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How were the vikings in terms of warriors? Were they good or just below average? I have had some people tell me the great heathen army was one of the best of all time
they were alright in 1 to 1 combat but not very disciplined
Im talking nordic vikings, everyone says they were some of the best warriors. How true is this
Fella on the left looks exactly like my cousin Dakota. Guy can chug a two liter mountain down in seconds right after a whole pizza.
What a worthless slave
they wren't even the best raiders of their prime period, the hungarians were better warriors, the vikings were exceptionally good sailors not warriors.
Normans were the greatest warriors of their era, and I don't think there has ever been another group so far ahead of their competition in terms of martial prowess than them. Normans however are Frankish + Viking so how much each contributed is debatable.
Normans are overrated
They were exceptionally good warriors and it'd shameful if they weren't. Their whole society and culture revolved around militarism and strength.


They got their shit pushed in by irish and scottish farmers. They were below average fighters and only good and trading
I'm seeing a lot of saga references and so this is perfect for me, thanks for posting it
Of course they lost a few battles here and there, but their overall track record was great. Just look at their pillages and raids in Italy.
Nothing special desu in iberia they got massacred
They were excellent raiders who excelled due to their navigation and sailing abilities. They weren’t, however, particularly competent in pitched battles, typically getting ass blasted whenever they faced down standing armies.
Thats like saying the samurai were the greatest warriors on earth on account of how many unarmed peasants they've slain. How about people who were equipped to fight back?
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Dunno, you tell me;

>in iberia they got massacred

*one wandering warband of a horde was "massacred" according to a Muslim source...a source that suspiciously also admits they were allowed to convert and were given land to settle, the rest leaving with the loot...after burning a province to the ground lol
They got BTFO when they came across a serious army. Saxons pushed their shit in.
Vikings were pretty good warriors but certainly not better than battle hardened knights or the mercenary bands hired around Europe

The main advantages vikings had is

>unlike the people they were attacking, their singular occupation was combat. They weren’t doing this part time because they were ordered to, this was how they made money in between living on a farm
>Vikings spent 95% of their time raiding defenceless abbeys, churches and villages for loot and slaves, then sailing off before an actual military force could reach them once news got around
>vikings ignored conventional battle conduct for the medieval age, in which battle sites would be set up or the invading force easily tracked to attack. Instead sticking to raiding and withdrawal, long term they did not fare well if they got sucked into military pitched battles. Even their greatest success in England was against one of the smallest populations in Europe with a very small army, and it only led to them agreeing to stick to the empty north of England rather than a conquest of the rich south
>like I said above, Vikings were occupational warriors, while most of a traditional feudal force would be conscripted villagers with spears and very limited experience with only a few knights to try and corral them.

Don’t underestimate the importance of battle hardened warriors next to fresh ones. It’s why most medieval European battles have relatively few casualties. They usually ended with one side or the other breaking and fleeing once a lot of bodies start dropping or a dramatic move like seeing a cavalry regiment charge through you happens

Once medieval European forces gained even a modicum of regiment it made Viking tactics irrelevant. Likewise with England making its first real navy. Once the option to attack defenceless coastal areas and fleeing was gone, the raids stopped
now nordcucks are getting invaded by somalis and getting put down like dogs XD
They conquered Sicily with a few Dozen knights.
Somalis arent invading anything they are cattle transferred by merchants from one zone to the other by means of financial incentive.
Normans weren't vikings
>Frankish + Viking
They were like 80+% Gaulish
Also wether they were the best warriors of their era is debatable. I think the Turks (broadly speaking) and Mongols clearly were the greatest warriors of the middle ages.
They had the support of the local population who didn't liked their muslim overlord and were also but a few.
Basically it's a case of a ruling minority overthrowing another ruling minority and unsurprisingly the minority that had the support of the local people prevailed.
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>I don't think there has ever been another group so far ahead of their competition in terms of martial prowess than them
Mongol horse archers
America was the first to create a nuke. That ends any debate in war capability, if you count that as martial prowess of course.
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>Somalis arent invading anything they are cattle transferred by merchants from one zone to the other by means of financial incentive.
Immigration IS invasion you tard
Their advantage lay in the fact that they had surprise, speed, and aggression. Not to mention they could choose to attack wherever they wanted thanks to their longships being able to traverse almost any waterway.

The Vikings were superb infantry though not a meme. Their size, strength, diet, and training allowed them to be extremely good to the point where the Byzantines hired them for the Varangian Guard.

But of course we know the superior offshoot of the Vikings were the Normans since they learned 2 important aspects that their Scandinavian forebears lacked: heavy cavalry and castle-building.

The Rus were also pretty good too since they were able to war successfully against the steppe peoples like the Khazars, Pechenegs, Cumans, Kipchaks as well as threaten Byzantium.
>this was considered ripped in 2013

Fucking state of those outfits
Why do you think the Byzantine Empire recruited Varangians and Anglo-Saxons as their Emperor's bodyguards?
chat gpt post
>Their size, strength, diet, and training allowed them to be extremely good to the point where the Byzantines hired them for the Varangian Guard.
I don't think their size, strength, diet, and training had much to do with it tbhwy.
Part of the reason that the Byzantine emperors used them as bodyguards was that they were foreigners that had no involvement in the politics of the state and were much less likely to assassinate them.
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>Literally never recover
Nothing personnel, Sven. Thanks for the cities.
The Vikings consistently got their shit pushed in by literally anyone that wasn’t just a bunch of unarmed peasants and monks. As soon as they ran into some real warriors Scandisissies folded like paper.
Ever since I played God of War (2018), I've loved the Nordic universe.
This is very true. The Rus, Scandinavians, and later Anglo-Saxons (fleeing Norman oppression in England) were outsiders that really couldn't meddle in Byzantine politics so they were basically another Imperial German Guard.

But Basil II and later emperors fielded them in tough situations because their axe-wielding berserker fury as heavy infantry proved their worth time and time again. During the 1204 Sack, the Varangians were the only ones that effectively resisted their stations from the Crusaders.

From the 9th century (when the Vikings truly burst onto the European mainland) to the early 13th century (when the Varangian Guard was finally disbanded), the Norsemen were truly a force to reckon with. Only heavy cavalry could decisively defeat them and even that wasn't an absolute guarantee.
Whats this? Great painting by the way
They're the only people on record to have tried to settle the Americas and been beaten off by the natives.
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Battle of Clontarf 1014, in which Brian Boru destroyed the attempted viking invasion of Ireland at the cost of his own life
What a great battle. I really know very little of Irish history, and the Middle Ages. It is amazing how these key battles, and their importance, can be, for lack of a better word, forgotten.
Seems a bit disingenuous to imply subsequent attempts to settle the Americas were in any way contemporaneous with 11th century ones
Well they were relegated to an infantry force primarily in war, so in instances of them fighting knights and the like, you're getting heavy infantry vs heavy cavalry. Not a good match up for them.

With that said, I don't know how many were Norsemen, when they were highly capable in war the Varangians were more so Norse than derived from Anglo-Saxons or Slavs. And Varangiangs held out pretty well against knights and other cavalry, even Norman knights surprisingly. They got baited and worn down in the encounter that I remember, but fighting knights so effectively really surprised me because no one else really put up such a fight as infantry. As warriors I'd say they were among the best of any of their time, perhaps the best if you just speak in terms of infantry fighting. But this was a transitional phase, from warriors to a kind of higher concept in knights.

In that Vikings were actually critical to the historical evolution of medieval Europe. But like I said, Vikings (not Normans) were the best at being something vestigial, something that was transforming as the nature of war and the culture was transforming.
Many such cases.
>"Yes they raped us and burned our cities and took the women as slaves and and all the gold we had but oh, we delivered such a crushing strategic defeat that they all are gone now. They sailed away in shame. You can trust me as I'm writing it down right now"
t. Ibn Rashim McCopenstein the IV
Stop copping. It's pathetic.
Reminder that in any other part of the world you lose like 30% of your forces and any of your leaders and it's a route. Anywhere in NW Europe you would have to fight to the last fekkin man boyo
no u
This tale describes the 943 Rus expedition through the Caspian sea, for decades they had been raiding coastal Caspian cities by that point, however, no expedition was as noteworthy as this one, as the Rus sailed upstream the wide Kura river and laid waste the region, raiding land and towns, remaining in the major city of Barda for for 7 months, launching assaults from fortresses they captured on the way, until they were forced to leave.
The following is an extract from "The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate" by the 9th/10th century Persian chronicler Ibn Miskawayh
They are a mighty nation with vast frames and great courage.

They know not defeat, nor does any of them turn his back till he slay or be slain, it is the practice of the individual among them to carry his armor, while suspended upon his person an artisan outfit, axe, saw, hammer and the like.
He fights with spear and shield; he wears a sword and has hung upon him a lance and an instrument resembling a poniard.
They fight on foot, especially these invaders.

When they reached the Kur they were met by Marzuban's officer who served as governor of Bardha'ah at the head of three hundred Dailemites and about the same number of Su'luks and Kurds.
He also summoned the whole people of the place to arms and was joined by some 5000 volunteers anxcious to fight these invaders.

They were however under a delusion, for not knowing the might of the Rus, whom they expected to behave like Greeks or Armenians.
When they met them in battle not more than an hour elapsed before the Rus made a fierce slaughter which routed the army of Bardha'ah; the volunteers and the rest of the troops turned their backs with the exception of the Dailemites, who stood their ground and were killed to a man, except such of them as were mounted.
The Rus then pursued the fugitives to the town, whence everyone, soldier or civilian, who had a mount to carry him, fled, leaving the town to be entered and siezed by the Rus.

I was informed by Abu'l Abbas Ibn Nudar and a number of careful enquirers how the Rus when they hurried into the town made a proclamation to the citizens;

There is no dispute between us on the matter of religion; we only desire the sovereignty; it is our duty to treat you well and yours to be loyal to us.

The armies however came against them from all sides, only to be routed again by the Rus, who made sorties.
When the Moslems charged the Rus, the people of Bardha'ah cried out Allah Akbar, and flung stones at the Rus.
The latter had charge the people of Bardha'ah to restrain themselves, and not interfere between them and the Sultan; but thought this advice was accepted by the respectable classes, the common people and the rabble would not restrain themselves, but gave vent to their feelings by attacking the Rus when the followers of the Sultan charged them.

Failed evacuation of civilians and subsequent sack of the city

After some time they issued a proclamation that none of the inhabitants were to remain in the city after three days from the day of the proclamation.
All who had mounts to carry them, their women and their children left the place.
These however, were the small minority; when the fourth day came, the majority were still there, so the Rus put them to the sword, slaughtering countless numbers.
After the massacre they bound over 10 000 men and lads with their women, their wives and their daughters; they proceeded to place the women and children in a fortress within the city called locally Shahristan, where they had taken up their quarters, lodged their troops and entrenched themselves.
They then gathered the men into the Public Mosque, set guards at the doors and bade the men ransom themselves.
Thus the Rus possessed themselves a vast amount of property. They retained for themselves the women and boys, on whom they gratified their lust, and whom they enslaved

When the terrible nature of the calamity was realized, and the Moslems in the different countries heard about it, they called for a general expedition.
Marzuban b. Mohammed mustered the troops and called for a general enlistment.
Volunteers joined him from all directions.

He marched at the head of 30 000 men, but in spite of the numbers that he had gathered, he was unable to make head against the Rus, or to produce any effect upon them.

Morning and evening he used to attack them, and regularly retired defeated.

The war continued to be waged in this style for many days, and the moslems were always vanquished.

Epidemic of dysentery spreads among the Rus because of excessive consumption of local fruits

It so happened that when the Rus had got into Bardha'ah, they indulged excessively in the fruit of which there are numerous sorts there. This produced an epidemic among them, as theirs is an exceedingly cold country, where no fruit tree grows, and the little fruit which they have is imported from distant regions.
When their numbers begand thereby to be reduced, Marzuban, seeking for a stratagem, bethought him of laying an ambush for them at night.

Marzuban attempts to conquer the Rus again

He therefore arranged with his army that they should make a hurried attack; when the Rus charged, he with his followers should let themselves be routed, thereby encouraging them to hope they would be able to annihilate the Moslem army; when the Rus got beyond the place where the ambush lay, Marzuban with his followers should return to the charge and shout to the ambush a cry on which they had agreed; when the Rus hadthus got between the two forces, the Moslem would have them in their power.
The morning after this scheme had been arranged, Marzuban with his followers advanced, and the Rus came out to meet them.
Their commander was mounted on an ass, and his followers came out and ranged themselves in order of battle.
The usual procedure occurred.

Marzuban with the Moslems took to flight and were pursued by the Rus till they had got beyond the place of the ambush. Only the Moslems continued to flee.
Marzuband afterwards narrated how, when he saw his followers act thus, and his earnest entreaties to them to renew the fight were unavailing, owning to the terror of the Rus which had seized their hearts, he recognized that if this went on, the Rus on their return would not fail to notice the ambush, which would in consequence be destroyed.
So he said, I turned round myself with my personal attendants, my brother, my staff and my retainers, having made up my mind to die a martyrs death.

Thereupon most of the Dailemites were shamed into doing the like; we charged, cried out to the ambush, which issued forth behind the Rus, fought them in brave style and killed 700 of them, including their commander.
The remainer made their way into the fortress and the town, where they had established their quarters and whither they had moved a quantity of food and stores, and where they housed their captives and their treasures.

(Marzupan continues his protracted campaign, but is then attacked by another Muslim ruler, the Hamdanid amir of Mosul, Nasir al-Daula, who launches a campaign of conquest, likely an act of opportunism because of the Rus invasion, which forces Marzupan to react and move westwards and successfully fend off the invasion)
The followers of Marzuban continued to attack and besiege the Rus till the latter grew weary.
The epidemic became severe in addition.
When one of them died they buried with him his weapons, clothes and equipment, also his wife or some other of the womenfolk, and his slave, if he happened to be attached to it; this being their practice.
After their power had come to an end, the Moslems disturbed their graves and brought out a number of their swords, which are in great demand to this day for their sharpness and excellence.
When their numbers were reduced, they left by night the fortresses in which they had established their quarters, carrying on their backs all they could of their trasure, gems and fine raiment, and burning the rest.

They dragged with all women, boys and girls as they wanted, and made for the Kur, where the ships in which they had issued from their home were in readiness with their crews, and 300 Rus whom they had been supporting with portions of their booty.
They embarked and departed, and God saved the Moslems from them.
From persons who witnessed these Rus, I heard stories of wonder of their prowess and contempt of the Muslim forces gathereed against them. Thus there was a story current in the region which I heard from many persons, how five Rus were assembled in a garden in Bardha'ah, one of them beardless lad of fair appearence, the son of one of their chieftains, with some captive women.
When the Moslems learned of their presence, they surrounded the garden and a large number of Dailemite and others came together to fight these five Rus.

They tried hard to get a single prisoner out of the number but it was not possible, for none of them would capitulate, and they could not be killed before they had slain many times their number of the Moslems.
The beardless lad was the last survivor. When he percieved that he was going to be captured, he mounted a tree that was near him, and kept slashing away his vital parts with his sword till he fell dead.

The End
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100% of all city faggots who LARP as having affinity for the Vikings that I've ever met are sub-human, domesticated, mask wearing, bootlicking, low IQ, historically illiterate gamer consumers who spent their whole lives watching Marvel's Thor, playing Skyrim and watching Vikings TV shows.
They are the bottom of the barrel of human consciousness and their real religion is consumerism and jewish entertainment of modernity.
Their entire self-identity, ideology and brand isn't moulded by any divine virtues within themselves because they're modernite consumers; their self-identity was moulded by growing up in a civilisation of media consumption and jewish tv shows. They're all weak people who wore masks and got vaccinated, and would've been sold into an Arab sex slave trade by the actual North Germanic tribal Norsemen

It's why there was a huge uptick in this fucking shit after The Northman (2022).
If you 1) live in a city/suburb
2) got the vaccine
3) ever wore a mask
4) watch tv, play video games, watch movies, masturbate to porn, watch anime
There is nothing divine within you; you are a post-modernite sub-human city NPC just with a new brand to fill the void of your gaping self-identity crisis and NPC brained with a script update. You'll never be a real man, you're a womanly consumer with an effeminate brain
(And your own ancestors -- whoever they are, because you're certainly not all I1-L22 Nordic -- all spit on you)

ALSO the only reason Vikings are "in vogue" is because of 1800s romanticist nationalists in Britain. tea sipping Anglos found them "thrilling" and opened up a bunch of archaeology and gentlemen's clubs.
The Anglo/English speaking world is very narcissistic and self-centred, and absorbed the British Isle Viking's history into their own. It's why nobody cares as much about say Magyars because that was in Hungary and not England. You live as a slave to English men's thoughts and Anglo-centrism, because you're an NPC
God damn
By the time of 943. Rus were no longer "norse vikings", but a mix of Slavs and Scandinavians. So don't take credit for the military prowess.
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Obviously, it depends. Just how the Scandinavian Kingdoms were meant by resources alone they couldn't defeat any large state like the Carolingian Kingdoms due to the massive disparity in manpower and resources. In England, most of the Anglo Saxon Kingdoms were defeated by the Great Heathen Army but after Wessex's first resistance and the dissolution of the larger segments of the Viking forces, the Kings of Wessex held a complete advantage over the settling population. Alfred in the later part of his reign was on the offensive and Edward the Elder for his entire life which effectively destroyed all military resistance outside of York, which was much reduced thanks to Edward.

For the Carolingians, even when they were at their weakest, the Vikings were a sideshow to the real military issues of rebelious Counts and other Kings. The last great hurray was with the Danish invasions of England in the reign of Aethelred but even then with Cnut it actually ended in a stalemate with Edmund, until he died of illness after they settled to rule the Kingdom together.
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>Somalis arent invading anything they are cattle
I think the greatest irony in the world is a vaccinated idiot who wore a mask for 2+ years like a lobotomised gimp for a virus that didn't even exist, along with 99% of your entire race, calling anyone else "cattle" or "livestock"
Still mad af
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>defeats your viking vvarriors
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After watching The Northman I decided to read the Icelandic sagas
After reading the Icelandic sagas I decided to study Old Norse
Now I'm reading (very slowly) Hrafnkels saga in the original language
>The Anglo/English speaking world is very narcissistic and self-centred

What an incredible hate you have. Any other groups shows active signs of supremacy and you think it's just natural expression, Anglos open up a very partial cursory glance at their Germanic history and you fly off the handle.
Converts to Christianity. Conquers England. Still rules England today. Yea…
One of the few viking movies where there was an actual Scandinavian as the lead actor.
They were okay, they defeated the Anglo-Saxons, but Anglos were never good at war, had four centuries to conquer the island and never advanced into Wales or Scotland, in the same time the Franks defeated the Goths, Alemanni, Thuringians, Lombards, and Saxons. When push came to shove against competent enemies however they got their shit pushed in.
This movie took a cringe turn once the pillaging scenes of Rasia ended.
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Godddamn lol
This is the truth. The game changer the Vikings brought was they could sail to places they chose. Essentially, they could avoid larger forces and attack isolated areas more easily than others who would also use raider tactics.
I'm spamming now, but this scene in particular is my favourite.
All this text to cry about how I just decapitated you with a sword and fucked your wife
>ALSO the only reason Vikings are "in vogue" is because of 1800s romanticist nationalists in Britain.
Not just because of them. There were similar kinds of people in all the Scandinavian countries and Germany too.

>The Anglo/English speaking world is very narcissistic and self-centred
lmao what a load of bullshit.
Anglo writers have been fascinated with peoples and cultures from all over the world for centuries. There's countless books written by Anglos on the histories of countries and historical peoples from all over the world.

>and absorbed the British Isle Viking's history into their own.
Why wouldn't they? It's part of their countries and their peoples' history.
>Anglos were never good at war, had four centuries to conquer the island and never advanced into Wales or Scotland
Fucking idiot.
Large parts of the lowlands of Scotland were controlled by Anglo-Saxons, including Edinburgh for centuries.
They left monuments like this too:
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>the last kingdom
>the northman
All the vikings are leather biker punk rebels while the Anglo-Saxon Christians are depicted as a bunch of incompetent doofuses. I gather they realize no one would watch it if they started making random vikings black for "diversity", so instead they have to push this weird psyop to get funding. Just as the modern world upended christian civilization, so do the vikings, who we are obviously meant to glorify and identify with.
Norfman actually went to great lengths for historical accuracy in costume. Then Eggers hammed it up with blue filter slop decisions and uninteresting reddit insights. Eggers is reddit incarnate in fact. And Anglo Saxons weren't depicted.
This was an independent movie, it really wasn't part of the Hollywood machine. It was very much against the grain of Hollywood to depict the things this film did. The pigments of the clothes look accurate to what a pre-industrial society using largely stone tools with simple agriculture and trade had available among their man-hunting band of fucking savages.

Without this film I never, ever would have bought and read books about Mayans or other pre-colonial cultures desu. Instead I developed an interest and appreciation for them that bordered on obsession at times. This movie was a win all-around, an artistic masterpiece and only psueds disagree.
They were ok at raiding fishing villages and unarmed monasteries
You say that but there was no leather or anything like that out of place. Vikings wore linen fabric shirts and leather trousers, belts and boots. It was not a biker get up.

Norfman was also independent. If Hollywood would have made it, it would have been a heavily roided and extra blonde Alan Ritchson wearing a biker jacket and talking about his feelings with ironic one liners and why a billion pajeets needed to be imported for equality.
>The only things I praise the film on are the pyramids, the city and the clothing of all the people in that city
It makes perfect sense that in the major urban centers there was a surplus of pigments and infrastructure available. The people living in the countryside were not hunter-gatherers (not that there is any shame in that if they were either) but they were hunting. It doesn't imply that they were more primitive because of this it's just a very normal pattern of how trade tends to play out irl.

As an outsider I assure you it was not the rural hunters or their families that I saw as the savages in that film, in spite of their simpler attire and material conditions.
Entirely plausible in a pre-Christian culture that some schizo lady with her eyes poked out dresses a bit weird. Bit of an odd thing to see the about innit.

Seems like they had just spent the past night doing a drug induced ritual in the mud. Them being naked and dirty is actually quite realistic to how IE cultures sometimes fought.

What isn't realistic is that Eggers doesn't understand the Koryos on almost any level. It was a young man's thing, think like 15-18, as it was often done in three years cycles. No way would a bunch of 40 year old gym bros like Alexander or the guy behind him be out there doing shit like this, or anything like it imo. In the Norse tradition it was usually the younger generations branching out, and when they found a soft target, the older generations would swarm in and loot or set up more permanent bases or begin parlaying for gibs etc.
Depends on the context, and the Northman in question, of course - but in general:
>1 on 1 duel: Noticeably better than average
>Against random coastal peasants who'd been shocked out of their beds early by a surprise naval raid: Terror incarnate.
>Against actual armies of professional European soldiers: Kind of hilariously bad
That's like asking whether pirates were effective warriors, it varied from person to person, group to group. Mostly their marks were weak and decentralized so it was easy going regardless of skill at arms.
>The film litterally shows them as Amazonian style hunter gatherers dude
Schizo take. Didn't get that impression at all, most had nice linen and wool farmers typical of more complex farming cultures. Not really one for this sliding scale of development but a group like Sarmatians wouldn't have dressed as well as them, and would have used significantly more leather/animal skins and less garments.
>A Norse pagan priest was called a gothi and they looked just like druids
I don't know about such equivalencies or how they dressed. Like I said it just seems like an odd thing to be butthurt about, do you have a source that they didn't dress unique at all and that some dresses like druids? Peer reviewed and from Oxford and other academic sources only please.
>Bullshit they look like that the whole film
90% of the film is an adult raiding some minor Rus settlement then going to LARP as a peasant in a what would have been at the time a frontier village. This in a culture where your only guaranteed bath (time and resources and lack of war permitting) was each Saturday. I don't know how to tell you this anon but the chances of being a dirty ass nigga were good then.

You could gripe about Eggers' shitty pacing, the way he pointlessly dragged the film in the second and third act, or his lack of style when depicting violence, or anything really. But you let the most banal things rustle your jimmies and I don't get it.
>linen and wool garments*
Autocorrect is pretty intrusive lately I need to stop phone posting.
>Gay wrestling pants instead of actual viking age underpants?
>Gray filter
In trash it belongs
>Against actual armies of professional European soldiers: Kind of hilariously bad
Most written sources imply otherwise. Even in impressive victories over the Vikings like the Franks or Brian Borou, they do not treat the Norse lightly.
>they don't have agriculture
This was never even loosely implied.
>Why are you desperately defending a Hollywood movie?
You don't appear to understand what Hollywood means. This movie was not a part of the studio system, aka Hollywood.
> I don't get it, movies are about drama not accurately portraying history or reality
So it seems weird to get butthurt when some crazy witch woman is wearing a headdress, no?
>You realise you have to pay for those?they aren't free
I was mostly memeing because no one actually care about this detail. You're literally the first person I've seen to get upset over it.
>Actually being dirty like that in those days was literally asking to get a deadly infection and die
Seems fitting for a frontier thrall. Also they did get clean and go to a party at least once, that was comfy.
Neat comb btw
Please provide a peer reviewed source with double-blind studies and accurate reenactment garb that shows the Norse had male priests who dressed exactly like druids. Also that they had no women priests who wore a headdress or any trinkets made of bone or antler or any shit like that.
Objectively not true.
The Danes kill the English king and conquer England
Vikings defeat the King of Leinster and kill him
Vikings of Dublin defeat a coalition of Irish Kingdoms and kill The High king
Norse vikings kill The Earldorman of Wessex and Force The english King to pay 10000 roman pounds of silver to The vikings
Vikings conquer half of England with an army that despite the name, most likely did not number more than 1000
Combined Viking/Breton army break a Frankish encirclement and kill two frankish nobles
Anglos invade the danelaw and are driven back
Vikings defeat the army of King Louis III and kill 11 noblemen and 4 bishops(the vikings here were the tiny remnants of the great heathen army and most likely numbered only a couple hundred)
Vikings face a carolingian army and kill their leader
Vikings defeat the galician navy and sack
Santiago de Compostela
great heathen army defeat and kill the king of Northumbria and his successor
>it's a much better attempt then most historic movies
Agreed, that's all I'm implying really.
>Do you not watch history YouTubers?
Not many. STJ and Metatron occasionally, both said Norfman was exceptional in terms of striving for accuracy and hitting the mark often enough. Or finding a better balance than historical films of the past. Another film I liked is Il Primo Re. It depicted the times of Romulus and Remus and used their low budget well enough but no one ever said how they looked like primitive savages because Italians aren't typically butthurt about the material realities of hard times.
> the Anglo-Saxon Christians are depicted as a bunch of incompetent doofuses.
They were. How else did they get assraped by the vikings?
This is the new

>reddit post

You might as well be a bot

Good post
>Be fearsome Viking Faggots
>Get BTFO by any organized town guard
>Only raid easy targets
>Muh fearsome Vikings
sounds like what arabs and somalis are doing to euros atm
anglos are 20% Germanic and need to stop we wuzzing
How are you even quantifying 20%? It seems like such an out of the blue figure. English is a Germanic language, many of their ancestors came from Germanic migrations. People have always referred to them as Germanic, Jung and Hitler even called the Anglos Germanic.
Anglos genetically are majority celtic
That's unfortunate but it doesn't change what I said.
Warband Artwork, truly the pinnacle of online historical discussions.
Inheritors of the viking way
Why are there no youtube videos about this?
This is fucking superb stuff
They were led by Ruriks son, the core of the Rus was still scandinavian

>anything French is gaulish
When will this meme die? (Like the gauls did)

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