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80s men's fashion was great while women's fashion was all over the place
Oh hell, yeah. You have to understand that people in the '80s fucked a lot more, it was actively encouraged and not even the AIDS epidemic slowed anyone down, it was just like "just use a condom and stay safe, guys." School bathrooms had condom dispensers in them. It was a way more extreme era in terms of social norms and young people lived life dangerously. They had casual sex, they hitchhiked with strangers, they did shittons of drugs and alcohol. A lot of people died of substance abuse or got murdered back then. Objectifying women was the norm. The usual standard for "rape" for police was that the woman had to be visibly beaten up, bruises, bloody, etc. Otherwise there was no real way to prove it wasn't consensual and she'd probably be laughed out of the building.

So consent wasn't really much of a thing for boomers and Gen X. Pinching girls' butts randomly was pretty normal. Getting respect from your bros meant you had to be the guy who got laid the most, the guy who could seduce willing girls, not just how many times you've been third to fuck the lowest self-esteemed bitch on your street while taking turns with your buddies in the abandoned house that's for sale down the block. Feminism was basically limited to some crackpot Berkeley classrooms.
What changed, bros? Now we live in incel times...
Marital rape is the biggest feminist meme of all.
>not even the AIDS epidemic slowed anyone down
Not least of whom was Gaetan Dugas who was told he was killing people by fucking men in bath houses and instead of stopping, seemed to take pleasure in fucking with the lights off, then turning the lights back on and showing them his Kaposi's sarcoma sores, then telling them
>I've got gay cancer. I'm going to die, and now so are you.
How is it meme if it is in the criminal code? It the fact not meme
WTF I love boomers now
The 90s is when it started to appear in the mainstream. I know, I was there.
yeah when she said "I do" at the altar that was taken as "I consent." or are weddings just a big lavish party women throw for themselves?
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>He thought it is still 80s
It is. No lies. Just made up bullshit.
like, see in the 90s there was all the Lilith Faire feminist rock bullshit and Tori Amos popularizing the idea of being raped as something you could use for victim status points. also a generation of kids grew up watching cartoons made by male feminist cucks who told you that talking to women would get you slapped or pepper sprayed so many young boys became afraid of trying to get a date at all. during the 2000s, the Bush years, there was a walk back from feminism and women were objectified sex dollies like Britney Spears once again but it was only temporary.
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Why was there such an intense schoolgirl fetishisation in the early 2000’s?

Off the top of my head

>britney spears
>avril lavigne
>christina aguilera

Even Russia was getting in on it, oic related is Tatu the Russian pop duo, dressing as schoolgirls and kissing each other on an mtv performance
Dilate, tranny

It’s also worth noting one era was under a Democrat and the other a Republican. Regardless of your opinion on W and while I love a great deal of grunge, the general social was more tolerable under W than it was under Clinton, at least for me.
>used to give girls rides back in the 90s
>feel them up and stuff
>if they got uncomfortable or asked me to stop I would say "Well fine, then I'm not taking you home. You can get out and walk."
>you would be surprised at how many of them would go and run after my car and be like "Alright fine, you win. Let's fuck."
god knows how many bitches I deflowered this way. they're middle aged now and I see them on Facebook with their cuck husbands. kek.
I had mixed feelings about it. I was in a vocational program in 2001-2003 and most of the kids in the program hated me. Lots of proto-tumblr types and while my favorite genre of music at the time was hardcore punk I never truly got along with the whole Tatu nonsense and general consensus on the queer/gay/lesbian emo shit and ended up voting for Bush in a second term. I just really hated liberals deep down and wanted them to go away, despite the fact it just meant more wars for the Jews.
Biden is worse, and he is actualy the president.
>despite the fact it just meant more wars for the Jews.
How old are you to still be spouting this garbage? You think Dubya's regime needed any encouragement over Afghanistan and Iraq?
in all fairness that shit started when the first Bush was president and there was a general move back to the right in the late 90s. but i mean, 90-94 was definitely an era of resurgent liberalism.
You're a disgusting exploitative monster. The going rate for a ride is just a blowjob.
Fucking double post, I screwed that up.
You will never be a real woman. You will always be a deformed, mutilated man, a gaping, festering hole where his manhood used to be, requiring weekly hormonal injections to maintain your delusion.
miserable hambeast who was rejected by every dude in high school detected
>t. guys who couldn't even bag drunk bitches
>if you* dont want to fuck me, it's clearly because you dont understand my value
very feminine thinking t b h
Hey now, I am the third one and was bagging on the other two...still you got a point I haven't gotten any in like three months, I need to work on that.
lol. i'm not as old as you but there's chicks in their 30s i went to school with who post pics of their kids on Facebook and acting like such wonderful moms/family people and i be like "bitch, I was cumming on your face in the 12th grade."
Why are zoomers so terrified of sex? I'm a millennial and I remember people getting laid or at least getting BJs in high school, now people just simp for OF girls and never have sex.
>during the 2000s, the Bush years, there was a walk back from feminism and women were objectified sex dollies like Britney Spears once again but it was only temporary.

the 2000s were pretty trashy and degenerate but also dumber than the 80s by a long shot and much more wigger/hip-hop influenced. however i do agree that feminists were corked up again for a while.
reminder that Drumpf was a Miss Teen USA judge and he went backstage to watch underage girls changing their outfits
yeah it was pretty easy back then to take what you wanted. unless you beat the girl to a pulp there was no real way to prove it wasn't consensual and nobody was likely to believe her if she told anyone, they'd mock her and call her a slut. most just accepted it and went on with their lives.
This guy thinks the 1980s was Hollywood comedy movies...
nta but entertainment is half a reflection of IRL at the time. there's a reason why that was the era of slasher movies.
But then again Biden probably watched 8 year old girls changing outfits, so...
Metoo happened. Women are now defacto the state police.
Not an age thing. If you can’t see it you’re being willfully or maliciously ignorant.
You see boomers and Gen X actually had working dicks unlike Cucklennials.
Bibi was the one who directed us to Afghanistan and Iraq. But they weren't the nations which were responsible for the attack. We ransacked their countries because it gave US leadership an excuse to help Israel, launder money through government contracts and steal drugs.
Ask Trump who is put into jail for sex with strong independent woman.
so true. upboated, xister.
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Women who marry you are agreeing to have sex with you, therefore it's impossible to rape them. At most its spousal abuse, like if you're too rough, but literally you cannot rape a consenting person.
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this is obvious.
but today we have women marrying men they don't want to have sex with. what the fuck haha?
it's hard to even begin to explain how fucked everything is. it's layers* of fucked which can't be boiled down to "women dumb"
never marry a woman who is on birth control, for starters...
Because by the time most people get married, they're already having sex and have probably gotten bored of it. It really removes the excitement from marriage, because it changes marriage from a sexual thing to a purely economic and legal thing. What else is a purely economic and legal thing? Divorce.
People are just setting the wrong tone and getting screwed over because of it, largely due to their own mistakes, but that's life.
women on the pill are bad at sex anyway, it takes away their desire to fuck and actually becomes painful for them. actually even most prostitutes and strippers don't use any birth control.
unmarried does not mean single
i've had bitches insinuate to me that when she says "no" it's really just testing you to see how badly you really want her
You mean we didn't need a legal form of consent in 1985 and just fucked when we felt like it?
Most of our politicians are pedos
You sure like to think about dicks a lot, fruitcake. Maybe all that light beer over the past forty years gave you hop-brain
What fuckin pseud nonsense is this? Almost every woman I've fucked has been on the pill and most of them were as horny as a rabbit. One woman was so insistent on sex all the time I had a cramp in my arm from banging her so much

she was 13. In the late 00s and late 90s it was normal for girls as young as 11 to wear miniskirts and act that way. you were considered an outcast if you were 12/13 and not dating in 1999.

Girls went clubbing early too in their young teens

she was only 14 here and also sang songs about going into her playground and insinuating sex

These girls were dressing and acting very sexually at young ages in the late 90s and 2000s but then later backlashed against it and said they were exploited. It was also the norm for 14 year olds to be into things like the playboy bunny and acting like porn stars.
It’s a thing called a skirt. Not that you transfuck duke loving zoomer bastards would know what that is.
TV is a temptation machine that for people to imitate, what you are seeing is not what people did, it is what Satan TV was trying to convince people to do.
Gay observation.
Why can’t women just be straight forward? Are they just mentally defective? Very Jewish behavior.
>did boomers really rape women so casually back in the day?
No. They just had a more realistic standard of consent before the US government shilled the ideas of 2nd wave feminists. The feminist's ideas of objectification, sexual harassment, enthusiastic consent and men being inherently predatory are the reason for the sexlessness/lack of romance of millennials and zoomers.
yes as anon said that first erupted in the 90s then under Bush feminism was temporarily bottled up again until Obama bring it back with a vengeance
They really want to say yes but are afraid you would think they are a easy hoe.
2009-2012 Jersey Shore era was the last of the 00s party.
ITT: thread full of zoomers who know nothing about the 60s/70s
And this is why marriage is dead. Men like yourselves are fucking retarded.
do so enlighten us, boomer -kun
imagine dressing like this as a straight detective
Then tell us what happened then.
True. Are we all forgetting how preachy and evangelical people were back then? They had to make movie ratings and game ratings because of all of the sex and violence. It was definitely not evocative of how people lived.
Young people hitchhiked all the time back then and sex was easy as piss to get.
It was made up by the Soviets, I don't think we should copy their law-making
Based teen enjoyer
It was a reversing effect from the 60s sexual revolution which is when promiscuous lifestyle with no boundaries took off. No one really care if anyone got raped unless it was a full-blown assault rape on someone innocent. Marital rape was also a norm.
The sexual revolution from the 60s continued to have steam up until the 80s when society began to wake up to the surge of teen pregnancy and rampant STDs.
Feminism began growing in the early 00s with school and politicians pushing it hard from a generation of academic socialists who had grown up in a age of safety and abundance but still wanted to "be the change" like their grandparents who came from poverty backgrounds and had made real reforms to improve society.
Thus began the process of fix-something-that-isnt-broken which led to the dystopian we have today.
>Feminism began growing in the early 00s with school and politicians pushing it hard from a generation of academic socialists who had grown up in a age of safety and abundance but still wanted to "be the change" like their grandparents who
Try the 90s.
even before that it had been held that "rape" only counted if you beat the woman bloody and of course if she was your wife she was your property and you could beat her up as much as you wanted. of course a jealous husband might beat you up or kill you but the woman was perceived as leading you on and partially to blame.

for example Daniel Sickles shot the son of Francis Scott Key in 1859 for an affair with his wife and got off the hook in the first known use of insanity as a legal defense. however his wife was permanently slut-shamed and nobody in Washington D.C. would ever associate with her again.
depends how you define rape. if you use the actual definition, no. if you use the modern definition of "anytime it's beneficial to claim such," then yes.
>No one really care if anyone got raped unless it was a full-blown assault rape on someone innocent.
Even so child abuse was also really widespread in the 70s-80s and some estimates that 1 in 3 Gen Xers was molested. There were activists calling for legalized adult-child sex which is more than anyone even today is willing to go.
it was a rather strange thing because although the 70s-80s were an era of overall really extreme Weimar decadence there were still some oddly backwards things especially network TV was still clanking along on outdated 50s content guidelines and running le wholesome sitcoms like Full House. that didn't quite change until the 90s.
the 20th century was a time when hyper-sexualization of mass culture was the norm, even the stuffy 50s was more decadent than is often remembered
based demonic harbinger of pestilence
>Women who marry you are agreeing to have sex with you
Not on demand and regardless of circumstance, they aren't.
If you haven’t figured out dancing Israelis yet you are beyond help, assuming you’re not just a shill pretending to be retarded.
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People also don't understand that 1970-73 was an extension of the 60s and that the activist feminism fizzled more in 74-75. The late 60s and early 70s was an era where bra burning was a thing and so was being proud of your body even if you were fat. Teens wanting to join communes was still big and people were protesting against beauty pageants and women's bodies being judged.

source new yorker born in the 1950s
>phases into the pillow
>left hand is amputated but still holding the plate
What's going on with this movie?
it didn't start in the 90s. It started in the mid 60s and went up to 1973


1970-1973 were an extension of the 60s protest era

Source? New Yorker born in the 1950s who saw it all.
People did a lot of drugs in the 80s
No you are just retarded.
> muh dancing Jew urban myt hmeans I have conclusive proof the state of Israel coordinated 9/11
Grow up you fucking idiot or provide actual evidence . This is not /pol. You can't get away with this shit here. Bin laden was once a CIA not a Mossad asset. Israel is not more powerful than America or the CIA and you massively overstate it's power and capabilities. Do you seriously belive that Israel coordinated the 9/11 attacks? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Women plan their "dream wedding" before even having a partner. Every aspect is planned in detail, except for the groom who is at that moment just a big question mark in a suit. The monogamous aspect doesn't exist, women just want a big party where everyone cares about her doing something cool.
and the later 70s were also more negative. The 60s and early 70s was about celebrating yourself and being free to be you and me but also about the group and helping each other, making the world a better place. Then it became looking good to please others but also screwing everyone else over instead of self-love and sharing.

This was the dream of the 60s and early 70s
Well I thought your joke was funny, shame about the retard who felt he had to reply to you three times.
There were 2 70s. There was the socially conscious protest era or 1970-1973 70s with lots of idealism. Then there was the 74-79 70s that were grittier but with more partying and not really socially conscious except in certain areas.

The 74-79 70s went more with the 80s and the 70-73 70s went with the 60s and were an extension of it. People were more interested in changing the world than the rest of the generation was and were more collective in our efforts. The 60s and early 70s were about collective efforts but also being yourself as an individual. Once 74 rolled around the collective effort part died and it just became individual and the revolution only continued in a select few cities. 74 had glimpses of the old era but was mostly gone. It became only about the party instead of the party accompanying social change. Things like communes died out and things like disco were in.

In the 60s and early 70s it was about stopping things like beauty contests, burning bras, and equality, also eliminating gender norms and roles. Disco killed that.

(source? 1950s born Boomer NY who was there).
I didn’t make this comment btw.
>imagine not dressing like this as a straight detective
Maybe not "rape" in the literal sense but the way they courted women was absolutely rapey by modern standards.
Talking to women is terrifying
>t. zoomer
I'm totally obsessed about this question. I've never met a boomer who wasn't a sexhaver, and they didn't have arranged marriages, so how did they do it? Are social media and late stage feminism really such a civilizational threat?
In the sexual revolution it was considered liberation for a woman to have lots of sexual partners. But in the 60s and early 70s it was common for there to be "free love" where guys would share a girl or girls would share a guy. Sex was much easier to have but women would say "You don't own me. I can see whatever guy I want" and thought exclusive relationships were ownership. Plus there was tons of drugs and alcohol, much more than now so that made it easier since nobody had inhibitions.

Swinging parties were big in the 70s too where they had keys. Partner swapping was the thing. AIDS killed a lot of the free love partner swap or sharing partners.
Not just boomers but GI and Silent Generation before them also had way more sex than Millenials. Incels just weren't a thing.
>the surge of teen pregnancy
There was no such thing. They just weren’t getting married first, and the number of women who were desperate to abort their unborn children had increased by orders of magnitudes over the preceding 30 years. Teen sex remained frequent. It was the marital rates that fell.
they're supposed to be poor and the clothes would have been mish mash hand made by the previous deceased wife. She was wearing the dead wifes old clothes and thought they were unstylish and tacky naturally because she was used to rich life but didn't remember on account of going overboard.
>Do you seriously belive that Israel coordinated the 9/11 attacks?
CIA and Saudi Arabia intelligence coordinateed 9/11 attacks.
Holy shit has social media really filtered men that badly?
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You would dilate so hard if you learned that in the 40 and 50s it was common for young girls to date 10 guys at once.
Of course Chud Anon would say that.
The opposite is true. In the past women's "insecurity" wasn't taken seriously, but now their feelings must be "validated". Women now heighten disgust over nonconformism and use accusations of "creep" as a social tool in everyday situations. If you so much as have the wrong taste in music women will go "ew" "ick", all of a sudden you will be socially excluded, people's attitude will change to you, you won't get invited anywhere, you won't have an opportunity to socialize. You can be as confident as you like, but you have committed the crime of failing to conform to pop culture and this spooked the womenfolk while their simps are too scared of the same fate to oppose them. In the past of course they'd tell the stupid bitch to shut up.
Still doesn’t make sense. You don’t want sex, say no, if not, say yes. It’s really not that hard.
Not an argument, roastie.
This. Again, I was there.
That doesn’t make sense.
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>Disco killed that.
So rock killing disco brought it back?
> you so much as have the wrong taste in music women will go "ew" "ick", all of a sudden you will be socially excluded, people's attitude will change to you, you won't get invited anywhere, you won't have an opportunity to socialize.

Can confirm. I enjoy grindcore, brutal death metal and noise/experimental music.
You weren’t around back then, zoomie
my grandpa's high school in the 50s had several girls in his class get pregnant, it wasn't rare at all
It's even easier to get now.
Maybe. Most romance scenes in older movies are pretty rapey even for me, and I'm kinda racist. Harrison Ford pinning down the android chick in the original Blade runner comes to mind.
Same woth my gpas. My old guitar teacher, who'd be over 100 if he still lived, knocked a broad up around 18-20 and was sent to cali with $20 and a pool cue. Many preggo girls of the time were sent to 'live with their relatives' for 9 months
>Girls went clubbing early too in their young teens
Women still do this though, it's just that zoomer men have the 'tism and don't take advantage of it.
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love you anon stay based
Sex was just so normal. My old man told me he had sex with over 300 women in his lifetime and based on his lifestyle that was entirely feasible. He lost his virginity running a train on some broad with the guys in his high school football team and then after Vietnam was in the drug game, music business, and so much more. He described in one of his memoirs a show his band was playing and how the crowd was just raunchy debauchery, or how he got in an elevator and some woman asked him to fuck her, then when they were done, saw her walk out and to a table where her husband was waiting. He was born just before 1950. This was the world he lived in. The stories were the kind that would make any contemporary shriek.
>Harrison Ford pinning down the android chick in the original Blade runner comes to mind.
Watching Blade Runner I had the same thought specially when he kissed Rachel (?) because she was very not consenting yet him doing it anyway is critical to the plot.
Try 1920.
Romance in general is kinda creepy because you're basically preying on a woman
Social media
One look at couples and courtship shows you how 'people' really are. It's not lovers connected by some ephemeral force called "love" like in old books. It's an ape fighting for the right to mate.
I remember my 16 year old nihilist phase too.
Not an argument
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they're doing it right now as well
>1 year in prison
my country, if he was a migrant he would've gotten away with it too
>the Netherlands
About that. The age of consent is 16 there but rape only counts as rape if you physically resist your attacker. Merely saying no is not considered refusal of consent and women who report a rape to police are given one week to think about it; most drop the charges in a week and you will get jail time for filing a false rape accusation.
Not a boomer
Can you tell more? It sounds made up
If he was a migrant he'd spend three weeks in jail for the same offense.
Pajeets today are what white men were 40 years ago. They understand what boomers did which is that women are resources to be exploited.
'jeets aren't capable of understanding or cognitive thought, they're animals, including you.
y do 90% of women have rape fantasies? y do romance novels always feature cover art of some jacked dude throwing a woman around? wonder...
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In the old days, before people started having fits about returning your carts, it was easier to get your date home
boomers had way more T and it was easy to meet women. also it was a huge generation so the population of young women around was enormous.
>also it was a huge generation so the population of young women around was enormous.
Had a decent amount of kids in the neighborhoods i(millennial) grew up in until the technically final one. But the way my mother in particular(a gen x)talks about the one area she grew up in is unimaginable.
Millenials are a big generation, if not quite as big as the boomers. Gen X was small, though. A lot of public schools built during the baby boom years were closed in the 70s-80s when the population of children fell way off.
Wife swapping and partner sharing was normal then too. This guy I knew born in 1949 would tell me stories about how back when he was in his 20s, young husbands of a similar age wanted him to bang their wives back in the 70s and how they got off to that and that partner sharing was big in the 60s/70s but ended in the 80s.
They aren't. Pajeets are IT nerds who constantly ask women for nude pics online in the USA.
>Millenials are a big generation, if not quite as big as the boomers. Gen X was small, though
ah didnt know that, not something ive ever really looked at
>A lot of public schools built during the baby boom years were closed in the 70s-80s when the population of children fell way off.
i do remember seeing a lot of these as so many are archaic looking compared to what was newer in my time
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Zoomer here, the neighborhood I grew up in had 20 children max and their parents would rarely let them play outside together with the fear of being kidnapped. My generation is small, smaller then the Gen X, due to already declining birthrates due to rising cost of living and "career oriented" lifestyles during the era when we started being born, our game was rigged from the start.
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There was a mini-baby boom from 1987 to 93. The '90s had a huge explosion of kid culture because there were a lot of Millenials.
Same thing happend recently with the Millenial-Zoomer shift, I (Zoomer) remember my older teachers telling us how classes back then were way more numerous then ours was (22 kids), my own school had classrooms that were transformed into labs or cinema areas due to not having enough students to use them anymore, but they were used back then.
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Another thing is second wave Boomers and Gen X (the people who were majorly into sex in the 80s) were dumber than the Silents and first wave Boomers. You ever notice how if you look at a high school in the 60s and early 70s the students seem articulate but if you look at high school in the later 70s and 80s the students seem dumber? The early Boomers were very ideological and theoretical. The late ones were more hedonistic, and party oriented without as much philosophy.
and this is why the ideological work from the Boomers and political movements of the 60s and 70s come from the 1943-1951 crowd. It's also why 1946-1947 are overrepresented. They were the smartest of the Boomers.
The educational system extremely went downhill after the 60s. The late Silent Gen and early boomers, who came up in the 50s-60s prior to the counterculture were much more literate and cultured than everyone after them. For that reason we literally can't seem to elect a president who isn't 80 years old because nobody born after about 1951 is smart enough to run anything.

this is how Indians in the USA act.
For Gen X onward everyone is a manchild who bases their entire personality on consumer products. It started with Gen Xers who made a cult out of Star Wars and mushroomed with Millenials.
This makes a lot of sense and why they hung on to power so long. When you see the late Boomers and the early Gen Xers especially they seem very brain dead. Talk to someone born in 1946, you see a huge difference between them and 1964, almost insurmountable. The former are very into seeing all sides of an issue and into educating themselves. The latter get into theories like the flat earth and think Qanon is a prophet. Most of the Boomer stereotypes about them being "objectifying" and being stupid come from the second wave.
I mean, I do make an effort to read a lot and not base my identity around children's cartoons from 1996 like some people I've know.
The people into it most seem to be late Gen X and early to mid Millennials aka the 1975-1990 crowd. Those are the ones hugely into 80s and 90s nostalgia and are driving the nostalgia trend.
>population decline
Then why does everywhere still feel so crowded and congested with traffic? Its like an infinite stream of illegals in america. How does central america have such a never ending population despite endless cartel wars and india cheat code their way to 2 billion people and not experience famine crisis? How does middle east population not collapse from endless genocide wars between each other?
>Zoomer here, the neighborhood I grew up in had 20 children max and their parents would rarely let them play outside together with the fear of being kidnapped.
That sucks man, i remember the rising fears in that as I was around ten but i did get the obverse where I was imprisoned in my teen years i guess so i couldnt hazard the chance at doing the crazy shit my father did. im glad i at least got a small taste of the end of what the previous gens got to experience
>My generation is small, smaller then the Gen X, due to already declining birthrates due to rising cost of living and "career oriented" lifestyles during the era when we started being born, our game was rigged from the start.
and both our gens will suffer hard for that in the coming decades, things aren't looking rosy my friend
hm ive never really thought about that before, its strange feeling to look back at these things now
I think in my highschool it was about 30 to a room for basic shit and im in a flyover
absolutely, unequivocally, and positively WRONG
my mema, nigger.
>christmas this christmas that oh i cant wait for christmas christmas christmas christmas christmas
>on december 26
and I'll grant she is an extreme and honestly sickening level(my mother stresses about having to deal with her stuff when she dies because her mother talks about just that constantly) she's far from alone. Some other notable boomers from my own small list of personal examples include an aunt that had some kind of schizo crystal collection worth more than her(nice and big) house. And some old people im not even sure what my relation is, with their cracker barrel ass looking house.
my dad was in college when Ford was president. at that time tune in, turn on, drop out was well-established. most of the guys he went to college with were jaded and not very interested in politics or changing the world and, like Fritz the Cat was essential college watching. i mean, the college culture by then mostly revolved around weed, rock music, and getting laid instead of more scholarly pursuits. i'm sure it would have been a lot different if you had been in college during the Kennedy years.
>That sucks man, i remember the rising fears in that as I was around ten but i did get the obverse where I was imprisoned in my teen years i guess so i couldnt hazard the chance at doing the crazy shit my father did. im glad i at least got a small taste of the end of what the previous gens got to experience
Yeah when looking back at it, it was kinda shit. Our parents (Gen X and very early Millenials) where the kids whose parents (Silent and boomers) needed to be reminded to know where they were by the television, so they were mindful to keep us within their eyesight, also a general rise in crime and in particular those nasty kidnapping of kids cases.
>and in particular those nasty kidnapping of kids cases.
that could be blamed on trashy shock jocks like Bill O'Reilly who exploited dead children for ratings
For the 1945-51/52 Boomers, it was both. It was "turn on, tune in, drop out" but also intellectual at the same time and were into reading political authors and things like the Beat Poets. Turn on, tune in, drop out, was more about expansion of the mind and gaining more consciousness and connection to the spiritual. People born later than that took the drugs but didn't take the consciousness or mind expansion. There was a lot of philosophical and introspective music in the 60s and early 70s.
the internet and the 24/7 news cycle as well, desensitizing or heightening peoples fears. heinous shit has always happened but with the advent of those two things they blast it nonstop full scope everything from across the globe. death here death there. I imagine the news stories the average burger would hear from a place like say Australia is tenfold between our time versus just gen x. And for them... well i can understand why we get hate to an extent.
That was the change. From 64-73 the protests were abundant and so was the attitude of wanting social change. They thought the counterculture would unleash an intellectual and spiritual awakening. But then the people who came later than that weren't interested in intellectual and spiritual awakening.
Yeah, and the era we grew up in gave plenty of material to fearmonger, early zoomers saw the war on terror, middle ones were kids during the arab spring and ISIS surge, later ones kinda saw the rising international tensions from North Korea, then Iran, China, Russia, and still are seeing the effects.
For some reason though, class of 2003-2005 score the same on the SAT the early Boomers did. Was school more focused on those classes? Those people were born roughly from 1985-1987.
There was a huge contrast between how the early Boomers acted compared to the rest of the Boomers and the Gen Xers. In the 60s and early 70s, feminism and idealism were the thing. In the late 70s and 80s, rape comedy was more of the thing. What people would be outraged as backwards in the early 70s people thought was cool in the late 70s. "I am woman, hear me roar" was big in the early 70s. Source? Was there. The early Boomers and the late Boomers were miles apart in attitudes, miles apart.

I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an' pretend
'Cause I've heard it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
And no one's ever gonna keep me down again
Yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I've gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
You can bend but never break me
'Cause it only serves to make me
More determined to achieve my final goal
And I come back even stronger
Not a novice any longer
'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul
Yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I've gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
should add. that was when KISS first got big and most dudes thought they were stupid degenerate circus music for 12 year olds. especially the old -heads from the '60s hated them and thought rock peaked in '69 and was now officially dead.
Can confirm. Most of the people listening to them at the time were in high school or earlier and the Jr. High schoolers were into them most. Older people hated it.
>and most dudes thought they were stupid degenerate circus music for 12 year olds
they're Jews, why wouldn't they be?
The baby boom peaked in 1953-56 and birthrates dropped steadily from there and fell below replacement by '65. There was a spike in the birthrate in 1969 so the biggest percentage of Gen X were '69 babbies. The all-time low ebb was reached in the mid-70s during the post-OPEC recession.
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The feminism of the 60s and early 70s from the early wave Boomers/very late silents was a lot more radical than the feminism you saw in the 90s. Talking about dismantling the nuclear family and seeing marriage and family as forms of oppression was the talk of the circles back then. You just don't know because your memories are from the later 70s and 80s and think this was how it always was. In the 60s and early 70s college scene, bras and shaving were considered oppressive and so was gender and gender roles.
cripes, six days and this thread is still up
if you don't put back the carts that means you are low trust like black people
I don't put them back because it gives more people jobs.
At first there was a rather stringent censorship of everything sexual and people called this unrealistic and so in reaction to this they just ended up including a bunch of sexcapades which were also unrelastic. Neither era of hollywood was particularly realistic just as the current era is not realistic.
Actual rapists
Actual hamplanet

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