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Why do liberals consider gentrification to be like the next worst thing after the Holocaust? Isn't it a good thing when neighborhoods get nicer?
>Isn't it a good thing when neighborhoods get nicer
not if it means you can't afford rent anymore
The general idea is that the less affluent people in a neighborhood may be 'priced out' of said neighborhood as rents and prices rise. Which is generally an issue, as this tends to both disassemble whatever social structures those poor shitters were relying on, while also pushing them out towards even worse neighborhoods. Bit of a one-two punch there, y'know?

You could make the argument that it's broadly beneficial for a city as a whole, but liberals (at least publicly claim to) care about the poor shits who tend to come out worse for wear as a result.
white flight
niggers need humans to feed them
Holy shit finally something I can discuss with anons

I actually did my masters thesis on gentrification related research.

>Isn't it a good thing when neighborhoods get nicer?

It depends. I only really know of the American contexts. Ive been to Third Ward, Houston, lots of areas in NY and Chicago.

I think its really good for certain types of businesses, property owners, and cities/municipalities.

Usually, but not always, less than ideal for minorities, low-income and poor people, and older and disabled folks who may also fall under the aforementioned populations.
>Isn't it a good thing
Yes, but libs hate beauty, order and cleanliness.
>isnt it a good thing when mainland chinks buy up all the real estate
you will never not be obsessed with niggers
gentrification is only mentioned in the nigger context
no other race stays poor in america over generations
>I actually did my masters thesis on gentrification related research.
if this is the most interesting post you could come up with i think you just wasted 2 years of your life
It's less than ideal for almost all renters. There are only very few in the slice that is willing and able to pay more for the neighborhood (but not their immediate living conditions) improving.
You, who are living there, are getting displaced, that's the definition of genocide when applied to a population scale.

>beneficial to the city
Who is the city? For all I know, all people ever want is to live in peace. All the stupid GDP race is nothing but an arms race between rich fucks to get richer. No place needs bullshit like this.

Also, once the place is gentrified the niggers roam the streets being fentanyl zombies.
leftist anarchists don't want blacks to move out of the ghetto and be normal people because they have such a massive investment in them as scapegoats that they literally pay to tear shit apart while democrats rig elections
Well, I can only answer to more detail if op had any specific questions -- or any other anons? I'm not an expert, though, but I have studied quite a bit.

I mostly focused on neighborhood effects, neighborhood level politics at the city council levels, consumption theory, and impact on low to moderate income renters (all ethnicities)

>It's less than ideal for almost all renters
Long term, I would agree with you. It think it also depends at what stage and to who. Some renters who are able to stay in rent control units are able to reap whatever benefits gentrification brings in the like added amenities, safer streets, better access to new resources, etc.

They also may lose out on community and kinship ties, cultural and language accessible businesses and such for certain ethnic groups, and a sort of distrust/disconnect?

Off the top of my head, "There Goes the Hood: Views of Gentrification From The Ground Up", Freeman highlights that resentment is a strong emotion, that other literature kinda backs up, contributes to a break down in collective efficacy which causes a sort of friction between new higher status and income residents and longer term, usually poorer, residents.

I remember a couple of neighborhood meetings I attended in northwest Chicago that got pretty rowdy between anti-gentrification activists and residents and newer affluent residents and developers when deciding on transit proposals. Really emotional stuff, actually.
Shifts the poverty around like a board game. Often ends upping the price so high most can't afford it abnd/or onky shitty franchise chains remain. Doesn't fix housing crisis and issues. There is a right way to revitalized a location an dawrong way to do it.
Why bring in some schizo race take?
gentrified neiborhoods are dead
are you drunk?
What does that mean?
I dont know if hes drunk but he definitely is right

and youre all thinking about gentrification as in rich fuckers buying up old places to rent/sell to 'affuent' pople, but there isnt that many of those left today, so what happens is whole swats of old areas become rent-a-slums
Which is worse, a neiborhood thats dead because its been sold to rich cunts that hardl even live there, or a place thats been turned into a barracks for imported brown people
Either way gentrification sucks ass
It means when rich people buy up neiborhoods the neiborhood essentialy dis, its either rented out flats or they turn it into villas there is no real urban life left, no families that lived there for generations no groups that know each other, its just apartmets and starbucks and half the year its fucking empty, like a ghost town in the middle of the citty
>noooo muh social structures
>I have to live around other races and cultures/not my own lil ethnic enclave

Lmao grow up fascist chuds, let diversity be your strength;)

I have less than zero sympathy when these democrat strongholds lose their own culture and have to deal with hordes of outsiders moving in.

Also based is Republican governors sending migrant caravans to these neighborhoods LMFAOOO
Good luck to you kiddo
You act like communities properly existed in cities anyway. Community is a dead concept in cities and everyone keeps to their own hovel now.

get multiculturalismed libtards AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA
Social change is a good thing, I applaud more urban diversity, not less :)
Some people call it super gentrification. The highest income earners and stakeholders make it almost impossible for middle to upper middle income earners rent in once gentrifying neighborhoods and essentially create an isolated island of affluence in urban sprawl.

It becomes almost like a affluent suburban gated community.

Parts of downtown SF comes to mind.
I actualy live in a citty and we have a comunity and we help each other and look out for each other and work together and people been doing that for generations cause othervise wed all be hungry and homeless
but thats all second world problwms i guess
thats just cause youre young and stupid and haven lived trough a war yet
But i wish i was like you again, keep that spirit up as long as you can
Ok and if immigrants of all races want to come there it is YOUR responsibility to accept them or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

You don’t get a little urban enclave where you get to reject outsiders sweetie. No, diversity is strength and we want to see more beautiful, diverse people moving into urban areas, not less.
You bring up a good point, though

A lot of the work local governments and even the feds are trying to do in the US is to diversify neighborhoods in urban cores, especially by income, and that inevitably leads to a diversity of cultures/ethnicity.

What ends up happening in practice, at least from what iv'e seen, is that it never holds long term.
They make little urban eclaves, cause they need a safe space to just sleep in before they go to theyr 2E per hour shitjob
My responsibility is to me and mine

But nice joke, i see what you did there
>but thats all second world problwms i guess
Bingo. That’s probably true in your eastern block country, but in America, community is dead. People will live in an apartment for years and never meet their next door neighbors. There are a lot of reasons for this, but all of them contributed to the breakdown of social trust and social cohesion.

They need to open up their communities to outsiders. No exceptions.
A friend is literaly living in my kitchen right now cause he has some shitty debts that cut into his monthly pay so that he cant aford the rent in the place he used to live in
That place, by the way, was like a hub for our whole group, now they meet up here mostly but im not complaining i get money out of that from what gets sold and i know i have my people if i need anything done, and even if it wasnt for that id let him in cause iv known him for 15 years and were like brothers
Whats funny to me is how in western countries the more you people loose, or rather, the more is systemically taken from you, the more you alienate from each other
But thats wrong
The more shit is taken from you, the more all you have is each other
Get that
Oh i completely agree, but anon i was replying to had enough typos for their post to border on incomprehensible.
I’m glad you have that community and those connections. I desperately wish I had just one or two friends that would do that for me. It’s hard to find here, in my experience.
Displacement is not genocide.

No, I don't give a fuck what the UN says. The suffix "-cide" refers specifically to killing. Evicting someone from their apartment or deporting an illegal alien or seizing property via eminent domain is not genocide. Stop abusing words to fit your agenda.
>keep that spirit up as long as you can
How about I keep your dick up as long as I can faggot.
feels kind of gay in here
That's not diversity though.
Build one
It takes some trust and people will fuck you over, those you just filter out, or kick the shit out of
Its a spontaneous thing for pople to congregate
Each group develops its own ways, customs, codes, same as families consolidate into units
Its natural
You guys should work on that, it strenghtens the population
There, theres your next political issue bullshit, go at it
This. Everyone knows that diversity is defined as "lack of white people". The less white people in an area, the more diverse it is
I'm sure that's just the way you like it ;)
Fucking queer.
Liberals are anti-white. They support things that harm whites and oppose things that benefit them.
There are millions of gooks and spics living poor on the West Coast.
> When
Democrat strongholds have been the most ethnically diverse areas in the nation for +100 years.
> no other race stays poor in america over generations
appalachian whites have always been piss poor
Okay but you can also argue that a whole bunch of new people moving in will ALWAYS disrupt social structures that have developed.

What I'm upset about it that they have made it acceptable to be upset about immigration but only in one particular instance as opposed to acknowledging that an influx of people is always bad for the people who previously lived in a location.
crab mentality.

>if i can't benefit from the revitalized look of the neighborhood and the better job opportunities it brings for it, nobody can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is why I want to punish the democrat voter base by destroying their cultural institutions
Its an interesting argument

Gentrification scholars and policy makers focused on social outcomes are generally critical of it because it could impact lower-income and poor people and exacerbate, or displace poverty unless there are interventions or remedies in place.

Immigration feeds into neighborhood change, but rarely ever in the American context does it feed into gentrification directly. Though, there is some research that argues that Latino and Southeast Asian immigrants who move into historically disinvested Black neighborhoods in urban cores make the areas more viable to some early "pioneer" gentrifiers later down the line.

Also minorities can help gentrify their own neighborhoods but it depends on their income, status, and education. An interesting case study is Inglewood and surrounding areas.
The fuck are you on about, retard? This is an economic problem, not a political one. Gentrification means the area becoming too expensive for most people who grew up there, historical buildings getting torn down for the construction of commercial monstrosities, more douchebags on bikes clogging up the streets, more self-absorbed faggots wearing earbuds and not interacting with the world around them, more drug and sex trafficking, and so on.
What schizo race take? The establishment wants to keep blacks in ghettos, once blacks leave the ghettos they have no use for them, unless they get a government job of course (which is most of them). Fixing up the ghetto is bad because it may force blacks to get a non government job which is something their handlers do not want because if they do that maybe they'll stop being such pieces of shit.

Fixing up the ghetto is bad for the establishment because it means they get less money to spend on blacks, which in turn keeps them complacent when, for example, they steal their identity and vote for them. On the other hand keeping the black in the ghetto validates the communist worldview that blacks are oppressed even though it's the government keeping them weak with welfare and lies. Blacks are weak willed and need guidance, once they moved to the north and major southern cities and secularized the government had them in their grasps.

MLK was excommunicated from the baptist church because he was a communist asset, so he created his own church to try and keep that lie going
>You, who are living there, are getting displaced, that's the definition of genocide when applied to a population scale.
According to the US Holocaust Museum, that does not fit the definition of genocide. It's more so an ethnic cleansing, and even then, it's only an ethnic cleansing if the gentrified community used to be a monoethnic enclave, so "forced displacement" would be the strongest term you can use. Don't lie about genocide because it cheapens the word.
gentrification is the just the bourgeoisiefication of the middle class
it's good at face value but it's kind of plastic as it's 100% leftists

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