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sources forged centuries later, nothing before 100 AD

made up by church fathers and gnostics
What exactly do you know that the last 2000 years of Christians did not know? I suspect the answer is nothing and that you are just wrong.
I think Jesus was based off a real person because If he was completely made up, his history would be more interesting
triggered jewcucks
Who's more retarded?
OP, for making this same thread a thousand times with the same old bait?
Or the anons who still fall for the bait and reply?
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Paul started writing about 20 years after Jesus got wrecked. The first gospel was written about 40 years after the crucifixion. The New Testament was wrapped up by the 2nd century, although the canon wouldn't be settled until the mid-to-late 3rd.
Essentially Jesus was real, even though probably none of the New Testament writers actually met him irl.

That being said, there're a number of NT books which're outright forgeries, where the author was pretending to be an individual of authority in order to legitimize their personal views. The church did a pretty good job sifting out the vast majority of them, but it still fucked up and let a good amount of crap in:
>Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1+2 Timothy, Titus (authors were pretending to be Paul of Tarsus)
>James (pretending to be James "the brother of the lord," obviously)
>1+2 Peter (pretending to be the apostle Peter)
>Jude (pretending to be Jude, another brother of Jesus)

Essentially about 37% of the New Testament never should've made the cut. Obviously the church will never remove them, but anytime anyone quotes them to defend their theology their argument can immediately be thrown in the trash.
>4 gospels
Imagine if there were 4 different exodus stories from 4 different points of view who have contradictory information, who would believe them?
Likely none of the gospel writers ever met Jesus, so they were working with information others were giving them. Whoever wrote Matthew and Luke basically just took Mark's gospel and spiced it up with new stories and legends that were later added to the basic structure of Jesus' life. This isn't to say Mark's fully accurate, but it's the least inaccurate.

John diverges so wildly from the synoptics because whoever wrote it was literally just making shit up. The author wanted Jesus to fit a desired Christology, so he rebuilt the story of Jesus from the ground up.

That being said, it's virtually certain Jesus was real, since his existence was better documented than the vast majority of individuals from antiquity. If people were trying to fabricate some figure out of thin air, what purpose would it serve, and why would they do such a poor job getting the story of his life straight? Ironically, a fabricated figure would have far fewer inconsistencies than one who was real, but who had different stories being passed around orally (heh) by mostly illiterate followers after he died. They can get the basic structure of his life right (baptism, ministry, crucifixion,) but they're not gonna get line-by-line correct, especially when they're distant from each other and the communication between the new churches was slow.

It's unlikely Jesus was made up. It's highly likely he was an actual person, but one who was having a lot of made up shit being added to his life's story by people who never met him after he died.
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>If he was completely made up, his history would be more interesting
His story is exactly what you would expect from a fictional character:
• walking on water
• turning water into wine
• healing blindness with spit
And the stories about him have known sources of inspiration in fiction that existed and was in vogue at the time. If a story was written today that seemed eerily similar to Harry Potter, there would be justified accusations of plagiarism or that it was a rip-off. So when we discover that so much of the Jesus story comes from Homer, the historicity narrative starts to fall apart.
>jesus had hands
>odysseus had hands
wtf this is the same character
>jesus was caught by the authorities in a park after midnight with a naked, underage boy
>odysseus was not caught by the authorities in a park after midnight with a naked, underage boy
sounds like odysseus is the better role model
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Pilate said he was guilty of no crime but to appease the bloodthirsty jews he was killed. To this day jews still seethe about it whenever mentioned.
>The first gospel was written about 40 years after the crucifixion


No such records.
Also false, no record of Jews coming together to persecute Jesus.

Entirely made up.
>never existed btw
>says who?
atheits are becoming dumber and dumber
Carrier I preferred your newer work desu
Proof of Jesus' existence from a non-forged source?
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Christians and bald-faced lying, name a more iconic duo
It's not about 'what you know' it's about how we process information, and measure evidence, and form conclusion. Christians historically and traditionally do not use standards of evidence on the basis of sound reasoning, but on the basis of religious faith and circular reasoning. It's why religious systems of "evidence" aren't used in our legal system for example, because they're shit and the standards of evidence we use are superior in every way. There are no first hand eyewitness accounts of Jesus, of any miracles, let alone archeological evidence etc. yet christians take the word of people making claims about time periods they weren't alive to witness as "historical fact". How are you supposed to reason with somebody with such low standards of processing information? Superstition and mythology do not a good worldview make
for 2000 years the most successful religion on earth's followers have believed that he was real, but apparently you think you know better because, well just because you do. okay
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>more whinging sophistry
Your blasphemy is futile. The church fathers are the prophets, who speak the word of God. Do not doubt them!
>twitter reddit
okay faggot, as if your jewishness wasn't obvious already
>>more whinging sophistry
That's your whole argument huh lol. Also that's facebook retard
>that's facebook
even worse, you should go back
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The fact you have no rebuttal besides pissing your pants is hilarious lmao. Imagine being mogged by a guy named Dick carrier
if you do not see the gift of salvation from the blood of God for the greatest gift conceivable then you only demonstrate your own foolishness for the world to see and God to judge accordingly
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If you can't rely on the Gospels or Paul for evidence of his historicity, you've got nothing.
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Jesus never existed, his story is a plagiarism of another guy with the same name who lived during the same period and did the same miracles

Nobody existed in the ancient days. Humans literally only sprung up out of nowhere 100 years ago.
isn't it agreed upon the early epistles of paul are legitimate and from around 60 ad? of course paul never met jesus but he claims to have met peter and the others in jerusalem. any chance peter was real based on this?
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Like 50% of historical figures are made up and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
You believe some random Jew in a desert is as well documented as Alexander or Caesar?
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Another low quality fedora-tipping spam thread.

There really needs to be a general to contain these scoffers and their spam. They make this board hard to use for anyone who wants to actually discuss history or humanities. Some fedora quip like this really doesn't deserve its own thread.
Actually history is in contradiction to genesis
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>my god himself says in my holy book: salvation is from the Jews
>some random guy 1500 years later said Jews are bad

Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.
But he did exist though, Jesus is one of the most existent people of all time, mythologically and mediaistically — he’s the God of White Guilt, the God of Racial Suicide. Atheists are fucking boring. Pathologically boring, and weak.
I find it hard to believe that Pontius TKD Pilate, the man routinely had Jews executed as part of his job as Roman governor would feel bad about having any particular Jews executed.

>b..but Jesus was innocent

Cope, he literally was being revered as the King of the Jews, wtf do you expect Romans to do.
"sources forged centuries later"
"nothing before 100 AD"
guess there were no Christians in Rome in Nero's time either huh
christians existing dont prove christ did
I see that sort of thing as apologia to make the religion more palatable to Romans.
>n-no, the jews killed jesus, pilate washed his hands of it! the romans are innocent despite the fact they were the ones who executed him.
>isn't it agreed upon the early epistles of paul are legitimate and from around 60 ad

No. There are no manuscripts from the 1st century. The publication of Paul's letters begin in the latter half of the 2nd century.

Those are just scholars lying with "estimates" even though there is zero evidence.
Uh, actually. The 4 extra-biblical sources - multiple of them are forgeries - and the ones that aren't forged e.g. Pliny, refer to Christians and a Christ but does not refer to Jesus Christ the man, the human being, his actions etc.

So no, the extra-biblical sources prove NOTHING.
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Jesus was Black
Israelites = Blacks
we came from KEMET which is what the EXODUS is
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It's a plagiarism of a lot of things
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Templar Bitch lol
Israel is in Africa
Jesus was BLACK
>Cope, he literally was being revered as the King of the Jews
Lmao what? It was the jews who were demanding his execution, Pilate didn't want to execute him but washed his hands of it to keep the peace while jews were screaming for blood.
lmao you post carrier.
you are more dishonest and worse then a jew troon
ok kike you mask is off now.
>revered as the King of the Jews
horrible dishonesty you could be uber kike like neo-pagancuck
that pic does not exist.
why are pagancucks worse then kikes?
atheist and cuckoldry
this is the reason pagancucks were genocided by the way.
you cuck ancestors were licking christian feet and creeching like pigs.
why do you deny science moshe?
Jesus did not exist, but Paul wrote certainly before 60 AD, because he was unaware that the Second Temple had fallen. Which would have been literally impossible if he had written after, that's how important the Second Temple was to Judaism and Christianity.
>Essentially Jesus was real
Minimal Mythicism is just more probable than Minimal Historicity, just given the information we have (Epistles and the Gospels).
The Trial of Jesus is a parable, to portray Jesus as the new Yom Kippur and one of the two sacraficial goats (Jesus' real function). "Barabbas" just means "Son of the Father". The Romans had no such laws that would have allow Pilate to do what he did in the narrative, and the Jews specifically had legal processes for trials, and the narrative clearly violated them. The Trial is a narrative device used to put forward a message. It's a parable.
Jesus is not documented at all. The earliest writings we have on him explicitly put him as a visionary being and never appearing on Earth, having no family, never being born, and never being seen by anyone. Mark, the first Gospel, even literally says that all the stories about Jesus are parables. Not history.
I'm not the same as the other guy you replied to.
Post some evidence. And no, I'm not Jewish.
the malding esl christnigger has arrived
you are the one who has to prove scholars wrong moshe
that was perfect english (brown language btw)
you didn't answer my question troon worshipping pagancuck.
why could not your cuck ancestors fight despite acting like niggers?
Low IQ nigger.

Post evidence of Jesus Christ prior the 100 AD that isn't a forged document or Christian interpolation.
prove that every document is forged moshe
nice plebbit spacing btw.
people leaked your discord troon
The earliest existing copy of De Bello Gallico is from the 16th century.
You type like a nigger
and you are a nigger
Out of curiosity what's the historicity of Paul?
Mothafucka here be talking bout PAYGANS
WE don't PAY attention to demz
Bitch you got owned and shown the truth you Satan worshipping white demon
We BLACKZ don't care bout who other whites you been genociding under the false pretense of a white, fake JESUS
imagine larping as a nigger.
your ancestors would cry to the degenerate state of their spawn.
By the same logic Alexander the Great wouldn't have existed
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Honkey ass nigga be LARPIN as MIDDLE EASTERN MERCHANT JEW but saying it's I who's larpin
NIGGA your brain's all messed up from that lack of MELANIN

NIGGA I ain't never seen a PAYGAN kiss my BLACK feet that trampled the sands of KEMET

But its da POPE who realized its US BLACK FOLX who da REAL JEWS are
you didn't answer my question though.
is larping as a nigger new bbc tier cuckold fetish of yours?
why do you wish to be a nigger?
besides the fact that your ancestros larped as jews and you have been cuck broken by this realization.
Debatable but much more likely. There's a theory he and Josephus were the same person, based on similar writing styles, biography etc
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HONKEY be already talking bout that BLACK COCK cause he subcunshously already submitted to the TRUTH of KEMET like WHITE ASS POPE
but you still didn't refute you lust for black people and larping as one. good cuck you are.
I'm a different guy. Both the Jews and Romans involved in the execution share some measure of guilt.
the anons
so you complain about early sources of christ, but your source is a twitter screencap?
If Jesus was real I wonder how they wrote down all of the shit he said and did. Did they take notes? Who was even present during Jesus interacting with Pilate, Herod Antipas, Nicodemus, the devil, agony in the garden (everyone was asleep) etc.
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>muh SOURCE???
It's relevant to the discussion, retard lmao. Your "source" is literally a bunch of eisegetic torah stories written by shyster jews a century after the fact. This somehow proves a magic flying rabbi really existed. You know magic isn't real right, anon?
not really. Even if romans had some guilt it is nothing to pharisee's sin.
>>muh SOURCE???
so you don't have any sources there atheistcuck kike?
>for 2000 years the most successful religion on earth's followers have believed that he was real,
This isn't actual evidence retard
Christianity also isn't more successful than Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc
>Christianity also isn't more successful than Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc
it is you dishonest troon atheistcuck
>doing the exact thing that was just mocked
The burden of proof is on you, turkroach. You cannot prove a negative. Again, your "sources" are just hearsay. You know what that word means right? Who am I kidding, you're just a liar
>muh turkroach
you seem to love sucking turkish dick faggot.
it's you who said everything was forged. you could not prove that it was.
now go find your turkish love and suck his dick atheistcuck.
It literally isn't, cope.
Also reminder you can not be racist and a Christian at the same time
it literally is tranny.
explain how it is not cockmuncher.
>Also reminder you can not be racist and a Christian at the same time
there is nothing against racism in christianity
>explain how it is not cockmuncher.
They have as many followers and are ad influential over history and human social organization
>there is nothing against racism in christianity
Yes, there is. Jesus directly says you can't be racist or sexist
>They have as many followers
no they don't lying troon.
>are ad influential over history
no they are not.
considering modern west dominates there is no comparision. what did buddhism influence that currently even come close you cuck?
> Jesus directly says you can't be racist or sexist
post passages lying troon
>no they don't lying troon.
Yes, they do
>no they are not
Yes, they are. The west was only repevant during pagan Rome, and only became relevant again when they gave up Christianity and became enlightened atheists
Islam, Hinduism, tengriism,Buddhism, even shintoism and the various native American religions have had just as much an influence over humans and human history as Christianity.
>post passages lying troon
Galatians 3:28 is clear cut. Read your own text retard
>Yes, they do
post prove troon.
>The west was only repevant during pagan Rome
no they were not.
> they gave up Christianity and became enlightened atheists
john locke father of liberalism was not atheist.
if anything i can't think of single relevant atheist enlightment thinker.
during industrial revolution empires were christian.
> even shintoism and the various native American religions have had just as much an influence over humans and human history as Christianity.
ok you are either trolling or just subhumna even worse then plebbit troon which is it?
>Galatians 3:28
explain how is that against racism or sexism when it states that all people will be judged equally.
>post prove troon.
I already did
>no they were not
Wtf do you mean no they were not. Rome was one of the most important empires in history and was pagan
>john locke father of liberalism was not atheist.
>if anything i can't think of single relevant atheist enlightment thinker.
Because you're either a retard are lying.
Darwin was an atheist and one of the most important thinkers in history as evolution has proved the actual origins of humanity
>ok you are either trolling or just subhumna even worse then plebbit troon which is it?
I'm none of them. I'm pointing out the objective fact that these religions have had as much influence over human societies as Christianity has.
>explain how is that against racism or sexism when it states that all people will be judged equally.
That's exactly why. All people are to be judged equally regardless of race or sex. Racism and sexism are not allowed in Christianity. However you're literally a creationist Christian who is stupid enough to be a white supremacist, so its obvious that you're not intelligent and can't understand direct statements
>I already did
you didn't. post a source.
>Rome was one of the most important empires in history and was pagan
it was only important to southern europe. it was not relevant after it.
>Darwin was an atheist
he was an agnostic. he also was part of church. he also thought that barbarian civilizations should be christianized and he wanted to be buried in a chirch. keep coping troon.
>I'm pointing out the objective fact that these religions have had as much influence over human societies as Christianity has.
you failed to prove that assertion. considering liberalism rules now no other religion has influced it as much as christianity.
>All people are to be judged equally regardless of race or sex.
and how is that in oppostition to the assertion that niggers are more inclined to crime and violence then others?
why are all atheists such niggerlovers like you?
We have his family's tomb, moron.
that's just proof Philip ii existed, Alex was never buried there remember?. Better proof is the coinage and the city of Alexandria.
>But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.
Was Tacitus and other pagan writers in on it? Were they secretly Christian? Even though Christianity postulates that worshipping pagan gods on public is in of itself a sin, so "secret Christians" wouldn't even be considered Christians by their brethren? Were some of Tacitus's writings fabricated by Christians?
>nothing before 100 AD
In the secular academia it's a consensus that there are 1st century sources for Jesus and his followers:

1. The genuine letters of Paul of Tarsus
2. Gospels of Mark and Matthew
3. Possibly the gospels of Luke and John (some think they're early 2nd century)
4. Jewish Antiquities by Josephus, published c. 94 AD (at least one mention, possibly two)
5. Possibly the other New Testament letters like 1 Peter, James, etc. although some of them might be early 2nd century
Barabbas was the one he wanted to execute because he was the actual rebel who fought and probably killed some Romans. Jesus was just a harmless mystic. Jews had other ideas though.
>people venerating Christ less than 30 years after crucifixion
Sure it doesn't.
No, I'm talking about references in Tacitus and what Christians at the time were actually saying.
They believed Christ existed at that early period.
Chris chan is a million times more recorded than jesus roflmao

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