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Why's it so hard for you Christian folks here to understand this?
I go to church as a Black man and have no problem with any whites there. In fact I married a white woman with the blessings of our priest.
Can you tone down the racism? This ain't pol. It's his. Let's discuss the LOVE of his MESSAGE

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
We even have trans folk there. Porblem? No.
If you've got a problem with any of this, then get ouf of MY CHURCH. In fact get out of all churches of the LORD and study the Bible because you folks need Jesus reeeeeal hard. Real hard, brother.
is that real?
the face says it all
Isaac Anderson said his mom didnt want anyone racemixing lol
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>for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
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>based racist jew hate christian pastor
>o-ok he might have married a white woman to a black man, but on this 50x50 pixel screencap he's looking to the side so he's clearly against it and I'm not just making this up so he's still a based racist jew hating aryan christian pastor
delusional, dishonest christgolem in action
Im quoting his son lol
not giving my opinion
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>the face says it all
yes it does. also his nose
Listen here, buddy. I created this thread for LOVE. Not for this dog whistle racist shit. Kindly take that satanic bullcrap elsewhere.
Christians are supposed to be divisive
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Holy fuck. What a niggerific thread full of abject retards, seething about a pixelated facebook post.
File deleted.
Adulteration is a sin, the sin of adultery, when you pollute and corrupt God's creation by bring abomination into the world by adulterating. Not the same thing as marital infidelity, no matter what your lying teachers have told you.
The Church doesn't agree with your Satanic personal views. Lay off the AI slop, walk into any church and ask whether it's a sin for a Black man to love a white woman... Record what the priest says and post it here... I'll wait, racist. And I'll pray for your soul to be cleansed of hatred.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
>hello fellow black men
he was later kicked out of the church permanently for heresy. as well as the other racemixer.
You must be over 18 to post here
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>The Church doesn't agree anymore due to succumbing to Satanic views*
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There is neither Jew nor Gentile (among the Galatians), neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

okay but where is the book for the negros?
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>There is neither Jew nor Gentile (among the Galatians), neither slave nor free (among the Galatians), nor is there male and female (among the Galatians), for you (the Galatians) are all one in Christ Jesus.

there is no book for the negros because until modern revisionism they were not considered people, and were not of the kind that the Christ's salvation applies to.
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It's probably Drag Queen Hour in your church now
And that's good. Contrary to basement dwelling twitter "christians" with anime profile pictures, Christianity was never a white supremacist religion.

Jesus came for Jews AND Gentiles. He didn't just come for this or that people. Regardless of whom Paul sent letters to... you realize that's what Galatians are, right?

Galatians 1:13
>For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
Don't tell me you accept Saul the Jew becoming a slave of Christ the Lord Savior, but not me, a Black man. That's hypocrisy and typical white supremacist projection. There are more African Christians then American or European. And that's a good thing. You two should learn some humility (The meek will inherit the Earth!) from the Pope.
Yes lol, it's been used to shit on Anderson for like 10 years now. Idk where he's even uploading these days but there was a video of the wedding on his old kjv1611 youtube channel, that's what it's from.
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>me, a Black man
Or sanderson1611, whatever it was
Explain the Ethiopian saints canonized more than a thousand years ago you parasite
>me, a black man
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They were white, because whites used to be common in north africa, and still are in some places. Revisionists much later changed their racial identities for political expedience.

Literally called "the Black"
Do you know what "Ethiopian" even meant in Greek?
Weren't the Ethiopians only canonized in the nigger church of the east and the nigger orthodox?

Pretty sure catholics/eo weren't canonizing known niggers
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>the Black
and? He wasn't called that because of his skin color. Like I said, originally white and later race swapped for political reasons. Sound familiar? the same shit happens today.
This was back when jews lived in Ethiopia simple as. Sub-Saharans must have flooded it later.
>your kike god gives leprosy to the woman questioning the interracial marraige
you niggers have lost your mind
she died from her skin turning too white and you are a 85 IQ subhuman
Yes, the woman that Mosses took for a wife was white, and from ethiopia, where at the time there were many. His sons were concerned that would be wrong because she was not of their immediate tribe of white jews but God assured them that the white woman was of the bloodline from the fall and that her marriage to Mosses was not a concern.
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jew this jew that
how are you subhumans involved in any of this then? all of them thought about you like rotting meat that needed to be purified before they could eat with you
He's a saint in both churches as well, you larper
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The question, "who are the lost sheep" has been argued over for a long time, but you can solve the riddle, if you want to. I suspect you will turn away from the truth in horror when you see the face of God revealed by the answer. For you see, the apostles had no trouble distinguishing the chosen no matter what land they entered into, because it is and always was trivially simple.
>The Greek name Aithiopia (Αἰθιοπία, from Αἰθίοψ, Aithíops, 'an Ethiopian') is a compound derived of two Greek words: αἴθω, aíthō, 'I burn' + ὤψ, ṓps, 'face'.
>the land of sunburns
I bet you thought that proved something.
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are you literally jewish?
The perfect fruit, the Christ, came from the most rotten branch of the tree which is of God, all parts of which are saved by Him alone.
Virtually all ancient sources regarding Aethopia say that they were dark skinned, including Homer and Herodotus
Moses the nigger is not a catholic saint moron, or should I said nigger
The tree is a gospel analogy for jews spawning Christianity
Yes, he literally is venerated in the Catholic church meanwhile you're not even Catholic let alone Christian.
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they can't speak Greek
they can't speak Latin
it's almost as if they're... not white
True I'm not
But he's also not venerated by catholics
Moses the nigger is in hell according to catholic dogma by virtue of him being a schismatic and a nigger
>or should I said
No comprende esse
yes I know that christianity is judaism for goyim
but on what basis are you excluding nigs LMAO
lots oc catholic people are also crossing the border, good times ahead
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HE's NAME be licherally NIGGAZ
you bitch ass white boi thinks he wasn't BLACK u fool?!

Jews are but a branch of the Tree, and Jews who reject salvation from the blood of God did so originally because they refuse to recognize the entire tree and instead fancied themselves alone the whole tree. So they butchered the Christ who died for the whole tree's salvation.
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this but unironically
I'm not one of the Christians you are just incoherently schizo posting

This thread isn't about why Christianity is Jewish (which it is) its about black people like moses the nigger
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you might be retarded
Paul disagrees with you in Romans but I wouldn't expect a christian to read the bible anyways
If you think he disagreed then that is because you misunderstood his words, or were taught incorrect interpretations of them as is often done in these black days.
I have no clue how you're going to spin this
there are churches all over the place
why are there churches in ph and nigeria? are those false churches? why are they fake christians?
Or you are just freestyling without remembering paul said jews are the whole tree, retard.

Have some humility christian
Are you seriously arguing Ethiopeans were white Aryanz and shiet?
Oriental orthodox are heretics. They also happen to be predominantly niggers.
If he did, then it was in the sense that all the chosen are Israel, synonym contextually with Jews. Israel being synonymous contextually with the aforementioned tree.
So your original analogy was wrong. Wow. Glad we agree I was right.
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>Infidel telling who's heretic or not
I'm accusing OO of not even being Christian but you think Nigerians being part of the church that has women preists and gay marriage will change my mind?
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British royal family wuz BLACK just like JESUS and the LIONS OF ISRAEL

MELANITE KINGDOM was taken over by false Jews of today
Everyone knew original JEWS were BLAX FOLX before the 4th century AD
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>Oriental orthodox are heretics
of course. well here's some occidental orthodoxes then
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what about the rest
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Christianity as a whole IS predominantly black
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Whatever Africans are capable of understanding is not the same thing European theologians are talking about
>faggots are getting married in literally all white states
>africans are not capable of theology
The original analogy was correct. Jews reckon themselves as the entire tree, but they are not. The Christ and his disciples perceived that the Jews were a branch of the tree, but that all the tree taken together is Israel. Jew in this context can mean either a part of the tree, a branch of the tree, or the entire tree only if you are considering all the lost sheep to also be Jews. It is a trick-some wordplay which gets danced with this particular point by modern day Jews and I find their pretense at ignorance regarding the subject irksome.
Yeah it's atheists. Atheists don't care about theology. U stupid nigger?
I'm not reading this post, I was right.
Your point is not original and your wording is so poor you contradict
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Check for mental retardation
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Lmao nigger
I accept your concession.
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If you can't make the correlation between liberals and the church of england you are retarded
You are obligated by the bible to be humble incase you forgot.

Dw I'm gonna pray for your downfall and the lord will listen to my prayer like it says in Sirach
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and where's the real church?
Assuming this is you >>16800546 then your only hope for God to hear your prayers is if you speak them to a vessel of the Holy Spirit, e.g. a white Christian.
Those are 2 different posters
I'm moses the nigger guy and be humble guy
There is no greater Christian love than letting your wife getting love from other men
>posts a list of protestant church's.
Can you please post the 4 major branches of Christianity with a 1 sentence description please? You don't know anything.
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Exception, not the rule, most Ethiopians always have been dark-skinned

Pic related is Zambian
So germanics are not white now cause they're protestant?
you're now left with iberians and italics?
The very fact that the word existed for them meant that they were a novelty
Yes nigger. I am a Roman supremacist
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uh huh abnd what's happening here
Nigger I'm not catholic. I meant the Roman race.
>Roman race.
Lol. No such thing as roman? You are definitely a pleb
Why would I call minority groups "Roman race" i am specifically referring to northern Italians
ok you want florence to become world's capital again? and how is this related to christianity?
It's not nigger. You are just berating me about gay anal sex with men's penis's so I'm wasting your time
You must be over 18 to post here
Alone again on a Friday night?
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you're poor
>friday night
the amerimutt reveals itself once again
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never heard about this one before but fits perfectly into the christian worldview
don't forget st christopher kynokephalos either
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While I don't disagree with you, I'm also not one to be charitable to the intentions of anons.
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Can you prove they weren't? No? Thought so!
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cucking and castration trad christian values, sweetie
There is genuinely something wrong with the brains of Christians who think that Christianity is racist or implies white supremacist. Genuine retards
Yes, Ethiopians have always been black and this is trivially proven
This is literally just completely made up and the bible itself directly contradicts it
Most of them are Jews who want goyim who hate them to adopt this cult of failure.
kekmao the absolute state of christcucks
I don't think so. Christianity is obviously a branch of Judaism, but I think it's more (paid?) shills (the "German" Turk and his Discord server) and South American teenagers from twitter with anime profile pictures who spam their schizoid fantasies here
The first Christian King of Ethiopia was white
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Jesus is known to have said that race mixed people and negros among them would better be of service in God's kingdom on earth if they cut off their balls. When an angel cucked Moses' dad, his great grandfather told him it was good because that seed line would repopulate the earth with God's people after the flood.
I like how the defeated jews from this thread posted about five more threads to try again
it's beaners
Joseph found out he was part black and Jew btw.
>YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And YHWH regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So YHWH said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of YHWH.
Genesis 6:5-8
Motherfuckers deserved it. What's the problem?
peak christC U C K thread
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I love when /pol/ thinks they've found someone that is one of them only to get disappointed time and time again
The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
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>The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
I'm on their website but I can't find that part. Care to point it out to me where exactly they state this?
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>The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
I'm trying to find the part where they state they hate racemixing and believe Blacks should have stayed slave, but all I am finding is that they love their enemies
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>The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
I'm searching real hard for that part, but all I am seeing is glorifying stories of Southern Baptist convention couples such as Noah and Tarrin Madden (and their mixed race baby)
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>The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
Here's Samuel Ravero, Southern Baptist convention chaplain. Write him an email, asking if he is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right. Be sure to share his answer with us anon, we can't wait!
Pope Pius said it is not bad if people protect their own culture and race with utmost caution. Like, you don't get Christianity and never will.
fuck u u pagayn atheist jew
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no no no no christsissies
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no noo no noooo aaaah help me Yeshua I made up some shit again without source
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>Pope Pius said it is not bad if people protect their own culture and race with utmost caution. Like, you don't get Christianity and never will.
The Christcuck lies brazenly once again
Although most Baptists in the 19th century south were yeomen farmers and common planters, the Baptists also began to attract major planters among their membership. The southern pastors interpreted the Bible as supporting slavery and encouraged paternalistic practices by slaveholders.

The Southern Baptist convention was against interracial marriage and integration. It was white supremacist.
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the schism was in part over the catholic church changing its stance on jews from condemnation to support, and also the schism was over the abuse of the papal authority to pollute the body of Christ through misuse of the communion ritual
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This is code for types of people and not specific races. Gentile here is essentially a hylic npc their fruit of salvation is not yet ready.The samaritans here represent those who are already good and have no need for saving. The lost sheep of Israel is anyone whose fruit of salvation is ripe and ready to be picked.
the problem/beauty of Christianity is how it simply isn't compatible with white nationalist ideology.
You either put religion first and can't have your based ethnostate, or forsake god and have instead something else as your number 1 priority, like the market/economy/jobs (current state), or some other autistic idea like the ethnic character of a society. Or any autistic nonsense that would hardly connect with the broader masses in a deeper level (a thing that only religions have been successful at in the long haul, yes, not even le based race did that) …
The problem goes even deeper than that, let alone theocracy and ethnostate simply not going along at all, you can't even have theocracy and your current constitution from the based founding fathers. If you want a real Christian theocratic state, sadly it doesn't involve having only white people or keeping the constitution even.
Any grifter that claim giving you both is nothing but that, a grifter.
(but a lot of it comes down to the decay of christianity, the word itself not meaning much anymore and is just being thrown around by grifters to evoke emotions or something)

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