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Why does everyone always reference the 1950s whenever it comes to anything nice or good in America. Why is the 1950s held in higher regard than other decades in the 20th century? Even in fashion.

All I hear about in America is how great everything was in the 1950s, how people were nicer, how everything was cheap, how people had better hygiene back then, crime was lower, or how there was not as much stress or traffic back then?
boomer nostalgia
The 20's was better
it’s mainly the 80s that get glorified as this retrofuture neon utopia with cool music and things, even though crime was at an all-time high
FDR was a bernie bro.
it was the last time America resembled a functional society.
it isnt healthy or positive to have children late, get married late, and experience 1200% inflation in less than 100 years.

But dats socialism!
The 1950's were a bounce back decade. the 30's were the great depression, and the 40's were a world war.
America had no real competitors in 1950. It was the manufacturing center of the world, and everyone owed it money from the war. Peoplewho grew up through the depression and the war were eager to return to "normal" Of course they had never really experienced normal, so they put together their imagined version of it. The G.I. bill and the booming economy made this easy.
But if you were to go back there, you might be disappointed. Standards of living increased so much over the past seventy years, and what passed for middle class then would probably be considered working class now.
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America has never been great. Homos and troons were simply forced to hide. Everyone wanted to be HIV+ and to have 4 drug crisis at the same time.
No, dumbass, Miles Davis was middle class back in the black and white days and his father was a dentist they lived in a big house with a horse ranch.

Liberals are so fucking dumb.
Every other country was bombed to shit and poor because of war, or otherwise irrelevant. America was ruling the ashes.

Also, cheap oil
Because you didn't live in it. Easy to idolize a time period you didn't live through.
>it was the last time America resembled a functional society.
>it isnt healthy or positive to have children late, get married late, and experience 1200% inflation in less than 100 years.

All Muslim societies look like that though and they are called backward hellholes?
Rightoids think all society revolves around a woman's pussy and if they are shitting out 6 kids before they are old enough to drink alcohol legally is a success.
Why do Democrats think the sole relevant issue a woman's entire existence revolves around is the ability to obtain an abortion?
What the fuck are you talking about? "Democrat"? Go back to facebook you stupid fucking boomer.

Also your strawman = all women are whores anyways who cares?
why dont you go live to afghanistan and see how you like your trad society?
The traditional society of Afganistan was destroyed by the communist revolution. Then the USSR came and ruined everything even more.
It was quite comfy under the monarchy, poor but comfy. Plus they make some of the best fruits in the world.
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>America in the 1950s resembled islamic afghanistan
in awe at these intellectual heavyweights
>Ever increasing standards of living year-over-year
>Cheaper groceries
>Millions of new well-built homes you can buy and own for cheap
>GI Bill and army job placements essentially guarantee you a job in post-war economy
>Men paid well enough that women can be stay at home moms if they want, making well-raised children and ensuring a baby boom
>Sense of community was still there, people actually talked to one another and it was easy to make friends
>Probably the most important: Ethnic homogeneity. Low racism because you just never saw other races in your neighborhood
>High church attendance. nobody had no idea what an LGBTQIEASPORTS was
>high quality food, no fatties ever

yeah wonder why people nostalgize over it... no clue
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>high quality food
Just how sure of that are you?
Its because everyone had a standard of living guaranteed by the public after the disaster of the 1930s. All subsequent political activity was about taking the funds for those living standards and funneling them toward the wealthy and powerful.
>they had jello therefore the food was bad
whatever they were eating it wasnt making them obese
>Why Was The 1950s Such A Great Time for America?
desegregation occurred in the mid to late 1950s and it was all downhill from there
Mid-century food was ass, the American diet was really damaged by the Depression and wartime rationing and would take decades to recover.
perhaps not but there was a major epidemic of heart disease during that era. two presidents (Eisenhower and LBJ) succumbed to heart disease. this was probably related to the contemporary diet.
It wasnt the food, it was the weight of an industrializing society and all the collective pollution putting a great burden on human functioning.

the great crime is that Americans paid for this industrialization and the fruits of such industrialization have been taken from them.
I guarantee you if 90% of people on this site lived in the 50s they would all turn into beatniks because this place is fueled by contrarianism.
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It's funny because it's true.

Men's behevior is in large part dictated why the need to obtain a pussy.
Scandinavian societies make inheritance laws that leave every boy after the first dirt poor? Now they have to start the Viking age.

Women will only fuck marriage material because they want the dad of their kids to be a provider?
In the coal mine we goes.
its fairly self-explanatory isnt it?
the 50s is the post-war boom, where america truly developed into a leading world nation. they came out of ww2 unscathed with a seeming unstoppable growth. the future seemed optimistic if even for a short time.
i feel like most attempts to criticize and “well ackshually” the 50s tend to fall flat, its always shit like. well they LOOKED happy but actually daddy was mean and mommy was on drugs, and houses werent as modern or something like that. a very flaccid jab from people desperate to vindicate some form of angsty struggle in a era of prosperity
>well they LOOKED happy but actually daddy was mean and mommy was on drugs
it was true. i mean, boomers all became extreme narcissists who turned into drugged up sex fiends and serial killers. something obviously went really wrong with their upbringings.
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Reading comments from people who grew up in the 50s, there is a lot of nostalgia for it. But a lot of the conformity and social cohesion also seemed to come as a result of boredom and lack of options. People were actually a lot less affluent than they are now. There was no internet. If you had a T.V., there was only one channel. People had radios. This would probably be a huge deal:

>At least in the small towns in the middle of the country, the food wasn’t really all that great. Unless you lived on the farm (and a much higher percentage of the population still did) or were one of the few town families that still raised a garden, then you got to eat very little fresh produce. Bananas (close to being over-ripe by the time they got to us) and apples were available year round; any other fresh fruit was only available in a relatively short season, and quite a few things that you routinely see in the produce sections supermarkets today we would never see back then. A similar situation applied to vegetables. There wasn’t even much available that was frozen. For most of us, fruits and vegetables came out of a can. On the other hand, most of us who grew up in the 1950’s can remember the milkman making deliveries of fresh milk to the home.
I have a cookbook from 1973 and it still talks about a lot of fruits and vegetables only being available seasonally.
I'm a 40 year old boomer and I remember fresh milk getting delivered to my home
FDR was a freemason, owned by thieving central bankers.
Really? I mostly see Marxists bitching about the fifties because whites were clearly happier back then and that angers them.
But realistically, the fifties' prosperity came from destroying Europe in the world war and backstabbing the British Empire to ensure US world hegemony. Ironically the decade that most represents "white supremacy" in the minds of Marxists was created by destroying the actual institutions of European world domination that had existed for 400 years prior. As a result it was a very short lived prosperity and what we got out of it was far worse than what we had before.
>Standards of living increased so much over the past seventy years

>be boomer
>work at a macdonalds for one summer
>buy a fucking house and have 5 kids with a tradwife

>be zoomer
>rent is 90% of your paycheck working a comparable job
>all the white women are lesbian
>can't get hard anyway because your dick is full of microplastics anyway
>Low racism because you just never saw other races in your neighborhood

uhh what? and all the racially motivated lynchings and the whole Brown v Board debacle (the southern reaction, not the decision itself) are a collective fiction...?
>racially motivated lynchings
Most people lynched were guilty of murder and rape. Sometimes both
I love it when /pol/tards do a complete 180 on #believeallwomen whenever lynchings are ever brought up
>buy a fucking house and have 5 kids with a tradwife
Housing speculation has gotten really out of control. One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of houses in the 50s were smaller and much more basic on average than today, but adjusted for inflation were cheaper per square foot. But was it really all that bad?
the South has always been a shithole precisely because they had "diversity"
i don't even know what to say to this because it's just not true
no they were just spoiled by the wealth, jealous of their more mature parents who had a harder life and bored
>There was no internet. If you had a T.V., there was only one channel.
If internet and television disappeared, would it really be that bad?
Only developed country who wasn't bombed to stone age in ww2

massive development of technology and industry, thanks to ww2

everybody and their grandmom owning money to USA after ww2

basically ww2
food really is better than its ever been. Even 20 years ago food was much worse tasting.
The accusations of rape were all false. I watched a documentary where a black panther explained it and said that it was all based on insecurity over the black penis size stereotype thing. He said that’s the reason lynching victims often had their penis cut off and stuffed in their mouth. It was a way of emasculating the black man who was in reality an innocent victim or stitched up for the crime like Emmet Till
Who wants to live in a country where two races are dead-set on beating down the other and you're forced to take a side - no matter who's in the right - to get along with your own life? It just fucking SUCKS, but that's the reality in a "diverse", tribalistic society.
I sure it had nothing to do with the fact that everyone was an alcoholic, everyone smoked and chemical pollution was everywhere
>Miraculously all the black rapists and murderers that were hanged were innocent

US had world's highest living standards even during colonial era.
I miss having a local butcher's. I used to get the fattest $5 t-bones from there on a saturday. Put some salt and pepper on it an mmmmh mmhhhhmhhmmmmmm.
no, i'm not saying some roasties didn't fuck nogs consensually. they both should have been strung up from a tree, really.
>>high quality food, no fatties ever
I'm pretty sure that McDonald's and several other fast food chains were around in the 1950s, though to your credit their food probably wasn't nearly as shit.
No it isn’t. The 50s were just an objectively better time to live regarding social and economic life.
Boomers became the way they are because their lives were easy not because they were hard.
Material prosperity doesn’t make you a better person.
It’s good that they socialized more.
There weren’t many racially motivated lynchings. Maybe there weren’t any. Lynching was a form of vigilante justice and justice itself disproportionately affects blacks therefore justice is racist.
I love how you also do a complete turnaround and become an anti suffragette when it’s blacks vs women.
do you have any evidence those lynched were lynched for the crime of being blacks?
it wasn't
you're just believing old advertisements and thinking it was the same for everyone in that period
>The 50s we're better because... because they just were ok Tranny
>No excuse me as I post 50 advertisements and Twitter screenshots to prove my point
even during the Great Depression the US had 60% of the world's industrial capability and things like cameras, record players, radios, and cars were everywhere while in many countries they were scarce luxuries only the rich could afford.
>it was all advertisements
What advertisements were showing a -2% inflation rate?
As opposed to our contemporary 1200% inflation rate since 1950.
everyone else was recovering from the war.
while america came in on that last few years to clean up and take all the glory.
the closest america ever got was the nips sending over ballons with bombs attached to them along the pacific coast.
That’s harry truman
>0.00000000002% of the population were serial killers rather than the current 0.00000000001%
>OMG boomers were like crazy psycho rapists, what happened?
This board is full of fucking morons.
>high quality food, no fatties ever
Fast food and processed stuff like jello was growing in popularity, and people relied more on canned or preserved produce. I know it's a meme, but food was less international too. French and Italian cuisine was exotic, and you'd have a hard time finding good Chinese food outside maybe San Francisco.
it was also the era when stuff like mutton largely disappeared from the American diet
Did it just fall out of fashion?
Mutton stew was widely served in Army mess kitchens in WWII and GIs hated it so when they came home from the war they didn't want to eat it.
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My question is, why were Americans so PEACEFUL during the 1950's, compared to other decades? The murder rate reached its modern low during that time, and we have never gotten back to that level, despite advances like forensics and surveillance.
>laugh my ass off now whenever I hear someone cry about how bad things were under jummy carter
The 50s had relatively low crime rates, at least of reported crime. There was probably a lot of stuff that didn't get reported especially family and domestic abuse.
Why? If you think that the 50's was the peak, then you would want to study the preceding 50-100 years that made the 50s possible. Of that period, I admit to not knowing a lot
Lots of white people and niggers were kept in check. The decline followed the snivel rights movement and mass immigration.
That is an interesting chart. More info would be nice, like what occurred at the peaks that brought about the declines, and what occurred at the troughs to cause the increases. Was it some large destabilizing event? Changes to the criminal code/methods? Some fads or fashions?
>muh advertisements
I can't imagine how you can look at the explosion of obesity, debt, inflation, falling education standards, homelessness, job scarcity, divorce rates, political polarization, and suicide rates, and think "Yeah this is real progress, thank God we don't live in the times before all this"

Nobody is saying the past was perfect. We're saying your policies since the 60's have failed and it's time to hit the reset button.
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>it isnt healthy or positive to have children when you’re more emotionally mature and financially established
It depends. Waiting until your mid-to-late thirties can put your children at risk for a lot of birth defects, and even endanger the mother
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>explosion of obesity
More processed foods which gained popularity in the ‘50s
>education standards, homelessness
These were both worse in the ‘50s than they are today
>suicide rates
They were about the same as they are today, see picrel
>divorce rates
Divorce is better than staying in a miserable marriage for both children and adults
>debt, inflation, job scarcity
Yeah that’s all worse now
>Waiting until your mid-to-late thirties can put your children at risk for a lot of birth defects
Slightly, but you don’t really see a significant increase in those things until late 30’s-early 40’s. It also depends on your genetics. Biologically speaking, the ideal time to have a child is between 16 and 20 but we’re not monkeys anymore so we can put more weight into social factors like financial security (can I support a child?) and emotional security (am I ready to care for a child?).
Not him, but I've seen a similar pattern in other Western countries: a rise in the 60s or 70s, relatively high rates in the 80s and early 90s, then a fall. It could be related to any number of things, including age, environmental lead exposure, and family size.

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