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Westerners love to claim other people's cultural legacies. They overemphasize the steppe Aryans but ignore how they were predominantly of ANE descent (or what's symbolically called Hyperborean).

If we breakdown races to figure out Hyperborean descent, then we see Iranians and NW Indians both have a lot of ANE. ANE was already spreading into these places even before Sintashta/Aryan migrations. Westerners rarely acknowledge this because they are lying deceptive pompous bullies.

Is there any race as larpy and arrogant and evil as Westerners? I blame the WHG ancestry. Even Yaghnobis do not score more than 1% WHG, which may indicate steppe invasion is completely false and there was just a hyper diffusion from ANE. WHG ancestry correlates to be sanctimonious liars who create convoluted matrixes to psychologically destroy their enemies.

I am starting to see Ashkenazi are bad because of Also, here's a video by STJ, since you like him, about ANE/Hyperboreans, and here the breakdown of Hyperborean ancestry:

Why ANE are Hyperborean

Graph on ANE ancestry admixture.
>I am starting to see Ashkenazi are bad because of
Western admixture.*
god morning saaar
I'm a light skinned Persian, and I am sick and tired of you Euroshits*. You are pushing me to the edge of psychopathy, and we will be far crueler than anyone else if you don't stop this shit.
how's the weather in LA ?
Ashkenazi Jews have so-called ANE descent. They have it from Iran Neolithic and Yamnaya which is like 1/3 their ancestry.
I don't live in LA. STFU. Kys.
There's literally a psyops against Iranians to dehumanize them and call them mongrels with no connection to their ancient past.
Mixed race Iranians like Robert Sepehr and Jorjani are used as psychological warfare for these purposes (one a Jew, the other Turkic Qajar).
One form of psychological warfare is to overemphasize Sintashta but ignore how they were 60% ANE. ANE is arguably more important as the origin of Indo-Iranic cultures.

When we look at ANE, we see most Euroshits do not have *significantly* more.

Finns surprisingly have *a lot* of ANE though.
Yamnaya was 60% ANE. Sintashta was 30% ANE.
How much WHG did Sintashta have?
Another Iranijeet cope thread.
ANE are genetically closer to WHGs and Anatolians than they are to south indian abos.

This is why Europeans excel, its not that they have an abundance of ANE, its that they lack retard mode genes like iranijeets
10% from their maternal side.
Iranians have like only 10% of Indian admixture (East Eurasian). I have no problem with these people. They tend to live in harmony in nature, and I used to listen to beautiful traditional Indian music from different parts of their country.
WHG and Anatolian did not have ANE ancestry. Stfu.

Kys conceited Euroshit.
Anatolians and WHGroids were inferior to their Natufian masters, but I notice they share the same lack of similarity to ANE.

Distance to: Russia_MA1_ANE
0.34009188 Iran_Wezmeh_N
0.45052446 Luxembourg_Loschbour
0.46218461 Turkey_N
0.46252830 Israel_Natufian
Yaghnobis and Pamiris do not even score 1% WHG for supposedly having a lot of Sintashta admixture. The Sintashta invasion theory is fake. It was just hyper diffusion from ANE.

I will not forgive Westernshits for their endless lies and putting me through a convoluted matrix.
Euroshits caught in more lies.

Holy fucking shit. Do Euroshits WANT to turn me into a savage? I swear, I may go off the deep end.
>putting me through a convoluted matrix
saar maybe you be doing the consultful with a therapist to resolve the identity issues derived from gene pivot tables and twittercel memes saar
You must accept the Natufian rule over European slaves. No more fighting it.
Anything to make them stfu I'm fine with now. Send more trucks of peace their way. They've pissed me off more than any Arab ever has, and I don't say this lightly. Literally claiming my ancestors and endlessly deconstructing my identity. I want nothing to do with those scoundrels anymore.
We meds respect to iranian people
Westerners are convinced their civilization is the only one that matters, to the point of sometimes claiming the west is the only Civilisation, the rest of the world is and always having been a land of barbarians.

So when coming across other civilizations as intricate and profound if not moreso than the west, they try to trace this to some vague PIE ancestry several millennia ago so they can claim the achievements by proxy instead of being humble.

They didn't use to be as bad about this, but as the West declines, most of them are doubling down on it to cope with their growing impotence.
OP you're a fucking moron, Iranic/Zagrosian women share the same haplogroups as WHG women and here you are visciously attacking yourself.
no one said WHG and Anatolian had ANE ancestry you mongrel, I said they were genetically closer to ANE than asiatic bug people who look like Abos.
>muh harmony with nature
Does India look like it lives in harmony with nature?

ANE shares more deep ancestry with WHG and Anatolians than with asiatics like iranians.

Europeans are the most like ANE of any modern group because Europeans are exclusively descended from groups that share deep ancestry with ANE.
Europeans look better and behave better. Europeans are the only race on earth to have developed pathological altruism.

Your hatred of Europeans is a projection of self loathing. You iranians are smarter than your neighbors but you look like your neighbors, it must be peak suffering.
I mean thats not possible since they have I2 Y DNA and I2 Y DNA is present in both Iran and India at noise levels meaning they literally MUST HAVE WHG ancestry of some sort.
Favstian Civilization is the only civilization.
its hard to call primitive societies like Mycenae, Persia, or Rome "Civilization" when they had no trains, no global trade, no space race, no advanced medicine, no production of synthetic light.

The difference between Faustian Society and the rest of the planet is similar to the difference between Bronze Age man and the great apes.
I2 predates WHG subhumans, Romanian homosexual.
The clade found in middle asia is downstream from a WHG, ape.
No it isn't, retard. Most European I2 isn't downstream from WHG monkeys either.
>Zagrosian/Elamite women share a common origin with WHG women
>Enter OP, supposedly a descendant of them trying to dehumanize them
It's safe to say OP is just another Natufian supremacist, shitty troll thread
Who'd knew that ethnics would start shitting on a purely European genetic component.
WHGroids were black and contributed their women to modern North Africans with 0% I2.
>Westerners love to claim other people's cultural legacies
Do we though? Lemme guess, you live in a third world shithole and have never interacted with us in your entire life and are just basing this assumption from what you read on the internet.
Thanks for proving my point by thinking technological trinkets are substitutes for genuine civilisation and culture.
>technological trinkets
Man and Ape is defined by a difference in technology level.
European and non-European civilization is defined by a difference in technology level.
MesoMutts, Iranijeets, even Sinoids stacked rocks in pyramidal shapes, even literal SSA black africans did this.
however none of you went to the moon, none of you invented penicillin, none of you circumscribed the planet, none of you even left the planet let alone put anything else onto another planet.
The difference between 2025 AD and 799 AD is literally greater than the difference between 799 AD and 8,000,000 BC where proto-hominid forms huddled together on tree branches.

You simply do not appreciate just how different you are from Europeans and how far advanced they are.
It demonstrably is.
Do you have a source to substantiate your claims?
It was Villabruna and there is more R1b in Nafris than WHG autosomes.
Euros raped nafris and their pride wont allow nafris to admit this.
You are advanced in the fields of obesity, mental illness, and degeneracy.

I don't know any other civilization so absent in self control that men will sooner die of a burst appendix than starvation; that makes a fetish and identity of their mental illness of the week; that values people like Taylor Swift and Stormzy as a cultural icon; that willingly floods their own nations with foreigners in the name of the Great God GDP; that tolerates senile old men and race baiters as political leaders; that makes a political test and social credit system over issues like LGBT; and tries to browbeat the rest of the world in thinking this is civilization, not barbarism

You're right. I don't appreciate how different I am from Europeans. When I see the average American, a 200 pound man wholly ignorant of anything beyond the TV and whose memory goes no further than what he had for breakfast that morning, I think to myself "This man must belong to a separate species. Surely we can't be of the same kind."

Oh, and on the topic of space flight? Chandrayaan, Chang'e and Akatsuki called.

The rest of the world have already adapted western tech to their civilisational needs without acting like the proverbial chimp with the machine gun while the average westerner is rapidly closing the gap between them and the proto-hominids with each passing generation.
>uhh you conquered scarcity and basically achieved every hominid victory condition and uhh thats le bad because youre going to evolve beyond humanity

It will be funny when browns declare White people racist when White people literally evolve out of humanity and into a greater form.
Europeans are no different physically now than they were several millennia. They're spiritual condition however has declined, aggravated by the very technological achievements you are so proud of creating dysgenic environments.

Compare the average Londoner, New Yorker, or Parisian to their ancestor several generations back.

Compare Enoch Powell to Boris Johnson, or George Washington to Donald Trump.

In nearly respect, the average European has become less and less a complete human being, not more. The fate of the average white is to become Nietzsche's Last Man, not the Ubermensch.
Europeans are much intelligent than they were several millennia ago.

The Europeans are under constant attack from all sides and yet they still retain global hegemony.

No other race in history has stood against the world and not only held them off but won.
European hegemony ended with WWI and WWII, two completely self inflicted shotgun shells to the feet of European civilization.

America, last true European hegemon, has been run out of Afghanistan, expelled out of Nigeria, has failed to break the Russian bear, and is on track for being minority white.

The world in which Europe ruled the globe is effectively over. It's high point, the Belle Epoque, was a century ago. The Europeans of that time were undeniably gifted in intelligence and will, but those of today are stunted by comparison.
Post your skin color, only then will I consider your arguments as valid.
You lose Romanian homosexual. North Africans have 0% I2 and 10% WHG ancestry. Nafris had sex with European women since stone age times including WHGroid women.

R1b is 1% in North Africa and comes from Yamnaya ancestry in North Africans. At least Yamnaya passed on some of their lineages unlike cucked WHGroids.
I2 isnt the only WHG y DNA.
Nafris have 20% R1b and 10% WHG ancestry.
They got fucked by V88 WHG BVLLs.
Europeans still dominate the world LOL
in fact Europeans have a monopoly on and the ability to survive world ending weaponry.

nothing happens today without the consent of the Europeans or their colonial descendants in the US.

These are the Aryans.
>qpAdm with non proximal sources
>pathological altruism
Natufian Semitic Jews rule their European slaves and do whatever they want. Natufians used their European slaves and now they're discarding them like the trash they are.

>two completely self inflicted
It was a chimpout revolt by European wiggers and ended with Natufian Semitic Jews crushing their subhuman skulls and enacting European genocide.
>I'm a light skinned Persian, and I am sick and tired of you Euroshits*. You are pushing me to the edge of psychopathy, and we will be far crueler than anyone else if you don't stop this shit.
I find it difficult to imagine anyone other than a dangerous criminal would talk like this. It sounds like you've adopted victimhood because you have a chip on your shoulder.

Is this real?
North Africans have 0% I2 and 10% WHG ancestry. Nafri R1b is 1% the Yamnaya kind not the V88 kind which was also from ANE. Nafris had sex with European women since stone age times including WHGroid women.
> in fact Europeans have a monopoly on and the ability to survive world ending weaponry.

Uh, huh, sure, that's why China, India, Russia, Pakistan and North Korea have access to nukes.

I wasn't aware Europeans had enough cockroach lineage to survive nuclear fallout.

>nothing happens today without the consent of the Europeans or their colonial descendants in the US.

Sure, that's why Pakistan, India and even North Korea routinely thumb their nose at the NPT; why the US got run out of Vietnam, Niger and Afghanistan; and why the West can't get Assad or Putin to go.
What an inane thread, Natufians pretending to be Iranians and trying to ingratiate themselves with them to team up against Whitey when IRL Israel does nothing but antagonize them. Truth is they're natural European allies. Don't fall for this Persian bros. Elamite women are WHGs.
cope, Germania won
You are ignoring the evidence now
Meme calculation. No aasi source, I bet the fits are so bad that nothing can be gleaned from that model.

Iran_n and chg were 22% ane. There is no way modern Iranians are over 20% and.

"Allentoft et al. 2024 modeled the Neolithic Iranians to derive appopximately 52% ancestry from Ancient North Eurasians, with the remainder ancestry (48%) being derived from Basal Eurasians. The CHG displayed additional geneflow from a Paleolithic Caucasus/Anatolian source (c. 20%) and additional ANE-like admixture (c. 10%)."
You're right, and I am sad. We've lost our dynamism; comfort kills.
>Haploautismo OP is disgusting shitskin
imagine my shock
I wouldn't care if people stopped claiming my ancestors.
Slit your fucking throat.
I ended all of my friendship with people of Euro descent a year ago. I just email them trolling bs now and act passive aggressive.
I hope Abduls run you over with a truck if peace.
What the Arabs are doing to you now is what Persians wished they could do 2500 years ago.
Eat shit, Euroshit.
If the model doesn't have dzudzuana then into the trash it goes. Iran_n and chg are only 22% ane when including dzudzuana.
I've used at least ten calculators with dzuzuna and I always get 25-33% ANE.
cope and seethe passive agressive bitchmoder
Kys. Iranians have 25-33% ANE.
For a faggot like you your post is only medicore in terms of being pompous. I bet your next post will be even more elaborate, verbose and gay.
you are 100% cocksucker and your family is 95% maggots from a goats ass
I am far more educated than you.
Your life has no intrinsic value.
You have no Buddhanature, no soul, no qualia, etc. you are effectively a p-zombie and deserve to die.
You live a completely vapid shallow existence and have never engaged in contemplation in your life.
The elites are right to call YOU a useless eater.
Now an hero.
You are sucking off truckers in the hope your father comes to your gloryhole.
Ew. You are full of psychosexual issues. I am not.
You are full of shit.
holy based
Give G25 source coordinates for a paleolithic model that best isolates ANE then.
Give me one reason your nerd shit is worth a dime.
Swedes don't exist. Their occipital buns are of Neanderthal origin. They're just neanderthals LARPing as the inhabitants that once lived on their lands.
this statement has zero value, even if it was true
Brownoid AI 1.0 is having issues RN
Occipital buns have Neanderthal origin. My skull is closer to a Cro-Magnon than yours Nordshit. You're literally non-human.
You can delete your post faster than I can look. You are a bot.
I am not a bot. Nordicists just piss me off a lot - that's all. I got a bit too angry, I admit. Sorry.
I have the same sentiment against dumb shitskin pieces of shit who are acting like they can get any out of the haplo gibberish and create the fucking worst threads on a board where half the OPs are "historically speaking is fingering a trap gay?". Kys you are worse than these posters and don't create another haplo OP.
ANE coords are not the problem. Dzudzuana chords are. And in general old samples don't work properly in G25 so you would have to use qpadm anyway.

Shit calculators don't count. You need qpadm. Look at Lazaridis' qpadm model. Gives 21.8% ANE to Iran_N and 22.2% ANE to CHG.
I used apadm and I get 25-33% ANE as an Iranian depending on the model.
You're full of shit. The lowest estimate of ANE in Iran_N is 33 percent.
Kys, Nordicists have been shitting the whole website. Nordshit Neanderthal.
I don't created whiney, resentful, garbage OPs like you do tho.
Nordicists are always creating threads screaming shitskin, claiming people's ancient ancestors, using Gobineau and Evola to deride people, and so on. I had enough so made this thread.
Southern Euros as a whole are honestly not as bad, so I should have just put "nw" before European each time.
And their shit threads give you the right to create the same garbage threads, where the same unqualified idiots are having the same arguments or what? This thread is a net net negative for the board quality and you should kys.
>Southern Euros as a whole are honestly not as bad
Imagine bonding with someone in a haploautist thread... You should go out and join the revolutionary guard or whatever social pass-time activities you got in Iran...
Countless threads are made about steppe Aryans, and this is about Hyperborean ANE. Kys.
>countless threads are made about trash, this one is about shit
Industrialization was a net negative and has destroyed self-reliant ways of life, massive biodiversity, introduced countless pollutants, etc. Your children were being sprayed with DDT not long ago as experts said "it's good for you", much like the jab. There are even YouTube videos of children being sprayed with DDT. And now we are getting microplastics in our bloodstream.
Listen your top 3 aspirations in life, top 10 books, and top 10 films. I bet they're all garbage just like your shit mind. Go back to watching Michael Bay films.
And here you are using the fruits of industrialization to whine about it on a website presumably populated by those most poisoned by it, instead of doing whatever the iranian equivalent of RETVRNING is (fucking your sister in one of the half dozen zoroastrian-majority villages left? idk)
Lmao, you link your blog first.
I am engineering the robots that will replace you.
what a super honest OP, definitely not seething at white people, the classic /his/ OP in a nutshell
Read the 2018 Dzudzuana paper and use those sources. The model he posts is the best one. In the supplements there are many more models with worse fits and different ANE values. 22% ANE is the best fit.
>have 5% ANE
~5% more*
>Europeans are the most like ANE of any modern group because Europeans are exclusively descended from groups that share deep ancestry with ANE.
Bullshit lies..kys.
Reich Lab is full of lying Jews and I don't trust it at all. Kys.
its true, ANE were Archaic West Eurasian clustering with Sunghir.
I checked the models. Not one of them is close to 30% ANE. Farsjeet caught lying. Oh and the Reich lab's bias favors South of the Caucasus populations in most contentious matters. Keep crying ppnb admitted mutt. Iran_n were 22% ane and you are less than that.

You are a coolie carrying bags for the elites of the very race you despise so you try and take it out on the commoners with laughable results.
It's not a paper, dumb retard. It's an old preprint that's been discarded into the trash. The 50% ANE is the newest estimate with the most up to date evidence. Seethe more.
>h-haha I got him on a technicality
It's not been discarded. It's not been released because they are still working on some stuff. Needless to say the final result will not cause much of a difference to the amount of ANE in Iran_n and CHG. They checked a bunch of different sources and the highest ANE for Iran_n was 22%. Meanwhile your shit comes from meme calcators and your results haven't even been put up for peer review. Based on the paper vs preprint technicality, your opinion is lower than both of them. Also no 50% ANE is not a new estimate, I've seen that junk number thrown around for years without a model to back it up. Post your qpadm model with all left populations and sources. Then you can be taken a little seriously and tour result can be compared to the Dzudzuana preprint.
It's an old preprint, retard. It's been discarded and isn't worked on. No one cares about your worthless, low IQ opinion. I'm going to continue using the latest studies, not your worthless opinion. The latest studies on the topic say 50% ANE is the best estimate with the most up to date evidence and that's what we use. Seethe more.
It's not discarded and if you mean it's discarded simply because it is old then you are dumber than I thought. Nothing in that paper has been disproven here. Post the models for 50% and in iran_n from qpadm.
>low in opinion
Lol you'd be mentally retarded if I were merely low iq.
>latest studies
Post the models retard. There are no valid models that put iran_n at 50% ane.

I can easily link qpadm models for 22% and in iran_n for evidence. You have no evidence.
Why are iranjeets like this

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