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>Read history
>Realize the Federalists were the bad guys and Hamilton really was a crypto-monarchist who opposed white nationalism and democracy

Why are chuds trying to redeem him? His """America""" literally would have just been a tiny Atlantic parliamentary monarchy that served as a puppet to Britain, disenfranchised poor whites and imported millions of pajeets and nogs at Britains request. Meanwhile the DemReps and Jefferson wanted to create a herrenvolk democratic republic that enfranchised all white males, push west to gain access to literal metric fucktons of natural resources and the world's greatest and most convenient river and watershed system, and open it up to create a wealthy, enfranchised, imdependent and politically free democratic white middle class with a level of personal liberty and wealth literally unheard of in that era. The only reason America is a superpower is because of Democrats.
Why is it so easy to tell which wacky /his/ character posted this?
>who opposed white nationalism
Not a realistic take when he respected and agreed with John Jay more than any other founder, even acting as his lawyer. John Jay was an ultra white nationalist and our most based founding father, by far. He and Hamilton wrote basically the only American political philosophy worth reading until Burnham/Samuel Francis articulated the concept of the Managerial Revolution.

Also while Hamilton wanted peace with the father of civilization, he was more vocal about grievances with the king among that camp in an era where that took actual physical courage. Hamilton was a warrior and an essential presence in what is foundationally great about the USA, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. I especially won't to appease a bunch of fucking lolberts.
>chuds trying to redeem him
i thought chuds hate hamilton bc he was black?
Nah the chudsphere has embraced him recently mostly due to Spic Fuentes
le democrats are le same as they wuz 300 yearz agoh
The Democratic Republicans who were anti-central government and centralization have nothing to do with the “accept BLMGBT++ or we’ll McDronestrike you” democrats of today

If Jefferson listened to one Dementia Joe speech, he’d lead his own Jan 6 coup (which was based and justified)
My God youre a retard. Re-read OP and try to comment again, this time with something relevant to say.
Don't know. It's well known he had an irrational infatuation with jews (maybe he had a crush on his jewish schoolmistress?). He literally argued for jewish bankers to control our money supply.

Not that I'm a pol tard either who irrationally hates the jews, but why would Hamilton say jews in particular were under God's Providence in the modern day as a Catholic?

His crypto-monarchy takes are really the only ones I agree with.
Hamilton was anti-immigrant
Damn I didn't know Hamilton was so based
>and imported millions of pajeets
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Was the national bank based or not? I hear a lot chuds say it was and nothing like the jewish federal reserve
Hamilton and the Federalists were behind the Alien Act, which sought to keep out non-White immigrants.
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>"At the time, most immigrants supported Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans, the political rivals of the Federalists." - historians on the Naturalization Act
>Jefferson wrote the Kentucky papers in defense of "muh states right to breed more niggers"
>sired at least 6 mulatto kids with a white-passing Sally, literally enslaving his own white children
>was strongly against the manufacturing of the North that allowed white men to become skilled laborers and gain higher wages
>instead he literally trained niggers like James Hemmings to steal white jobs
>meanwhile Hamilton wanted to follow the British model that made it into a global empire, take all of France and Spain's land claims by force, and stimulate America's young manufacturing industry with protective tarrifs, allowing enterprising white men to create an American middle class
The choice is clear, Hamiltonrbros
Imagine how much more glorious American history could have been if the Federalists won the first party system instead of the D-Rs
Hamilton's biggest mistake was back-stabbing Adams, the only one who could tard-rangle j*fferson into submission. We could have had 1800 if Hamilton had just shut the fuck up for 2 seconds and secured NY by exposing Burr for the political hack everyone knew he was
>Why are chuds trying to redeem him
if you didn't notice the last big cocksucking wave was by progressives which also would have been his supporters back then
It's actually pathetic how the alt-right is mostly made up of brown youths who desperately lick the white man's boots in the hopes of receiving an honorary Arierpass for their service
>sired at least 6 mulatto kids with a white-passing Sally, literally enslaving his own white children
>instead he literally trained niggers like James Hemmings to steal white jobs
You just said his Hemmings children were white though
>>meanwhile Hamilton wanted to follow the British model that made it into a global empire, take all of France and Spain's land claims by force, and stimulate America's young manufacturing industry with protective tarrifs, allowing enterprising white men to create an American middle class
I agree that Hamilton's policies were better but I just like Jefferson more from political attitudes.
Thomas's America would've probably died in the mid 1800s. Too many rebellions would have made the government in capable of doing basic functions while collapsing rule of law. Meanwhile the nation would have still been a bunch of broken farmers waiting to get eaten up by the first real and undistracted threat that comes their way....nevermind the eventual civil war that was was largely unavoidable.
>You just said his Hemmings children were white though
James was Sally's brother you retard, not Jefferson's kid
>I just like Jefferson more from political attitudes.
Not surprising for a retard like you
OP is too far gone

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